Robert Reich: The Democratic Party Needs To Clean House

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  • #58308
    — X —

    I sure would have loved to have seen a Trump vs Bernie election. That woulda been somethin ta see. An actual, real, choice.

    Bernie would have forced some introspection. He would have made people take a hard look at his policies. He would have touched the working class of the right. But he was too far removed from some of the issues that were important to Conservatives. Personally, I would have worked really hard to understand his positions, try to decipher the practicality of them, and the practicality of how he would finance them. He might have even had a minute chance to flip my vote. To that end, all the people who are out there protesting, burning shit, and screaming and yelling about democracy, should be pissed at the DNC. Not the people who voted for Trump or even Trump himself. Their anger is misdirected, IMO. Their party was sneaky, underhanded, condescending, and offered nothing substantive to the electorate. What did they expect would happen? Change, or no change? That was their choice. With Bernie it would have been [this] change vs [that] change.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss


    I sure would have loved to have seen a Trump vs Bernie election. That woulda been somethin ta see. An actual, real, choice.

    Bernie would have forced some introspection. He would have made people take a hard look at his policies. He would have touched the working class of the right. But he was too far removed from some of the issues that were important to Conservatives. Personally, I would have worked really hard to understand his positions, try to decipher the practicality of them, and the practicality of how he would finance them. He might have even had a minute chance to flip my vote. To that end, all the people who are out there protesting, burning shit, and screaming and yelling about democracy, should be pissed at the DNC. Not the people who voted for Trump or even Trump himself. Their anger is misdirected, IMO. Their party was sneaky, underhanded, condescending, and offered nothing substantive to the electorate. What did they expect would happen? Change, or no change? That was their choice. With Bernie it would have been [this] change vs [that] change.

    I bet if you interviewed 100 protesters, you would hear a bunch of different motivations. Some may be pissed at Trump supporters, but I’m sure a lot are pissed at the DNC. A lot of Sanders supporters are pissed at the DNC, that’s for sure, and at a DNC meeting this weekend, there were some harsh words and at least one person did a “mic drop” on Donna Brazile, and walked out.


    .. He might have even had a minute chance to flip my vote. To that end, all the people who are out there protesting, burning shit, and screaming and yelling about democracy, should be pissed at the DNC. Not the people who voted for Trump or even Trump himself. Their anger is misdirected, IMO.

    Well everyone on this board
    loathes the DNC. On that we ALLLL agree.

    As for Trump, the leftists do indeed loathe him too.
    You should know the reasons by now, surely



    Personally, I would have worked really hard to understand his positions, try to decipher the practicality of them, and the practicality of how he would finance them. He might have even had a minute chance to flip my vote. To that end, all the people who are out there

    just curious, did you really work this hard to understand Trump’s positions?

    What are they? Other than increasing import duty on Mexican and Chinese goods? having the Mexican’s pay for a wall and putting HRC in jail?

    Do you honestly believe that these are practical and will better the country?

    Because we all know none of these will happen….

    — X —

    just curious, did you really work this hard to understand Trump’s positions?

    What are they? Other than increasing import duty on Mexican and Chinese goods? having the Mexican’s pay for a wall and putting HRC in jail?

    Do you honestly believe that these are practical and will better the country?

    Because we all know none of these will happen….

    Of course I did. But I think you’re under the false impression that just because I voted Conservative that I’m 100% on board with anything a conservative President would do. I don’t walk in lock-step with anybody. But as far as your question is concerned (e.g., what are they?), I can answer that again if you didn’t catch it the first time.

    I’m against NAFTA
    I want to limit U.S. hegemony by not being the world’s police anymore
    I’m for term limits on Congress
    I want ethics reform to limit lobbyism
    I want to eliminate health care monopolies like we have now
    I’d like to destroy Islamic terrorists once and for all
    I want decisions like legalized marijuana and abortion to revert back to the States
    I’m against common core
    I’m strongly in favor of immigration reform
    I’d like to see him audit the Fed

    And I saw through his rhetoric about hiring a special prosecutor to prosecute Clinton after the election. I said to my wife at the time, “Nobody’s that much of a dick. You don’t beat somebody in something as important as a Presidential Election and THEN make it your mission to further fuck them up by going after them personally.” Though, that might happen through the natural course of investigation. He just won’t appoint anyone with that particular directive in mind.

    And again, I only had one other alternative. I could have voted for Johnson or Stein, or wrote in Bernie or Rand Paul, or even myself. But my vote was either going to put Hillary in office, or keep her out. So I used it to keep her out. Do I think he’ll deliver on all of his promises? I don’t have any idea. I do know that NO politicians deliver on all of their promises, so there’s that. But I do think he’ll be held accountable by his constituents if he fails to address them.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss


    He will be held accountable.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    Alan Grayson commissioned a full nationwide poll 2 days after the election. Cross tabs and everything.

    Bernie trounces Trump. So much so that Bernie would have won Texas. Let that sink in. We haven’t seen that kind of beating since Reagan in ’84.

    The media went for the paycheck and literally wouldn’t let anyone else have the mic because Trump got ratings.

    Well, so did the White Ford Bronco. The media used to have a sense of perspective and responsibility regarding the narrative. The media gave Trump over $2B in free media…BEFORE THE PRIMARIES WERE COMPLETE.

