Robert Reich on the Russia investigation

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    Robert Reich
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    A huge development in the Trump-Russia investigation. Former national security advisor Michael Flynn has agreed to cooperate with Robert Mueller, and is prepared to testify that Donald Trump directed him to make contact with Russian officials, according to ABC News. He is also willing to testify against members of the Trump family and senior White House officials.

    Remember, Flynn was the campaign’s senior foreign policy advisor. His cooperation could be crucial to criminal charges against the president. That’s probably why Trump pressured FBI Director James Comey to drop the investigation into Flynn: “I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go.”

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    I found this video-timeline helpful, fwiw:

    A view i read on RT was “so what”. So what if Flynn talked to a russian ambassador about important policy issues, during the transition period just before Trump was to become President. Noone was bribed, no-one was threatened, etc. Why is it a ‘crime’ to do what Flynn did?


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    Why is it a ‘crime’ to do what Flynn did?


    Because of the law.

    Which is why he initially lied about it.

    Anyway, I thought we agreed so much and so often on the Russia thing that it was starting to look a little fishy. So I thought I would just spice things up with an occasional disagreement.

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    I would ask the pundits at RT this:

    If it’s all a “so what?” deal, why has Trump, and his entire administration, lied (endlessly) about their contacts with Russia from the beginning? Lied and lied and lied. We have dozens and dozens of examples from video, audio and written transcriptions attesting to this, including lying under oath (Sessions, especially). If it’s not a big deal, why lie? If there’s nothing wrong with these contacts, why keep them secret? Why not put them on forms for security clearance, for example? Why hide work for Russia and Turkey and Ukraine — all of which breaks the law?

    Trump and his admin started out by saying, repeatedly, they had ZERO contacts with the Russians, and zero business dealings, etc. etc. We keep learning about extensive contacts, going back years, and there has yet to be a single case where media reports about this have been proven false, much less “fake news.” The NYT, the WaPo, the Atlantic, the New Yorker, etc. etc. . . . I can’t think of a single time that one of their articles regarding these Russia connections has turned out to be incorrect . . . and much of the corroboration has come from Trump insiders over time.

    Yeah, the Flynn, Manafort, Gates and Papadopolos indictments are big deals. I have no doubt whatsoever that Trump won the election with the help of Russia, and that we’ll learn how extensive this actually was in the coming years. I think Clinton was a terrible candidate, and the Dems turned their backs on the working class decades ago, AND Trump won with the help of Russia. To me, the latter isn’t an excuse for the former. The two coexist:

    Clinton and Dem rottenness AND Trump collusion with Russia. (Kinda like the LAPD “framed” a guilty OJ.)

    And, to me, it doesn’t matter that “we do it too.” It’s all wrong. American serial interference in international elections doesn’t let Trump and the Russians off the hook. It all needs to be exposed and stopped dead in its tracks. All of it. I’m honestly baffled that some of the RT punditry asks “so what?”

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    I would ask the pundits at RT this:

    If it’s all a “so what?” deal, why has Trump, and his entire administration, lied (endlessly) about their contacts with Russia from the beginning? Lied and lied and lied. We have dozens and dozens of examples from video, audio and written transcriptions attesting to this, including lying under oath (Sessions, especially). If it’s not a big deal, why lie? If there’s nothing wrong with these contacts, why keep them secret? Why not put them on forms for security clearance, for example? Why hide work for Russia and Turkey and Ukraine — all of which breaks the law?

    Trump and his admin started out by saying, repeatedly, they had ZERO contacts with the Russians, and zero business dealings, etc. etc. We keep learning about extensive contacts, going back years, and there has yet to be a single case where media reports about this have been proven false, much less “fake news.” The NYT, the WaPo, the Atlantic, the New Yorker, etc. etc. . . . I can’t think of a single time that one of their articles regarding these Russia connections has turned out to be incorrect . . . and much of the corroboration has come from Trump insiders over time.

    Yeah, the Flynn, Manafort, Gates and Papadopolos indictments are big deals. I have no doubt whatsoever that Trump won the election with the help of Russia, and that we’ll learn how extensive this actually was in the coming years. I think Clinton was a terrible candidate, and the Dems turned their backs on the working class decades ago, AND Trump won with the help of Russia. To me, the latter isn’t an excuse for the former. The two coexist:

    Clinton and Dem rottenness AND Trump collusion with Russia. (Kinda like the LAPD “framed” a guilty OJ.)

    And, to me, it doesn’t matter that “we do it too.” It’s all wrong. American serial interference in international elections doesn’t let Trump and the Russians off the hook. It all needs to be exposed and stopped dead in its tracks. All of it. I’m honestly baffled that some of the RT punditry asks “so what?”


    Well the RT quote was a narrow quote about Flynn. Not all the other stuff. One thing at a time. WHY is it a ‘crime’ for Flynn to talk to a Russian ambassador about policies? Trump had been elected, i believe, but hadnt taken office. Now in this vast-wasteland of a country, why in the world is THAT a crime?

    I’m not talking about the lying. I’m talking about the terrible ‘crime’ that Flynn perpetrated — ie, talking to a russian ambassador about policies.

    Seems like a witch hunt to me, BT. And i loathe Flynn.


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    Well the RT quote was a narrow quote about Flynn. Not all the other stuff. One thing at a time. WHY is it a ‘crime’ for Flynn to talk to a Russian ambassador about policies? Trump had been elected, i believe, but hadnt taken office. Now in this vast-wasteland of a country, why in the world is THAT a crime?

