Relocation might be an issue for some free agents

Recent Forum Topics Forums The Rams Huddle Relocation might be an issue for some free agents

  • This topic has 4 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by Avatar photozn.
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  • #18462
    Avatar photowv

    Relocation might be an issue
    for some free agents, i suppose.

    We were doing some promos for the combine and I had an opportunity to speak with this player.

    I talked to him about his situation and of course I asked him about his feelings towards the Rams.

    Below is what he said verbatim.

    “I’m a veteran free agent with a family.

    I have kids in school.

    My kids have roots and friends in my present location, but I’m a UFA.

    I get a great offer from the Rams with plenty of guaranteed money. BUT it’s St Louis and I have to consider their situation, and my family.

    I consider the fact I’m uprooting my family from their present environment, to another environment that could potentially only be for one year.

    So I could be asking my family to move yet again after only one year to another school, to make new friends, and get acclimated to a new environment!

    That is going to weigh heavily in my decision and the thought of putting my family through that would make me consider a lower offer from a more stable situation”.

    That’s from one of the top free agents on the market, in a position of need for the Rams.

    It’s an issue, at least for him.

    Avatar photoZooey

    Relocation might be an issue
    for some free agents, i suppose.

    We were doing some promos for the combine and I had an opportunity to speak with this player.

    It’s an issue, at least for him.

    Makes complete sense.

    Less likely to matter to someone without kids.

    Avatar photowv

    wv wrote:
    Relocation might be an issue
    for some free agents, i suppose.

    We were doing some promos for the combine and I had an opportunity to speak with this player.

    It’s an issue, at least for him.

    Makes complete sense.

    Less likely to matter to someone without kids.

    Yeah, its totally dependent on each individual situation.
    I mean, it might work the other way — a player might
    not ordinarily sign with St.Louis but if he thinks
    they are moving to LA, he might like that…etc, and so forth.



    It’s stuff like that that has me think either the move is happening…

    Or Kroenke’s a real dick.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

    Avatar photozn

    It’s stuff like that that has me think either the move is happening…

    Or Kroenke’s a real dick.

    Well, it could be both.

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