    The political inertia from that was massive.

    Lastly, I’m familiar with all sorts of conservative, liberal and now progressive thought having been a conservative growing up and as a young adult. Seriously, bnw, the only thing that’s off-putting is treating this like it’s a team sport.

    Honestly, the partisanship is just bullshit. The parties are bullshit. If you think the campaign rhetoric wasn’t bullshit… well, it’s all been saved, we can revisit it in 6 months or a year. And for the equivocation crowd…because that’s another bullshit American thing because principle’s been dead in this country for decades now… Obama’s been getting slammed around here for 7 plus years. I was his biggest supporter when he initially got elected and it wasn’t long before I was calling him, I believe it was a “sellout fuck”.

    So, and it’s just me, but I’m totally cool with anyone speaking to their beliefs and principles. Differing views are cool.

    That taunting stuff is small minded horseshit and if you want to be treated seriously and your ideas treated seriously, just don’t do it. Basically, the whole partisan schtick is just…tired, small-minded and thoughtless. It’s on the intellectual level of cheerleading.

    If you wanna do that, fine. Just understand that the aspirations for the discourse of this site is MUCH, MUCH higher than that. Bring your best and treat everyone with respect (which of course, you are completely capable of doing) and we’re all golden. Diversity of ideas stimulate vigorous debate.

    But, honestly, that taunting or team-first pom-pom waving shit won’t just get old… it’ll be taken as being openly aggressive and hostile and treated accordingly. The reason for that, just to be clear, is that I can’t think of anyone here who is partisan. I mean, I can’t think of any partisan Dems… well, maybe Waterfield, but had Hillary won, I’m certain he wouldn’t have been doing an end zone dance.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.


    He will be held accountable.

    ahem… how.

    No really. What in Heaven’s name does that mean. Conservatives don’t march. They get in line.

    So…when infrastructure dies because as Mitch McConnell has already said, “it’s not very high on the agenda” and the wall doesn’t get built, cuz, well…it’s infrastructure…and mass deportations don’t happen because net immigration is zero and the number of criminals was so grossly overstated by Trump as well as deportations was already so high under Obama that it just wouldn’t be feasible short of massive spending…which again…Congress won’t allocate.

    So, no wall. no mass deportations. no infrastructure…so no jobs. No serious change to trade deals (those take Congress to change…and the corporations won’t let Congress change them)

    So…honestly, what does that LOOK LIKE. In real terms.

    Waiting two years and voting for people MORE conservative? Writing letters to the editor? Calling Congress?

    What does that look like in real terms? What does “holding Trump accountable” look like beyond the rhetoric?

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

    — X —

    Conservatives don’t march. They get in line.

    Marching doesn’t do shit either. Right now it’s a tantrum parade.

    He’ll be held accountable by going through the process. Writing our Representatives, Congressmen and Senators to get our displeasure on record before the following elections. Think representatives want to lose the votes of their constituents? Holding someone accountable doesn’t mean we, personally, can make him do what we want by force. Nobody can accomplish that. You can only do what’s lawfully within your capabilities to do, so we’ll do that. You’re probably right that we won’t get out there with our Fuck Trump signs and piss and moan about broken promises and threaten revolution. And considering you just called all conservatives mindless robots, I guess we won’t do anything other than bend over and take it up the ass. That’s the caricature, right? Just get in line and accept your fate.

    I wonder how many times I’ll get insulted on this board for not being a progressive or liberal, while reading about how that’s not the way it’s done around here.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss


    He will be held accountable.

    ahem… how.

    No really. What in Heaven’s name does that mean. Conservatives don’t march. They get in line.

    So…when infrastructure dies because as Mitch McConnell has already said, “it’s not very high on the agenda” and the wall doesn’t get built, cuz, well…it’s infrastructure…and mass deportations don’t happen because net immigration is zero and the number of criminals was so grossly overstated by Trump as well as deportations was already so high under Obama that it just wouldn’t be feasible short of massive spending…which again…Congress won’t allocate.

    So, no wall. no mass deportations. no infrastructure…so no jobs. No serious change to trade deals (those take Congress to change…and the corporations won’t let Congress change them)

    So…honestly, what does that LOOK LIKE. In real terms.

    Waiting two years and voting for people MORE conservative? Writing letters to the editor? Calling Congress?

    What does that look like in real terms? What does “holding Trump accountable” look like beyond the rhetoric?

    At the ballot box like civilized people.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    Conservatives don’t march. They get in line.

    Marching doesn’t do shit either. Right now it’s a tantrum parade.

    He’ll be held accountable by going through the process. Writing our Representatives, Congressmen and Senators to get our displeasure on record before the following elections. Think representatives want to lose the votes of their constituents? Holding someone accountable doesn’t mean we, personally, can make him do what we want by force. Nobody can accomplish that. You can only do what’s lawfully within your capabilities to do, so we’ll do that. You’re probably right that we won’t get out there with our Fuck Trump signs and piss and moan about broken promises and threaten revolution. And considering you just called all conservatives mindless robots, I guess we won’t do anything other than bend over and take it up the ass. That’s the caricature, right? Just get in line and accept your fate.