    I’m not talking about the lying. I’m talking about the terrible ‘crime’ that Flynn perpetrated — ie, talking to a russian ambassador about policies.

    Seems like a witch hunt to me, BT. And i loathe Flynn.


    WV, as a lawyer, you obviously know a thousand times more than I ever will about stuff like this, the plea deals, etc. etc. But it appears to me that Flynn got off relatively easy.

    Good summary here from the lawfareblog folks ( links/sources on the site) . . .


    The news that former national security adviser Michael Flynn has reached a cooperation and plea deal with Special Counsel Robert Mueller could not come as less of a surprise. Reports of Flynn’s bizarre behavior across a wide spectrum of areas began trickling out even before his tenure as national security adviser ended after only 24 days. These behaviors raised a raft of substantial criminal law questions that have been a matter of open speculation and reporting for months. His problems include, among other things, an alleged kidnapping plot, a plan to build nuclear power plants all over the Middle East, alleged violations of the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) involving at least two different countries, and apparent false statements to the FBI. In light of the scope and range of the activity that reputable news organizations have attributed to Flynn, it is no surprise that he has agreed to cooperate with Mueller in exchange for leniency.

    The surprising thing about the plea agreement and the stipulated facts underlying it is how narrow they are. There’s no whiff of the alleged Fethullah Gulen kidnapping talks. Flynn has escaped FARA and influence-peddling charges. And he has been allowed to plead to a single count of lying to the FBI. The factual stipulation is also narrow. It involves lies to the FBI on two broad matters and lies on Flynn’s belated FARA filings on another issue. If a tenth of the allegations against Flynn are true and provable, he has gotten a very good deal from Mueller.

    The narrowness gives a superficial plausibility to the White House’s reaction to the plea. Ty Cobb, the president’s ever-confident attorney, said in a statement: “The false statements involved mirror the false statements [by Flynn] to White House officials which resulted in his resignation in February of this year. Nothing about the guilty plea or the charge implicates anyone other than Mr. Flynn.” Cobb reads Friday’s events as an indication that Mueller is “moving with all deliberate speed and clears the way for a prompt and reasonable conclusion” of the investigation.

    This is very likely not an accurate assessment of the situation. If Mueller were prepared to settle the Flynn matter on the basis of single-count plea to a violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1001, he was almost certainly prepared to charge a great deal more. Moreover, we can infer from the fact that Flynn accepted the plea deal that he and his counsel were concerned about the degree of jeopardy, both for Flynn and for his son, related to other charges. The deal, in other words, reflects the strength of Mueller’s hand against Flynn.

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    Well the RT quote was a narrow quote about Flynn. Not all the other stuff. One thing at a time. WHY is it a ‘crime’ for Flynn to talk to a Russian ambassador about policies? Trump had been elected, i believe, but hadnt taken office. Now in this vast-wasteland of a country, why in the world is THAT a crime?

    I’m not talking about the lying. I’m talking about the terrible ‘crime’ that Flynn perpetrated — ie, talking to a russian ambassador about policies.

    Seems like a witch hunt to me, BT. And i loathe Flynn.


    WV, as a lawyer, you obviously know a thousand times more than I ever will about stuff like this, the plea deals, etc. etc. But it appears to me that Flynn got off relatively easy.

    Good summary here from the lawfareblog folks ( links/sources on the site) . . .


    The news that former national security adviser Michael Flynn has reached a cooperation and plea deal with Special Counsel Robert Mueller could not come as less of a surprise. Reports of Flynn’s bizarre behavior across a wide spectrum of areas began trickling out even before his tenure as national security adviser ended after only 24 days. These behaviors raised a raft of substantial criminal law questions that have been a matter of open speculation and reporting for months. His problems include, among other things, an alleged kidnapping plot, a plan to build nuclear power plants all over the Middle East, alleged violations of the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) involving at least two different countries, and apparent false statements to the FBI. In light of the scope and range of the activity that reputable news organizations have attributed to Flynn, it is no surprise that he has agreed to cooperate with Mueller in exchange for leniency.

    The surprising thing about the plea agreement and the stipulated facts underlying it is how narrow they are. There’s no whiff of the alleged Fethullah Gulen kidnapping talks. Flynn has escaped FARA and influence-peddling charges. And he has been allowed to plead to a single count of lying to the FBI. The factual stipulation is also narrow. It involves lies to the FBI on two broad matters and lies on Flynn’s belated FARA filings on another issue. If a tenth of the allegations against Flynn are true and provable, he has gotten a very good deal from Mueller.

    The narrowness gives a superficial plausibility to the White House’s reaction to the plea. Ty Cobb, the president’s ever-confident attorney, said in a statement: “The false statements involved mirror the false statements [by Flynn] to White House officials which resulted in his resignation in February of this year. Nothing about the guilty plea or the charge implicates anyone other than Mr. Flynn.” Cobb reads Friday’s events as an indication that Mueller is “moving with all deliberate speed and clears the way for a prompt and reasonable conclusion” of the investigation.

    This is very likely not an accurate assessment of the situation. If Mueller were prepared to settle the Flynn matter on the basis of single-count plea to a violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1001, he was almost certainly prepared to charge a great deal more. Moreover, we can infer from the fact that Flynn accepted the plea deal that he and his counsel were concerned about the degree of jeopardy, both for Flynn and for his son, related to other charges. The deal, in other words, reflects the strength of Mueller’s hand against Flynn.


