I have it taped. Will have to watch it today.
The Jesus of the bible was a leftist. He was well to the left of liberal, and on the opposite side of the spectrum from the Christian right. Basically, a DFH before the term was used. A “commie” before the term was used. He and his merry band of leftists went from town to town, sharing everything, refusing monetary compensation for everything, healing the sick, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, and never asking for anything in return.
Oh, and he said no rich man could follow him. They’d have to give away all of their money to the poor first. And rich people couldn’t get into heaven.
It’s amazing how the Church subsequently found ways around the frequent Jeremiads against personal wealth, and today some Christians even peddle being obscenely rich as a sign of their god’s favor.
As for refugees? Yeah, Jesus would accept all of them. No limits. No bans on certain religions, etc.
The world is so twisted these days.