    I wonder how many times I’ll get insulted on this board for not being a progressive or liberal, while reading about how that’s not the way it’s done around here.

    Only if you differ from their orthodoxy.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    I’m against NAFTA

    All trade agreements have to be ratified through Congress and they have no appetite to change it because…they’re still bought by the corporate interests who benefit the most. There is ZERO chance he fundamentally changes any trade agreements.

    I want to limit U.S. hegemony by not being the world’s police anymore

    That’s an excellent sentiment. If only the people he was appointing weren’t the most hawkish of the hawks. James Woolsey is in consideration for heading the CIA? Really? Well, if you want to limit US Hegemony, then guys like Woolsey would be at the bottom of the list. The fact that he’s likely going to head the CIA shows that we’re going to be getting deep into things around the world. Again. Buckle up.

    I’m for term limits on Congress

    That would require legislation from Congress. Never. Happen. Moreover, if you term limit Congress, you put the functioning power of Congress further into the hands of lobbyists because it takes a fair bit of time to learn how the organization functions. People think legislation is easy. It is not, even without the fundraising.

    I want ethics reform to limit lobbyism

    Okay, I laughed at this. The last Republican who gave a single damn about ethics was Eisenhower. That’s a fact. Moreover, the fact that the “outsider” just appointed or will appoint mostly lobbyists to key positions is proof that the revolving door isn’t remotely about to close. I’d LOVE for that revolving door to be forever locked shut. Unfortunately, it was reinforced as a path to power.

    I want to eliminate health care monopolies like we have now

    This is really going to suck. Paul Ryan will finally have a President who will allow him to try and dismantle Medicare and move Medicare to private insurance vouchers. And the appointments at the FTC will only make the corporate merger environment more fertile. Same with the SEC and other agencies. So, rather than eliminating the monopolies, they will only be made stronger. There will be fewer companies offering less for more. Why? Because they can. Moreover, the collusion will go unpunished because anti-trust is rarely prosecuted in Republican administrations (check for the 20 years of Reagan, Bush and Bush). I despise these monopolies. However, they’re only going to get stronger under this current administration. All of the appointees firmly establish this path.

    I’d like to destroy Islamic terrorists once and for all

    That’s a nonsensical statement. That’s like saying you’d like to destroy racism once and for all. It’s an excellent sentiment, but not one that can happen in reality. Example: We slam people Arab countries who want to harm us, but when we kill 85 innocent people with a drone strike, we don’t even say a word. We don’t apologize…not even a my bad. The families of those innocent victims have legitimate grievance against the US. However, because there is no venue for legitimate grievance, we foment radicalization (note: this isn’t the only avenue for this). But keep this in mind: The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Such statements like yours above is such a statement. A good intention that leads logistically to no good. That’s not to say that we shouldn’t address the underlying causes of radicalization. We should.

    I want decisions like legalized marijuana and abortion to revert back to the States

    Well, I’ll save my full rant about why Federalism sucks ass for another day, but this is, but one of a million examples. States rights? really? All states rights really net in 2016 is the unequal application of the Constitution between the member states. Moreover, almost all of the most divisive issues have to do with religious based issues. Well, I’m a devout Christian and I DO NOT want to live in a Christian Theocracy or a Christian based government of any kind. So I take issues with States that continuously try to legislate religious doctrine which is mostly what States rights have devolved into. I mean, marijuana from a scientific perspective may be everything from a superfood to a bonanza to alleviate suffering and help heal brain and spinal injuries. Thanks to religious opposition, we can’t have that. States rights and all.

    I’m against common core

    Me, too. It will likely be removed or altered, but they won’t eliminate the endless, mindless testing. Why? Because that would mean trusting teachers to teach and holding both teachers and students accountable for actually learning. Well, many conservatives can’t separate teachers from the teacher’s union, so now all teachers suck. As well, far too many parents on every end of the spectrum refuse to hold students accountable. And honestly, a lot of students don’t see the point when the economy has been so systemically rigged against most of them remotely tasting anything beyond being a roommate or living with their parents forever.

    I’m strongly in favor of immigration reform

    Okay. Does that include H1-B Visa abuse? I’m asking. Also, demonizing immigrants is likely to cause a massive brain drain as something like 70% of the STEM PhD candidates are foreign, most deciding to stay in the US. I absolutely agree that we desperately need immigration reform. I mean the legal pathway is so archaic and fundamentally broken that it can take more than 20 years to navigate. It makes the old CA DMV seem like a Tokyo bullet train ride. So, while I agree that the SYSTEM needs a massive overhaul, I have massive doubts that anyone in this Administration will give one iota about reforming the system when they gain political capital demonizing immigrants who generally have very little and can misdirect the ills of a complex economy onto poor immigrants.

    I’d like to see him audit the Fed

    You and every single critic of the Fed on the right and left. Guess what? It’s NEVER, EVER, EVER going to happen.

    See, I can see why people voted for Trump. He was the ONLY remaining candidate who actually spoke the words that the economy was rigged and politicians were liars.

    M’okay. Problem is that nothing he said about actual governance has any chance of actually happening. As in…NO CHANCE. I don’t have to “give him a chance” because I’m not in Congress. However, if I listen to Ryan and McConnell and look at who it looks like Trump will appoint to key positions… HOLY SHIT. He didn’t drain the swamp…he flooded it.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.