    Well that article just looked like it was full of wild speculations to me, BT. He is only actually charged with one thing. Lying to the FBI. Thats it. The rest of those paragraphs were full of speculation.

    As to the actual charge of lying — yes, he lied. And thats why he plead guilty. But my thing is — what did he lie about? Well he lied about talking a russian ambassador. About policy. He talked to a russian ambassador about policies.

    Now, i agree with RT — so what.

    Granted, i havent spent any time studying this (nor do i intend to) but my cursory, intuitive take on this is — the deep-state is very very selective about who it goes after. I mean does anyone really think people-in-Flynns-position didnt/dont talk to Israeli Ambassadors all the time? Saudi ambassadors? Etc.

    I think basically this comes down to the Capone gang going after the Luciano gang.


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    BT, fwiw, i basically agree with Jimmy Dore 🙂

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    This is worth watching just for the reaction of the liberal-news-show at about the forty second mark:


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    I don’t think the article was dealing with speculation at all. It’s well documented that Flynn was in deep trouble on several fronts, including conspiracy to commit kidnapping of a Turkish national here. He was also caught red-handed breaking the law via DARA, which is a felony. We know this because he retroactively signed up as a foreign agent months after leaving all of that off his security clearance paper work.

    Also, not sure about the “deep state” angle here at all. Flynn is a general, and once ran the Defense Intelligence Agency. One could say he was a part of the “deep state.” And, personally, while I think there is an ongoing “power elite” that remains while politicians come and go, it’s not at all like Trump and his fans envision. It’s not controlled by Democrats, for instance, or the Clintons.

    In fact, most of the evidence tells us that the Clintons were never liked by the Intel and military establishments. And Obama? My intuition is that he was the least powerful president, relative to those establishments, evah. Far less powerful than Carter, for instance, who never had their support. And at least since Carter, the Dems in power seem to know this. They tend to appoint Republicans to run key Intel and military agencies.

    Remember, Mueller and Comey are both lifelong Republicans.

    Anyway . . . I don’t see this as having anything whatsoever to do with the “deep state” going after Trump and company. I see it as a legit look at the most corrupt president in living memory and how he worked with a foreign power to win the presidency and then obstructed justice to prevent exposure. The chickens are coming home to roost.

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    Watched about 6 minutes of the Dore video. Sheesh. I’ve never seen him be so wrong, and in such a cavalier way, and I hope it’s out of ignorance, not out of cynical omission of known facts. Cuz, contrary to what he said, the Russia collusion story has long been fleshed out in great detail. We’ve learned of DIRECT connections between the Trump administration and Wikileaks, Assange’s direct offers to help them, etc. We’ve learned of DIRECT connections with Russians and THEIR offers to help. We’ve learned of sitdown meetings between Donald Jr., Kushner, Manafort and several Russians in Trump Tower, after emails were exchanged offering dirt on Clinton. Accepting the meeting is “collusion” right there. Just that.

    And all the while, the Trumps lied about all the above until they were caught.

    Also, we know about Cambridge Analytica and granular voting information. Dore asked why the Russians needed Trump help for their hacking and disruptions? One reason is they didn’t have that detailed, granular info on millions of American voters. This enabled micro-targeting by the Russians for their ads. This enabled the Russians to set blacks and against whites, browns against blacks, etc. etc. . . with umpteen fake news stories and phony Black Lives Matter groups, etc. etc. The list goes on and on and on, and Dore tries to dismiss it all as a nothingburger?

    Sheesh. My opinion of him plummeted after those six minutes.

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    Also, I don’t see the joy from liberals in the same way as Blumenthal and others. I think smart folks see this as Flynn flipping on Trump — which is why Mueller gave him such a great deal — with an exposure of the truth now being on the table. As in, their joy is in anticipation of the truth finally, finally coming out and Trump being impeached, as he should be.

    I see nothing wrong with that emotion. In fact, I share it. I don’t, however, share any belief that this will exonerate Clinton or the Dems. They still ran a horrible campaign. She was still a terrible candidate. And the Dems still turned their backs on the working class decades ago, thus setting the table for a Trump*. Clinton and the Dems gave us Trump, whether or not it turns out Trump colluded or worse, and I have no doubt whatsoever that he did — or at least his campaign did.

    *Macron in France is setting the table for a Le Pen victory by being a similar corporatist, etc.

    In short, these things can coexist, and I think too many public leftists think it’s an either/or. It’s not.

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    Quick side note:

    Another place where I part company with the “liberal” reaction. I would be just fine if this investigation ALSO brought down a host of Dems along with Trump and company. Wouldn’t bother me in the slightest if they were caught in the net too, if they’re guilty. In fact, I’d love it. An actual “drain the swamp” action, including both of our sleazy money parties, taking down corruption wherever if comes from.

    We desperately need a clean sweep and the proverbial new start. Last month’s election brought me some hope, because Democratic Socialists backed 15 winners, their best election night evah.

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    Well ok, BT. We just disagree on the russia thing. I agree completely with Dore, Blumenthal, Lee Camp, etc.

    We’ll just have to agree to disagree.

    Lemme ask you this though — how come no-one is complaining about Israel’s influence, and ALL the deep-state’s “collusion” with Israel? There’s MOUNTAINS of evidence that US politicians ‘collude’ with Israel. Crickets though, from the MSM.


