recently in a courtroom in Georgia

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    Well, apart from all the ‘dick sucking’ dialogue, the defendant
    was supposed to be given ‘discovery’ (autopsy reports, police reports, lab reports, etc)
    and apparently all he was given was the Indictment (Ie, the piece of paper telling him what he is charged with)

    So, the Defendant was just asking for what he is entitled to. When the lawyer said “I gave him everything i have” that is kindof a dead give away, that he didnt give him what he was
    entitled to.

    The judge just should have asked the lawyer “What, exactly did you give the defendant?”

    And if the lawyer hadnt gotten discovery and given it to the defendant, then the judge should have just ordered that, and continued the trial, and on to the next case.


    nittany ram

    Well, apart from all the ‘dick sucking’ dialogue, the defendant
    was supposed to be given ‘discovery’ (autopsy reports, police reports, lab reports, etc)
    and apparently all he was given was the Indictment (Ie, the piece of paper telling him what he is charged with)

    So, the Defendant was just asking for what he is entitled to. When the lawyer said “I gave him everything i have” that is kindof a dead give away, that he didnt give him what he was
    entitled to.

    The judge just should have asked the lawyer “What, exactly did you give the defendant?”

    And if the lawyer hadnt gotten discovery and given it to the defendant, then the judge should have just ordered that, and continued the trial, and on to the next case.


    Totally off topic but I used to enjoy court room dramas. Is there a TV show you know of that portrayed criminal court proceedings fairly accurately?


    Totally off topic but I used to enjoy court room dramas. Is there a TV show you know of that portrayed criminal court proceedings fairly accurately?

    Not that i know of. To be honest, if they were accurate,
    they’d be incredibly boring and tedious. Yer basic everyday courtroom stuff
    is usually really boring. The interesting stuff occurs in the jail, when the client and defendant talk off the record.


    nittany ram

    Totally off topic but I used to enjoy court room dramas. Is there a TV show you know of that portrayed criminal court proceedings fairly accurately?

    Not that i know of. To be honest, if they were accurate,
    they’d be incredibly boring and tedious. Yer basic everyday courtroom stuff
    is usually really boring. The interesting stuff occurs in the jail, when the client and defendant talk off the record.


    Yeah, I figured as much.

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