    He will be held accountable.

    ahem… how.

    No really. What in Heaven’s name does that mean. Conservatives don’t march. They get in line.

    So…when infrastructure dies because as Mitch McConnell has already said, “it’s not very high on the agenda” and the wall doesn’t get built, cuz, well…it’s infrastructure…and mass deportations don’t happen because net immigration is zero and the number of criminals was so grossly overstated by Trump as well as deportations was already so high under Obama that it just wouldn’t be feasible short of massive spending…which again…Congress won’t allocate.

    So, no wall. no mass deportations. no infrastructure…so no jobs. No serious change to trade deals (those take Congress to change…and the corporations won’t let Congress change them)

    So…honestly, what does that LOOK LIKE. In real terms.

    Waiting two years and voting for people MORE conservative? Writing letters to the editor? Calling Congress?

    What does that look like in real terms? What does “holding Trump accountable” look like beyond the rhetoric?

    At the ballot box like civilized people.

    Pretty sure the exercise of the First Amendment to freely assemble is civilized. Especially since, in the age of media and lobbying, money votes every day…citizens vote once

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.


    He will be held accountable.

    ahem… how.

    No really. What in Heaven’s name does that mean. Conservatives don’t march. They get in line.

    So…when infrastructure dies because as Mitch McConnell has already said, “it’s not very high on the agenda” and the wall doesn’t get built, cuz, well…it’s infrastructure…and mass deportations don’t happen because net immigration is zero and the number of criminals was so grossly overstated by Trump as well as deportations was already so high under Obama that it just wouldn’t be feasible short of massive spending…which again…Congress won’t allocate.

    So, no wall. no mass deportations. no infrastructure…so no jobs. No serious change to trade deals (those take Congress to change…and the corporations won’t let Congress change them)

    So…honestly, what does that LOOK LIKE. In real terms.

    Waiting two years and voting for people MORE conservative? Writing letters to the editor? Calling Congress?

    What does that look like in real terms? What does “holding Trump accountable” look like beyond the rhetoric?

    At the ballot box like civilized people.

    Pretty sure the exercise of the First Amendment to freely assemble is civilized. Especially since, in the age of media and lobbying, money votes every day…citizens vote once

    Civilized? Really? Vandalism and assaults are civilized? Now a Cry In is civilized. It’s also pathetic.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

    — X —

    See, I can see why people voted for Trump. He was the ONLY remaining candidate who actually spoke the words that the economy was rigged and politicians were liars.

    M’okay. Problem is that nothing he said about actual governance has any chance of actually happening. As in…NO CHANCE. I don’t have to “give him a chance” because I’m not in Congress. However, if I listen to Ryan and McConnell and look at who it looks like Trump will appoint to key positions… HOLY SHIT. He didn’t drain the swamp…he flooded it.

    I was asked if I tried to understand Trump’s positions, and if I actually knew what they were. That was condescending enough, but I let it slide. I was also told that none of his policies will work at the same time I was asked to verify that I knew what his policies even were. You just used a shit-ton more words to tell me the same thing, and then “M’okay’d” me dismissively because, and I quote, “I can see why people voted for Trump. He was the ONLY remaining candidate who actually spoke the words that the economy was rigged and politicians were liars.”

    That’s not why I voted for him. I don’t vote for sound-bytes. But thanks for thinking me that shallow. If he doesn’t get all of those things done, then I will have learned my lesson. But at least I will have given it a shot. In the process, I don’t need to be slapped on the hands with a ruler before he even takes office by people who can read tea leaves, though. I can tell you that much.

    So with that, I think I’m done talking politics. There’s no balance of intellect or morality here. There’s everyone, and then the few who aren’t everyone. You guys win. Scales are tipped in favor of your superiority. And I don’t deserve to be hopeful about the future, because that’s just delusional apparently. Also, there’s no point in debating against opinions based on speculation. How do you even have those conversations? “Nobody’s done anything before, so nobody will do anything in the future.” Oh. Okay. Got it. Case closed.

    I’m just gonna genuflect real quick and then find my way out. Because at this point, I can honestly see the benefit of surrounding yourself with like-minded people. It’s also nice to have hope and people like to think that they’re making good choices or that their opinions matter. This is just a constant reminder that I’m apparently a moron (and any number of “ists”). So, yeah. No thanks. And you know what the worst part is? Any of you could have seized the opportunity to teach me about your ideologies and use persuasion and tact to make me, at minimum, a sympathizer. Instead, laughs and condescension because … my opinions.

    “Okay, I laughed at this”
    “That’s a nonsensical statement.”


    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss


    Conservatives don’t march. They get in line.

    Marching doesn’t do shit either. Right now it’s a tantrum parade.

    He’ll be held accountable by going through the process. Writing our Representatives, Congressmen and Senators to get our displeasure on record before the following elections. Think representatives want to lose the votes of their constituents? Holding someone accountable doesn’t mean we, personally, can make him do what we want by force. Nobody can accomplish that. You can only do what’s lawfully within your capabilities to do, so we’ll do that. You’re probably right that we won’t get out there with our Fuck Trump signs and piss and moan about broken promises and threaten revolution. And considering you just called all conservatives mindless robots, I guess we won’t do anything other than bend over and take it up the ass. That’s the caricature, right? Just get in line and accept your fate.