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    Well ok, BT. We just disagree on the russia thing. I agree completely with Dore, Blumenthal, Lee Camp, etc.

    We’ll just have to agree to disagree.

    Lemme ask you this though — how come no-one is complaining about Israel’s influence, and ALL the deep-state’s “collusion” with Israel? There’s MOUNTAINS of evidence that US politicians ‘collude’ with Israel. Crickets though, from the MSM.


    I’ve long been critical of both major parties all too often putting Israeli government interests over our own. It’s all the worse when that government is the Likud. Yes, “both parties do it,” but the GOP tends to be more aggressively pro-Likud, pro-Netanyahu, etc. and during the Obama presidency, wasn’t averse to undermining US policy in tandem with Likud.

    And, yes, the MSM tends to be silent on the issue. There has likely been plenty of “collusion” (and much worse) over the course of the last 50 plus years, and it should be exposed and stopped.

    But I’m not seeing how that’s relevant to the Russia stuff. Again, we can condemn it all. I fear some of those leftist pundits think — perhaps just subconsciously — that if they accept that Russia did interfere, and the Trumps did collude, this somehow vindicates Clinton and the Dems, and neoliberalism itself. It doesn’t. Not in the slightest. Not even a remote whisper of it. Again, we can condemn all of it. Both/and. It’s not an either/or deal.

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    Did you catch this about Kushner?


    Jared Kushner Failed to Disclose He Led a Foundation Funding Illegal Israeli Settlements Before U.N. Vote
    By Chris Riotta On 12/3/17 at 6:00 AM

    Jared Kushner failed to disclose his role as a co-director of the Charles and Seryl Kushner Foundation from 2006 to 2015, a time when the group funded an Israeli settlement considered to be illegal under international law, on financial records he filed with the Office of Government Ethics earlier this year.

    The latest development follows reports on Friday indicating the White House senior adviser attempted to sway a United Nations Security Council vote against an anti-settlement resolution passed just before Donald Trump took office, which condemned the structure of West Bank settlements. The failure to disclose his role in the foundation—at a time when he was being tasked with serving as the president’s Middle East peace envoy—follows a pattern of egregious omissions that would bar any other official from continuing to serve in the West Wing, experts and officials told Newsweek.

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    But I’m not seeing how that’s relevant to the Russia stuff. Again, we can condemn it all.


    Well here’s where we always diverge. I dont think this is like Bulger and Warner. Where you can talk about one but not the other.

    I think what we are all trying to do is….kinda, more or less, ‘describe’ or evaluate or figure out, the ‘situation’ — ie,
    the Corporotacracy, Plutocracy, Oligarchy, Empire, or whatever. And to me, that requires describing the whole thing. The contexts. And i dont think we can talk about the russian thing (which to me is minor compared to the the other stuff) without talking about Israel, Saudi Arabia, the Propaganda systems (MSM) etc.

    To me the Russia thing is there, but its so small compared to the other stuff. And yet, the MSM only wants to focus on Russia. For propaganda-reasons. Not to get to the truth — but for PROPAGANDA reasons. They are USING the issue to prop up the usual mythologies. And so, to me, talking about the russia thing IN ISOLATION, basically just gives aid and comfort to the deep-state.

    Just my opinion. I have a lot of heat in my brain about this but NOT towards my board comrads, BT. If i come across as pissy, its just lack of skill on my part. If we were talking in person, youd know i have no heat towards you guys.


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    No worries along the “heat” front. You’ve been consistently civil from the beginning, from my point of view. I may not have the time frame exactly correct, but I think that goes back more than twenty years now.

    So, again, no worries.

    After the game, want to take up the issue of “context” you raise. It’s vital, essential, of course.

    Enjoy the second half.

    Avatar photoBilly_T

    I think what we are all trying to do is….kinda, more or less, ‘describe’ or evaluate or figure out, the ‘situation’ — ie,
    the Corporotacracy, Plutocracy, Oligarchy, Empire, or whatever. And to me, that requires describing the whole thing. The contexts. And i dont think we can talk about the russian thing (which to me is minor compared to the the other stuff) without talking about Israel, Saudi Arabia, the Propaganda systems (MSM) etc.

    To me the Russia thing is there, but its so small compared to the other stuff. And yet, the MSM only wants to focus on Russia. For propaganda-reasons. Not to get to the truth — but for PROPAGANDA reasons. They are USING the issue to prop up the usual mythologies. And so, to me, talking about the russia thing IN ISOLATION, basically just gives aid and comfort to the deep-state.

    First off, I’ve never advocated for talking about Russia in isolation, and from my observation, our MSM doesn’t do that. They can’t, really. Cuz Trump is forever stirring up the pot with a thousand other things, so our MSM talks about that too. The NFL. Sexual assault. The tax bill. Health care repeals. North Korea missile tests. Charlottesville. Retweeting fake videos from Islamophobes, etc. etc. Their plate is always pretty full. From my perspective, Russia comes up only when there’s a new revelation or indictment, and there’s always something else going on beyond that.

    Second, I don’t see how it’s a very useful propaganda tool for America, for several reasons. It shows how vulnerable we are when it comes to cyberwarfare, how incompetent and unprepared, and because we’re so polarized, much of the country disagrees about what really happened, why, how or if it matters. Just not seeing how this helps the “deep state,” and it’s also a fact that Europe thinks Russia interfered there too. It would be quite the worldwide conspiracy if our MSM and theirs “colluded” to invent this interference, with almost no push back from the vast majority of media outlets.

