Right Wing Christian Guns Down Daughters

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  • #47239

    This kind of crap happens almost every day. This is a mass shooting in this country almost every day. And…this one doesn’t even COUNT as a mass shooting because only 3 people got shot, and there were two people shooting. This bothers me more than Orlando because the number of people killed by friends or family in an argument completely dwarfs the number of premeditated killings.

    I don’t know what the answer to this is because even if we had stricter gun laws, this kind of crap would happen anyway.



    I don’t know what the answer to this is because even if we had stricter gun laws, this kind of crap would happen anyway.



    The NRA will say, the best approach would be to arm
    all the children of gun-owners.

    You watch, they’ll say somethin close to that 🙂



    As it happens the shooter has her own ideas on all this.


    from source:

    The tragedy unfolded in an affluent neighborhood near Houston as 42-year-old Christy Sheats exploded with rage, firing at her daughters Madison, 17, and Taylor, 22, as they fled into the street.

    Sheats reportedly owned several guns and recently posted a anti-gun control message on her Facebook page vowing never to give them up.

    “It would be horribly tragic if my ability to protect myself or my family were to be taken away,” she wrote on her Facebook page in March. “That’s exactly what Democrats are determined to do by banning semi-automatic handguns.”


    PA Ram

    Gun nuts–what can you do?

    Anything you can, I guess–even if it saves one life.

    America has a love affair with guns and you’d have as much luck convincing them to give that up as you would their oil. Guns, global warming? Non starters in this country. That’s the sad truth. We won’t solve either problem. Certainly not in my lifetime–in this generation.

    It doesn’t matter how many mass shootings or family murders or stray gang bullets hitting an innocent victim occur. It doesn’t matter how many ice caps melt–how high the ocean rises, or how many polar bears perish.

    There’s a Don DeLillo book called “Point Omega” and there’s a quote(I can’t remember) that says something along the lines of “consciousness is tired” —that it’s ready to pack it in. That it’s winding down.

    I get that feeling sometimes—that humanity’s clock is ticking faster than anyone realizes–that this human experiment will go down as a big FAIL. Maybe something better will replace it–maybe just nothing will replace it and like much of the universe or all that we’ve seen so far–things will just be dead and cold in the end as the universe goes dark–and this little failed blip will be long forgotten.

    Now–who wants ice cream?


    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick

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