    I wonder how many times I’ll get insulted on this board for not being a progressive or liberal, while reading about how that’s not the way it’s done around here.

    You misunderstand me. I was using half of a pretty popular quote about Dems and Reps. The actual quote is “Dems fall in love. Reps fall in line”

    And we’ve seen that. Dems are acting heartbroken. That word is being used to death to describe Dems right now. Well…Reps fall in line. Typically, that’s the case. We saw it throughout the Bush years. With 7 years of solid data, even then most Reps wouldn’t criticize the federal spending, the bloated debt, the interventionism, the unfunded mandates, the federal overreach, the seizing of executive power, etc.

    A lot of that is partisan stuff. But the partisan stuff is stronger on the Rep side. Hillary lost because the Dems didn’t fall in love. If the Dems fell in line like Reps, she’d have won overwhelmingly because there’s just a lot more Dems than Reps. It’s a simple numbers game.

    So, I wasn’t trying to insult anyone. At all. Well, partisans, but I’ve already made that point, I think.

    As for marching, I don’t think it’s a tantrum parade. Was MLK’s People’s March on Washington a tantrum parade? Well, that’s what it was described at the time. That’s being kind. It was called much, much worse. Were there Dems there doing the partisan thing? Sure. And I have about as much patience for that as Reps chest bumping over a Trump victory. Of course, let me say that any march where there’s violence…that’s just bad.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.


    See, I can see why people voted for Trump. He was the ONLY remaining candidate who actually spoke the words that the economy was rigged and politicians were liars.

    M’okay. Problem is that nothing he said about actual governance has any chance of actually happening. As in…NO CHANCE. I don’t have to “give him a chance” because I’m not in Congress. However, if I listen to Ryan and McConnell and look at who it looks like Trump will appoint to key positions… HOLY SHIT. He didn’t drain the swamp…he flooded it.

    I was asked if I tried to understand Trump’s positions, and if I actually knew what they were. That was condescending enough, but I let it slide. I was also told that none of his policies will work at the same time I was asked to verify that I knew what his policies even were. You just used a shit-ton more words to tell me the same thing, and then “M’okay’d” me dismissively because, and I quote, “I can see why people voted for Trump. He was the ONLY remaining candidate who actually spoke the words that the economy was rigged and politicians were liars.”

    That’s not why I voted for him. I don’t vote for sound-bytes. But thanks for thinking me that shallow. If he doesn’t get all of those things done, then I will have learned my lesson. But at least I will have given it a shot. In the process, I don’t need to be slapped on the hands with a ruler before he even takes office by people who can read tea leaves, though. I can tell you that much.

    So with that, I think I’m done talking politics. There’s no balance of intellect or morality here. There’s everyone, and then the few who aren’t everyone. You guys win. Scales are tipped in favor of your superiority. And I don’t deserve to be hopeful about the future, because that’s just delusional apparently. Also, there’s no point in debating against opinions based on speculation. How do you even have those conversations? “Nobody’s done anything before, so nobody will do anything in the future.” Oh. Okay. Got it. Case closed.

    I’m just gonna genuflect real quick and then find my way out. Because at this point, I can honestly see the benefit of surrounding yourself with like-minded people. It’s also nice to have hope and people like to think that they’re making good choices or that their opinions matter. This is just a constant reminder that I’m apparently a moron (and any number of “ists”). So, yeah. No thanks. And you know what the worst part is? Any of you could have seized the opportunity to teach me about your ideologies and use persuasion and tact to make me, at minimum, a sympathizer. Instead, laughs and condescension because … my opinions.

    “Okay, I laughed at this”
    “That’s a nonsensical statement.”


    I think you misunderstand me.

    I probably had harsher critiques for Hillary.

    And I get super frustrated to the point of getting angry that it’s impossible to make a point without having to equivocate. It shouldn’t be necessary.

    I wasn’t condescending to you. I was challenging you on your points. I thought those were fair game.

    Also, text is a tricky thing. I dunno if it was in the phrasing or how you chose to read what I wrote or what, but I can tell you that my tone wasn’t intended to be in the manner in which you received it.

    Maybe that preamble was needed after all. As I said before, don’t confuse my stridency for authority.

    I can break it down in a few sentences.

    Trump promised stuff. It’s not a matter of “hoping” he fulfills his campaign promises. There are real structural and political impediments that make doing so either virtually or actually impossible. These are the “known knowns” as Rumsfeld would say. Part of the critique of Bernie’s programs for example, was logistically how he would implement them.

    Well? It’s no different for any candidate who once they’ve won the office has to transition to governance. Governance is a real thing, there are limits based on the Constitution. There are political considerations from both parties. There are processes which must be navigated.

    The LAST thing I want to do is drive someone away from the conversation. So if my stridency did that, I apologize. I can work on that. Maybe…hopefully….sometimes.