    Third, not seeing how reporting this story props up the usual mythologies. This just isn’t your grandmother’s Russia. Another “red scare” wouldn’t make one iota of sense, because Putin’s Russia is even more ferociously capitalist/neoliberal than we are, and well to our right. I just don’t see how it benefits the “deep state” or anyone else here, except, perhaps, for cybersecurity companies. And even they can be made to look pretty bad for their abject failures to prevent this — the hacks and the massive invasion of our social media infrastructure with endless fake news bots, etc.

    I’d be interested in your take on how this actually works as a propaganda tool, and for whom. Again, America is so divided, so fragmented, so at odds with itself . . . it’s difficult for me to see how this is a “winning” issue for anyone among the power elite, really. But I may just be missing the obvious.

    Great game. Nice to see the Rams win again.

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    Forgot to add. There’s that other kind of “isolation” you must be talking about, concerning context and such. The absence of a discussion of Russia with surrounding histories, our international interference, our decades of cold war and proxies and so on. I’m guessing that’s a bit of what you meant. Plus the massive role of the post-WWII Intel machinery.

    Yeah, the MSM should bring that up, too. But, you know they never do. You know that’s pretty much asking for the impossible. A deep dive into historical contexts like that? When does that ever happen here?

    Wish it would, of course. In shorter form, I can get some of that from places like Jacobin, and once in awhile, from the New York Review of Books, or the LARB too. To mention just a coupla web sources.

    But, yeah. We’ve grown up without that kind of context. A tragedy. My recent reading of China Mieville’s October was helpful regarding that as well, and made me think all over again what could have been. What could have happened if America and the West had actually helped the rebellion in Russia in 1905, or at least 1917 before the Bolsheviks hijacked it all for their own ends. What would have happened if we hadn’t pushed for civil war there, or a thousand different places like Cuba, with the embargoes and so on?

    At least from WWII on, what would have been the case if we had taken a true “peace dividend” and minded our own freakin business around the world? Invest the trillions we spent on war and the surveillance state on education, healthcare, the environment, renewables and so on instead.

    Anyway . . . back to the Russia probe. Even with a serious, scholarly, historical backdrop, which includes our own decades and decades of illegalities and atrocities . . . I’m still not sure how that changes things all that much regarding the Trump campaign and its actions. It still doesn’t make what he did “right.” And it still shouldn’t make it so he gets away with it, IMO.

    The man and his little empire should pay the price for what he’s done. I’d say impeachment and removal is an excellent start.

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    First off, I’ve never advocated for talking about Russia in isolation, and from my observation, our MSM doesn’t do that. They can’t, really. Cuz Trump is forever stirring up the pot with a thousand other things, so our MSM talks about that too. The NFL. Sexual assault. The tax bill. Health care repeals. North Korea missile tests. Charlottesville. Retweeting fake videos from Islamophobes, etc. etc. Their plate is always pretty full. From my perspective, Russia comes up only when there’s a new revelation or indictment, and there’s always something else going on beyond that.

    Second, I don’t see how it’s a very useful propaganda tool for America, for several reasons. It shows how vulnerable we are when it comes to cyberwarfare, how incompetent and unprepared, and because we’re so polarized, much of the country disagrees about what really happened, why, how or if it matters. Just not seeing how this helps the “deep state,” and it’s also a fact that Europe thinks Russia interfered there too. It would be quite the worldwide conspiracy if our MSM and theirs “colluded” to invent this interference, with almost no push back from the vast majority of media outlets.

    Third, not seeing how reporting this story props up the usual mythologies. This just isn’t your grandmother’s Russia. Another “red scare” wouldn’t make one iota of sense, because Putin’s Russia is even more ferociously capitalist/neoliberal than we are, and well to our right. I just don’t see how it benefits the “deep state” or anyone else here, except, perhaps, for cybersecurity companies. And even they can be made to look pretty bad for their abject failures to prevent this — the hacks and the massive invasion of our social media infrastructure with endless fake news bots, etc.

    I’d be interested in your take on how this actually works as a propaganda tool, and for whom. Again, America is so divided, so fragmented, so at odds with itself . . . it’s difficult for me to see how this is a “winning” issue for anyone among the power elite, really. But I may just be missing the obvious.

    Great game. Nice to see the Rams win again.


    None of those things you listed have anything to do with the real context i am talking about. All those ‘issues’ are presented by the corporate media, in ways that merely ‘distract’ or distort or omit the reality of the corporotacracy. So, i dont agree that the MSM actually ‘puts things in context’. I’m surprised you are a fan of the MSM now 🙂

    So, no, the MSM does not talk about russia ‘in context’. The msm doesnt put ‘anything’ in context. The corporate-MSM is a propaganda tool. I agree with Chomsky and Herman and Hedges and Lee Camp and others on this. I thought you were in agreement on that.

    As far as the question of how does the Russia story (the way the MSM/DNC/Deep-state tells it) fit as a propaganda tool? Simple. The CorporateMSM/DNC story is the usual fairy tale about how the shining city on the hill was attacked by the malevolent outside evil-doers. The beautiful shining american beacon of hope and democracy was polluted and hacked by evil forces. It fits perfectly with the basic propaganda over the last quarter of a century. American system good. Other systems bad.

    And how has the corporotacracy reacted to this terrible invasion/onslaught ? Well for starters the internet powers that be have now made it harder to find leftist internet sites like alternet and truthdig and other ‘evil’ voices influenced by evil russians. Etc and so forth.