    Edit: as for “Okay, I laughed at this”….I did. The idea that either party would do fuck all with ethics reform…is laughable. I’m not laughing at you. I’m laughing at the idea that ANY major party would do anything about ethics reform. I, personally, would love ethics reform. Real and true reform. As for “That’s a nonsensical statement”, I could have phrased that better. I didn’t mean for it to be dismissive (if you’d heard me say it, it wouldn’t have sounded dismissive, but text doesn’t allow for much context), but more definitional. Your statement about defeating Islamic fundamentalism once and for all is sentimental, but isn’t something that can have a foundation in policy or be logistically implemented in any real way. Not unless we as a country take responsibility for our role in world events and the US refuses to do that. Like I said, we kill 85 totally innocent people with a drone and the government literally says…nothing. But in the absence of being able to talk in person, as I said, I can do better about communicating not just the message I want to convey and the facts I want to convey, but also the tone.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Mackeyser.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.


    Civilized? Really? Vandalism and assaults are civilized? Now a Cry In is civilized. It’s also pathetic.

    You haven’t complained about police assaults on unarmed black people.

    You haven’t complained about Trump supporters assaulting protesters.

    You haven’t complained about racist graffiti (vandalism) that has emerged all over this country. You minimize it. You point the finger somewhere else.

    Then you complain about the anti-Trump side protesting.

    This is why your credibility is low. You are not, in principle, against assault. If your side does it, it simply isn’t assault. Or it’s the fault of the victim. Or whatever.


    Civilized? Really? Vandalism and assaults are civilized? Now a Cry In is civilized. It’s also pathetic.

    You haven’t complained about police assaults on unarmed black people.

    You haven’t complained about Trump supporters assaulting protesters.

    You haven’t complained about racist graffiti (vandalism) that has emerged all over this country. You minimize it. You point the finger somewhere else.

    Then you complain about the anti-Trump side protesting.

    This is why your credibility is low. You are not, in principle, against assault. If your side does it, it simply isn’t assault. Or it’s the fault of the victim. Or whatever.

    Killory’s people were coordinating fomenting violence at Trump rallies. As for credibility it is yours that is low. A grown man claiming Trump will be the end to the biosphere! Get a grip on reality.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    See, I can see why people voted for Trump. He was the ONLY remaining candidate who actually spoke the words that the economy was rigged and politicians were liars.

    M’okay. Problem is that nothing he said about actual governance has any chance of actually happening. As in…NO CHANCE. I don’t have to “give him a chance” because I’m not in Congress. However, if I listen to Ryan and McConnell and look at who it looks like Trump will appoint to key positions… HOLY SHIT. He didn’t drain the swamp…he flooded it.

    I was asked if I tried to understand Trump’s positions, and if I actually knew what they were. That was condescending enough, but I let it slide. I was also told that none of his policies will work at the same time I was asked to verify that I knew what his policies even were. You just used a shit-ton more words to tell me the same thing, and then “M’okay’d” me dismissively because, and I quote, “I can see why people voted for Trump. He was the ONLY remaining candidate who actually spoke the words that the economy was rigged and politicians were liars.”

    That’s not why I voted for him. I don’t vote for sound-bytes. But thanks for thinking me that shallow. If he doesn’t get all of those things done, then I will have learned my lesson. But at least I will have given it a shot. In the process, I don’t need to be slapped on the hands with a ruler before he even takes office by people who can read tea leaves, though. I can tell you that much.

    So with that, I think I’m done talking politics. There’s no balance of intellect or morality here. There’s everyone, and then the few who aren’t everyone. You guys win. Scales are tipped in favor of your superiority. And I don’t deserve to be hopeful about the future, because that’s just delusional apparently. Also, there’s no point in debating against opinions based on speculation. How do you even have those conversations? “Nobody’s done anything before, so nobody will do anything in the future.” Oh. Okay. Got it. Case closed.

    I’m just gonna genuflect real quick and then find my way out. Because at this point, I can honestly see the benefit of surrounding yourself with like-minded people. It’s also nice to have hope and people like to think that they’re making good choices or that their opinions matter. This is just a constant reminder that I’m apparently a moron (and any number of “ists”). So, yeah. No thanks. And you know what the worst part is? Any of you could have seized the opportunity to teach me about your ideologies and use persuasion and tact to make me, at minimum, a sympathizer. Instead, laughs and condescension because … my opinions.

    “Okay, I laughed at this”
    “That’s a nonsensical statement.”


    I hope you reconsider. I’ve enjoyed your posts.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    Civilized? Really? Vandalism and assaults are civilized? Now a Cry In is civilized. It’s also pathetic.

    You haven’t complained about police assaults on unarmed black people.

    You haven’t complained about Trump supporters assaulting protesters.

    You haven’t complained about racist graffiti (vandalism) that has emerged all over this country. You minimize it. You point the finger somewhere else.

    Then you complain about the anti-Trump side protesting.

    This is why your credibility is low. You are not, in principle, against assault. If your side does it, it simply isn’t assault. Or it’s the fault of the victim. Or whatever.

    Killory’s people were coordinating fomenting violence at Trump rallies. As for credibility it is yours that is low. A grown man claiming Trump will be the end to the biosphere! Get a grip on reality.

    Yeah. Well. I will just stick with the children at NASA over your adult perspective. Thanks, though.


    Should we close this thread?

    IMO it has kind of devolved.

    Or can it be resurrected?


    I’m just gonna genuflect real quick and then find my way out. Because at this point, I can honestly see the benefit of surrounding yourself with like-minded people. It’s also nice to have hope and people like to think that they’re making good choices or that their opinions matter. This is just a constant reminder that I’m apparently a moron (and any number of “ists”). So, yeah. No thanks. And you know what the worst part is? Any of you could have seized the opportunity to teach me about your ideologies and use persuasion and tact to make me, at minimum, a sympathizer. Instead, laughs and condescension because … my opinions.

    “Okay, I laughed at this”
    “That’s a nonsensical statement.”



    Politix is really really really hard to discuss.

    Its ‘almost’ impossible for people with vastly-divergent views to talk

    Thats my conclusion from watching things play out for over a decade.



    Civilized? Really? Vandalism and assaults are civilized? Now a Cry In is civilized. It’s also pathetic.

    You haven’t complained about police assaults on unarmed black people.

    You haven’t complained about Trump supporters assaulting protesters.

    You haven’t complained about racist graffiti (vandalism) that has emerged all over this country. You minimize it. You point the finger somewhere else.

    Then you complain about the anti-Trump side protesting.

    This is why your credibility is low. You are not, in principle, against assault. If your side does it, it simply isn’t assault. Or it’s the fault of the victim. Or whatever.

    Killory’s people were coordinating fomenting violence at Trump rallies. As for credibility it is yours that is low. A grown man claiming Trump will be the end to the biosphere! Get a grip on reality.

    Yeah. Well. I will just stick with the children at NASA over your adult perspective. Thanks, though.

    And if you transpose the periods of global warming on that chart you will see that there is no correlation with the peaks in CO2.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    — X —

    I wasn’t condescending to you. I was challenging you on your points. I thought those were fair game.

    Also, text is a tricky thing. I dunno if it was in the phrasing or how you chose to read what I wrote or what, but I can tell you that my tone wasn’t intended to be in the manner in which you received it.

    Maybe that preamble was needed after all. As I said before, don’t confuse my stridency for authority.

    Fair enough. And maybe I was being over-sensitive, because I’ve been defending my choices and my POV for a few days, across multiple platforms, and to all kinds of people (in person). I have a lot of respect for you, Mackey Mack, and for everyone on this board, quite honestly. You’re all very smart and scholarly. Like wv said, it’s difficult to keep our animosities in check when discussing politics, but I had/have high hopes for this board in particular to do just that. So, going forward, I’ll try not to read ‘tone’ into the discussion, and I’ll do my best to elucidate in the same manner.

    Now. Let me address a couple of you retorts.

    Re: Auditing the Fed:
    You and every single critic of the Fed on the right and left. Guess what? It’s NEVER, EVER, EVER going to happen.

    The problem there, is, that there weren’t enough critics on the left. In 2010, the GOP introduced Ron Paul’s Audit the Fed bill as a motion to recommit, but it failed by a vote of 229-198. All Republicans voted in favor of the measure with 23 Democrats crossing the aisle to vote with Republicans. 114 co-sponsors of HR 1207, all Democrats, jumped ship and voted against Audit the Fed. So I wouldn’t be so quick to say it will NEVER EVER EVER happen … now.

    Re: Sending abortion rights and legalized marijuana back to the States:
    States rights? really? All states rights really net in 2016 is the unequal application of the Constitution between the member states. Moreover, almost all of the most divisive issues have to do with religious based issues.

    Yes, really. It’s unconstitutional the way it is now. You went on to state your fears of religious opposition, but fear of the unknown doesn’t legitimize the fact that it’s currently unconstitutional. I don’t know what your ideology is, or what your political leaning area, but I’m more or less a constitutionalist. And while I failed to list it as one of the reasons I voted for Trump (because I was only verifying that I knew his policies), I’ll add now that it’s because he’ll appoint Constitutionalist(s) to the Supreme Court, along with the another 100 judicial nominees he’ll make to the lower Federal courts.

    Re: Destroying Islamic terrorists once and for all:
    That’s a nonsensical statement. That’s like saying you’d like to destroy racism once and for all.

    It’s not nonsensical, and that’s a poor comparison. While racism and islamic fundamentalism are both ideologies, one of them (terrorism) is a movement that can be squashed by taking it apart from the top down. Not unlike Naziism. Instead of allowing them to grow and flourish, I’d like to see our tremendous military might, led by brilliant military strategists and Generals, and along with a coalition of States, systematically destroy their leadership and quickly put splinter cells into graves. I have a unique perspective on this, because I’ve seen hundreds of murders on LiveLeak, and I read about the atrocities they commit all the time. I seek it out. It’s on the same level as gassing the Jews, but with less mercy. They murder gays, they murder jews, they murder Christians, they stone women to death, they use children as human grenades, and they use human beings as shields. If you don’t think we have the power to assert our will against them, then okay. But doing nothing – or not enough – is akin to sponsoring their actions. Again, just like the Nazi’s, we need to destroy this movement before it grows. And we need to keep putting that flame out every single time it tries to reignite.