    And it will get worse.

    And it was all predictable.

    What do i mean by saying the MSM doesnt put the russian thing ‘in context’ ? I mean the MSM buries the real history of the american corporotacracy. You cant put russian interference in context without talking about american interference. You cant talk about interfering with democracy without talking about Citizens United, AIPAC, Saudi Arabia and a gazillion other things the MSM is silent about.

    If the MSM WERE putting things in context, our electorate would not be so politically-brain-dead, BT. You know that. You KNOW what the American electorate is. And you know how they got that way. They got that way through decades and decades of propaganda.

    The Russian story is not being told with any honest accurate context. Its being ‘used’ by the powers-that-be. Call them ‘deep state’ (i like the term and use it the way Bill Moyers does) or use some other term.

    Let me ask you an open question. What do you think of the American NSA/CIA/FBI ?
    What do you think of the American Corporotocracy? What do you think of it? Why are you so upset about russian interference with this….thing. ? Do you think this ‘thing’ is a ‘good’ thing?


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    I think you must have missed my followup from 10:17pm. It looks like your most recent response doesn’t include it. I talk more about historical context there, including our own history of interference and worse.

    And prior to reading your response, I was thinking of yet another followup last night.


    Basically, from my observation of the MSM, they aren’t (and haven’t been) focusing that much on Russia itself, and I see, read and hear very little anger directed their way, ironically. And next to no calls for retaliation. The focus is on Trump and what he did and is doing, and now the most recent shift is away from “collusion” and onto “obstruction of justice.” Obstruction of justice appears to be the next step in this story.

    My take is that Trump has long been THE primary focus, not what Russia did, and I think that’s warranted. My own view is decidedly antiwar, anti-empire, anti-capitalist, as you know, and I want serious international diplomacy, not retaliation. But I ALSO want Trump (and some from his inner circle) to go to jail for what he’s done. I think it’s beyond obvious that he’s a criminal of long standing, and that he was helped in his bid for the presidency by Russian criminals, and “justice” demands that he not be rewarded for such things. It demands that he pay a price for his actions. He never has. It’s time for that to end.

    (Will respond more directly to your questions above next post)

    Avatar photoBilly_T

    As far as the question of how does the Russia story (the way the MSM/DNC/Deep-state tells it) fit as a propaganda tool? Simple. The CorporateMSM/DNC story is the usual fairy tale about how the shining city on the hill was attacked by the malevolent outside evil-doers. The beautiful shining american beacon of hope and democracy was polluted and hacked by evil forces. It fits perfectly with the basic propaganda over the last quarter of a century. American system good. Other systems bad.

    And how has the corporotacracy reacted to this terrible invasion/onslaught ? Well for starters the internet powers that be have now made it harder to find leftist internet sites like alternet and truthdig and other ‘evil’ voices influenced by evil russians. Etc and so forth.

    And it will get worse.

    And it was all predictable.

    What do i mean by saying the MSM doesnt put the russian thing ‘in context’ ? I mean the MSM buries the real history of the american corporotacracy. You cant put russian interference in context without talking about american interference. You cant talk about interfering with democracy without talking about Citizens United, AIPAC, Saudi Arabia and a gazillion other things the MSM is silent about.

    If the MSM WERE putting things in context, our electorate would not be so politically-brain-dead, BT. You know that. You KNOW what the American electorate is. And you know how they got that way. They got that way through decades and decades of propaganda.

    The Russian story is not being told with any honest accurate context. Its being ‘used’ by the powers-that-be. Call them ‘deep state’ (i like the term and use it the way Bill Moyers does) or use some other term.

    Let me ask you an open question. What do you think of the American NSA/CIA/FBI ?
    What do you think of the American Corporotocracy? What do you think of it? Why are you so upset about russian interference with this….thing. ? Do you think this ‘thing’ is a ‘good’ thing?


    I think we’re watching, reading and hearing different sources in the MSM, cuz I’m just not seeing the story being peddled that you see. I mostly see reporters concentrating on Trump, as mentioned above, his actions, the actions of his campaign . . . and while, yes, there is some silly bluster how the boy scout nature of the FBI and other Intel groups, I don’t bump into the “city on the hill” rhetoric, or the evil Russians and the awesome Americans. It’s all about Trump lies, his and his campaign’s seemingly endless meetings with the Russians, their lies about those and so on. I see the focus mostly on Trump’s criminality, not Russia’s.

    To me, that’s as it should be.

    Avatar photoBilly_T

    Let me ask you an open question. What do you think of the American NSA/CIA/FBI ?
    What do you think of the American Corporotocracy? What do you think of it? Why are you so upset about russian interference with this….thing. ? Do you think this ‘thing’ is a ‘good’ thing?

    Those are pretty tough questions to wrap up in a short space, but I’ll take a stab at them. First off, you misread me if you think I’m so “upset about this Russia thing” with a focus on what Russia has done. As mentioned above, my anger is directed at Trump and the GOP, almost exclusively. I know that America and Russia have traded attacks, back and forth, for decades. It’s not what Russia did, per se, as far as I’m concerned. It’s what Trump and company did to get elected — and to build his business empire.

    As for our intel agencies. I’ve said before, they work primarily on behalf of capital and capitalism, to keep it safe and help it expand. I despise the capitalist system with every fiber of my being, and I think the “corporatocracy” is a natural outgrowth of capitalism itself. Replace capitalism with an all democratic and egalitarian economic system, and no more corporatocracy. Which also means there’s now next to no reason for those intel agencies to exist.