    I’ll address more, later. Don’t want to make this TOO long.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss


    < “… it’s difficult to keep our animosities in check when discussing politics, but I had/have high hopes for this board in particular to do just that. So, going forward, I’ll try not to read ‘tone’ into the discussion, and I’ll do my best to elucidate in the same manner…”

    Well just to reiterate — itz REALLY-REALLY-REALLY-REALLY hard for people with
    vastly-disparate political views to ‘converse’ for Long. Oh, it usually starts out ok, but sooner or later…boom.

    For lots of obvious reasons.

    I mean think of…oh….say…abortion. Think of a message board with say ten pro-choicys and five pro-lifeys. And all fifteen have different levels of ‘communication skills’ and different kinds of ’emotional discipline’ and different temperaments, etc.

    How likely is it there will be ‘good conversation’ for an ‘extended period’ among ‘all’ of them? How long before the word ‘murder’ gets tossed around, and how soon before someone gets ugly which elicits more ugliness….and so on.

    Its a very very very tricky thing we are all trying to do here. It requires a lot of diplomatic-skills and listening skills and all kinds of disciplines. Imho.

    …i am glad you said you felt some folks were being ‘condescending’ — whether they were or not isnt the issue, the thing is, its important that people ‘hear that’. Etc.

    “When a problem is posed in a way that polarizes,
    the solution is often obscured before the search is under way”
    Deborah Tannen

    Do not remove a fly from your friend’s head with a hatchet.
    Chinese proverb

    We do not talk – we bludgeon one another with facts and theories gleaned
    from cursory readings of newspapers, magazines and digests. ”
    — Henry Miller


    Fair enough. And maybe I was being over-sensitive, because I’ve been defending my choices and my POV for a few days, across multiple platforms, and to all kinds of people (in person). I have a lot of respect for you, Mackey Mack, and for everyone on this board, quite honestly. You’re all very smart and scholarly. Like wv said, it’s difficult to keep our animosities in check when discussing politics, but I had/have high hopes for this board in particular to do just that. So, going forward, I’ll try not to read ‘tone’ into the discussion, and I’ll do my best to elucidate in the same manner.

    Re: Destroying Islamic terrorists once and for all:
    That’s a nonsensical statement. That’s like saying you’d like to destroy racism once and for all.

    It’s not nonsensical, and that’s a poor comparison. While racism and islamic fundamentalism are both ideologies, one of them (terrorism) is a movement that can be squashed by taking it apart from the top down. Not unlike Naziism. Instead of allowing them to grow and flourish, I’d like to see our tremendous military might, led by brilliant military strategists and Generals, and along with a coalition of States, systematically destroy their leadership and quickly put splinter cells into graves. I have a unique perspective on this, because I’ve seen hundreds of murders on LiveLeak, and I read about the atrocities they commit all the time. I seek it out. It’s on the same level as gassing the Jews, but with less mercy. They murder gays, they murder jews, they murder Christians, they stone women to death, they use children as human grenades, and they use human beings as shields. If you don’t think we have the power to assert our will against them, then okay. But doing nothing – or not enough – is akin to sponsoring their actions. Again, just like the Nazi’s, we need to destroy this movement before it grows. And we need to keep putting that flame out every single time it tries to reignite.

    We all step on each others toes once in a while. It’s what happens when people have opinions, and in the case of politics, the only people interested in them are people who have them bound up strongly in their identity, their sense of values and morality. So. I personally wish the edit feature was available longer, and that we had a delete option. One of the boards we had once-upon-a-time allowed deletions. But here, once you said it, you have to live with the consequences. So sometimes we get pissy with each other.

    On terrorism, this is from the Global Terrorism Index of 2014

    This chart shows how 268 terrorist groups ended from 1968 – 2006.

    Politicisation means that the terrorist group was somehow brought into the political system, its leaders getting seats in government etc.

    Policing is the targeting (arresting or killing) of key leaders in the group.

    In 10% of cases, the terrorists achieved their goals.

    In 7% of cases, military action finished them off.

    And I will just throw in…another way to fend them off is to stop abusing them with our foreign policies. Ya know. Invading Iraq was not really necessary.


    WOW! A whole 120 year timeframe of reference! Such impeccable science. Not. If you had read the article you would know it was addressed.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by bnw.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

    — X —

    And I will just throw in…another way to fend them off is to stop abusing them with our foreign policies. Ya know. Invading Iraq was not really necessary.

    True, but their hatred of Christianity and Zionism, predates the Iraq war. They tried to bring down the WTT during the Clinton Administration, too, as you’re fully aware. But that aside, and as I’m also sure you’re fully aware, global-jihadism is a goal resulting from a distortion of their religion and a literal interpretation of the Qur’an. They take the worst parts of the Qur’an and distort them to interpret anyone who doesn’t worship Allah should be murdered – in a heinous manner. It would be like Christian fundamentalists using the Old Testament as their guiding principles (you know, like they used to).

    I agree with you that we should stop meddling in their business, but we’re way beyond diplomacy, and it’s far too late to remove ourselves from involvement. This is a global movement that targets multiple Nations, and with one objective. A Caliphate. Without delving too far into our ‘true’ objective of installing democracy in the middle east, it would be negligent to leave them alone now. Allowing that perversion of a religion to metastasize will further reap consequences we can ill afford.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

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