    Though, because we’ve had “empire” historically for thousands of years, you’ll still have secret orgs. And because they’re all over the globe, we’ll need them too, tragically. The key then becomes keeping them fully under democratic control, which we’ve never done. That needs to start. Transparent to the degree possible. Under true democratic control. And, IMO, there can never be any real democracy until the economy is fully democratized.

    My own philosophy is decidedly antiwar, anti-empire, pro-democracy and radically egalitarian. If my own dreams for humanity came even close to being true, America would not be an empire any longer; we’d be fully democratic, including the economy, and there wouldn’t be any need for those intel agencies. But that’s not the world, obviously. IMO, leftists need to work toward all of that, knowing it may take generations. The struggle is worth it because the end goal is . . . . well, beautiful beyond words.

    Avatar photoBilly_T

    Quick question for you, WV.

    Do you see these three things all linked, or working together, or in cahoots? You listed them together.


    Did you leave out the GOP for a reason?

    Avatar photowv

    I think we’re watching, reading and hearing different sources in the MSM, cuz I’m just not seeing the story being peddled that you see. I mostly see reporters concentrating on Trump, as mentioned above, his actions, the actions of his campaign . . . and while, yes, there is some silly bluster how the boy scout nature of the FBI and other Intel groups, I don’t bump into the “city on the hill” rhetoric, or the evil Russians and the awesome Americans. It’s all about Trump lies, his and his campaign’s seemingly endless meetings with the Russians, their lies about those and so on. I see the focus mostly on Trump’s criminality, not Russia’s.

    To me, that’s as it should be.


    Well, we just interpret what we are seeing differently i guess. I see the DNC-MSM going after Trump as you say. (While the Rep-MSM goes after the Dems)

    But i see the Russia-story being ‘used’ by the DNC-MSM as a basic propaganda tool, and as an anti-trump tool. They go hand in hand. The meta story is based on American exceptionalism and purity and the specific story is linking the evil trump to the evil putin empire.

    And none of it has any accurate historical context. The DNC-MSM and the Rep-MSM both continue to dum-down the electorate and propagandize them endlessly. And thus we end up with Hillary vs Trump or Obama vs McCain, etc. Its all a circus of lies, comrad.


    Avatar photoBilly_T

    I think we’re watching, reading and hearing different sources in the MSM, cuz I’m just not seeing the story being peddled that you see. I mostly see reporters concentrating on Trump, as mentioned above, his actions, the actions of his campaign . . . and while, yes, there is some silly bluster how the boy scout nature of the FBI and other Intel groups, I don’t bump into the “city on the hill” rhetoric, or the evil Russians and the awesome Americans. It’s all about Trump lies, his and his campaign’s seemingly endless meetings with the Russians, their lies about those and so on. I see the focus mostly on Trump’s criminality, not Russia’s.

    To me, that’s as it should be.


    Well, we just interpret what we are seeing differently i guess. I see the DNC-MSM going after Trump as you say. (While the Rep-MSM goes after the Dems)

    But i see the Russia-story being ‘used’ by the DNC-MSM as a basic propaganda tool, and as an anti-trump tool. They go hand in hand. The meta story is based on American exceptionalism and purity and the specific story is linking the evil trump to the evil putin empire.

    And none of it has any accurate historical context. The DNC-MSM and the Rep-MSM both continue to dum-down the electorate and propagandize them endlessly. And thus we end up with Hillary vs Trump or Obama vs McCain, etc. Its all a circus of lies, comrad.


    I think where we may be diverging is in the effects of dealing with Trump, versus the ongoing propagandizing of the American people. If I read you correctly, you see the focus on Trump as a part of that. I see it as a separate issue.

    The propagandizing is ongoing, but it’s mostly, to me, about an attempted obliteration of any kind of alternative economic vision, which also means leftists have to be silenced. We’re not a part of the national conversation. The furthest “left” it’s allowed to go is Sanders, and the MSM has done its best to block even that. You and I and several others here are to the left of Sanders; our ideas are more egalitarian than his — and least those he’s talked about in public. And he’s it. The powers that be won’t allow anything further, because that really is a direct threat to them.

    Trump isn’t. He helps them. He’s all in for the plutocracy. He’s deregulated businesses already, massively (through EOs), has turned federal department after federal department against its own public mission — and they were already weakened — and he’s ready to sign a huge tax cut for them. They may think he’s a lunatic, but they’ll gladly accept all the Christmas gifts he’s handing out . . . and the most destructive may be in the near future, with the privatization of our national parks.

    In short, Trump is a dream come true for the corporatocracy, for billionaires, for serial pollutors, for arms merchants, the MIC, etc. They haven’t had a president so willing to make rich people richer since Reagan.

    And the above is a big reason why I’m so puzzled by some leftist pundits who seem to be coming to his defense. Trump and the GOP are so appallingly against everything we stand for, it really dumbfounds me. As bad as the Clintons and the Dems are, they don’t come close to being so aggressively plutocratic. It’s just not close. And I say that noting how rotten Clinton and the Dems are . . . and I agree with you about their endless propagandizing of voters. I just don’t get the reluctance by some on the left to ALSO go after Trump. Again, he and the GOP are waaaay more destructive.

    Anyway . . . more thots later.

    Avatar photowv

    Quick question for you, WV.

    Do you see these three things all linked, or working together, or in cahoots? You listed them together.


    Did you leave out the GOP for a reason?

    Well, i dont think ‘deep state’ or ‘corporotacracy’ have hard-and-fast, mathematical definitions. They are just ‘useful labels’ i
    use. Flawed but useful ‘constructions.’ The system is
    hard to describe. Hard to ‘figure out.’ Its hard to describe its shape and components. Its not monolithic, i think we can say that. Its got internal debates and contested ground. But it still has a shape. There is ‘something’ there.

    Its a bit like postmodernism or existentialism though, in the sense that its hard to get a handle on. But there’s ‘something’ there, i think.

    I just think of ‘it’ as a collection of subsystems. A collection of power-systems that are connected, and they derail democracy. I basically think Lofgren and Moyers talk about the shape of it well enuff. Though i think they leave out the now obvious (to me) and hideous link between the deep-state and the MSM. I now think of the MSM as just another branch or subset of the deep-state.

    “…Mike Lofgren, a former GOP congressional staff member with the powerful House and Senate Budget Committees, joins Bill to talk about what he calls the Deep State, a hybrid of corporate America and the national security state, which is “out of control” and “unconstrained.” In it, Lofgren says, elected and unelected figures collude to protect and serve powerful vested interests. “It is … the red thread that runs through the history of the last three decades. It is how we had deregulation, financialization of the economy, the Wall Street bust, the erosion or our civil liberties and perpetual war,” Lofgren tells Bill…”

    The Deep State Hiding in Plain Sight


    “…Yes, there is another government concealed behind the one that is visible at either end of Pennsylvania Avenue, a hybrid entity of public and private institutions ruling the country according to consistent patterns in season and out, connected to, but only intermittently controlled by, the visible state whose leaders we choose. My analysis of this phenomenon is not an exposé of a secret, conspiratorial cabal; the state within a state is hiding mostly in plain sight, and its operators mainly act in the light of day. Nor can this other government be accurately termed an “establishment.” All complex societies have an establishment, a social network committed to its own enrichment and perpetuation. In terms of its scope, financial resources and sheer global reach, the American hybrid state, the Deep State, is in a class by itself. That said, it is neither omniscient nor invincible. The institution is not so much sinister (although it has highly sinister aspects) as it is relentlessly well entrenched. Far from being invincible, its failures, such as those in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya, are routine enough that it is only the Deep State’s protectiveness towards its higher-ranking personnel that allows them to escape the consequences of their frequent ineptitude. [2]

    How did I come to write an analysis of the Deep State, and why am I equipped to write it? As a congressional staff member for 28 years specializing in national security and possessing a top secret security clearance, I was at least on the fringes of the world I am describing, if neither totally in it by virtue of full membership nor of it by psychological disposition…

    ….The Deep State does not consist of the entire government. It is a hybrid of national security and law enforcement agencies: the Department of Defense, the Department of State, the Department of Homeland Security, the Central Intelligence Agency and the Justice Department. I also include the Department of the Treasury because of its jurisdiction over financial flows, its enforcement of international sanctions and its organic symbiosis with Wall Street. All these agencies are coordinated by the Executive Office of the President via the National Security Council. Certain key areas of the judiciary belong to the Deep State, such as the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, whose actions are mysterious even to most members of Congress. Also included are a handful of vital federal trial courts, such as the Eastern District of Virginia and the Southern District of Manhattan, where sensitive proceedings in national security cases are conducted. The final government component (and possibly last in precedence among the formal branches of government established by the Constitution) is a kind of rump Congress consisting of the congressional leadership and some (but not all) of the members of the defense and intelligence committees. The rest of Congress, normally so fractious and partisan, is mostly only intermittently aware of the Deep State and when required usually submits to a few well-chosen words from the State’s emissaries.
    Bill Moyers:

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by Avatar photowv.
    Avatar photowv

    ….on a side note…i wish i knew more about the US invasion of russia 🙂

    Avatar photoZooey

    I just keep thinking about retiring somewhere else. And I’m not even close to being able to retire, but if I retire to a 3rd world country, I will be able to do it sooner. And I’m willing to do that. I’ve just had it here.

    This country is just too god-damned ignorant, arrogant, and greedy. And nobody knew our politics could become even more debased, but the narcissist-in-chief has made our nation a global Jerry Springer show. And 1/3 of the country seems just fine with that, and another 1/3 may not like it, but still believe this world is a better alternative to the Clinton version of the world. And the corporatists and politicians and National Security/Intelligence/FBI Deep State have basically succeeded in dismantling meaningful democracy…possibly permanently. And…OMG…racism is back out of the closet with many Americans believing that BLM is a hate group, and that blacks have a crime-strand on their DNA that justifies police brutality, and poor people really suck and deserve to be poor, and universal health care costs too much, and education is brainwashing, and on and on. I just don’t know if staying here is consistent with mental health. I am really just at the end. It was bad enough living through Bush, but there was still SOME hope that we could still live in some kind of peaceful, if lopsided, corporatocracy, but the blatant liars and kleptomaniacs have become unchained and completely unaccountable.

    I mean…my god…Mueller is the last hope for this place, and I’m not buying stock in his investigation. He could lock up the entire administration, and Robert and Rebekah Mercer, and the Koch brothers will still be out their with Breitbart and Jones and Limbaugh and FOX fucking the place over with their billions of deranged schemes. Montgomery Burns is running the country now.

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