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- This topic has 9 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 6 years, 7 months ago by
August 9, 2018 at 11:19 am #89200
ParticipantAugust 9, 2018 at 12:47 pm #89202zn
ModeratorFreedom Rider: Social Media’s Danger to the Black Left
“The move against Alex Jones will be used to defend further censoring of left wing voices.”
Of course Black Agenda Report utilizes social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook and YouTube to communicate with readers. Any individual or organization who needs to connect with large groups of people does so as well. But our adversaries know that too and have embarked on unprecedented efforts to diminish black and left voices or silence them altogether. The change was announced quite publicly in November 2016 when the Jeff Bezos owned Washington Postpresented the infamous Propornotlist. This anonymous group claimed that some 200 sites, including Black Agenda Report, were susceptible to Russian propaganda, hence the propaganda or not label.
Now the attack is a bit more subtle but quite effective. Individuals and groups find themselves “ghost banned,” unable to post on social media platforms but never given a reason why. YouTube subscribers find themselves unsubscribed. YouTube channels are demonetized and unable to earn revenue if they cover left leaning political issues. The search engine reach of organizations like Black Agenda Report have been diminished on Google.
“Police invented a persona, Bob Smith, who was able to ‘friend’ individuals with a fake story of activism.”
There is also an old school frontal assault reminiscent of the FBI’s infamous Counter Intelligence Program, COINTELPRO. The police department in Memphis, Tennessee used Facebook to spy on Black Lives Matter activists. They even invented a persona, Bob Smith, who was able to “friend” individuals with a fake story of activism and then monitor their movements, plans and announcements. Any event that attracted a black audience was targeted, private information was collected and shared with law enforcement across the country, public utilities and private corporations such as Fedex.
The benefits of social media are obvious. But left activists must rethink how or even whether to use platforms which are both useful and dangerous. We may find new comrades and associates on Facebook and Twitter but we can also find the Bob Smiths of the world. We must remember that mass movements existed long before the invention of the world wide web. The internet was in its infancy when the Million Man March took place in 1995. Somehow more than 1 million people knew they were to be in Washington on a specific date and time. We don’t have to relegate ourselves to a problematic enterprise in order to make ourselves known and heard.
“The internet was in its infancy when the Million Man March took place in 1995.”
It is time to take a serious look at our dependence on Facebook, which Julian Assange called, “The most appalling spy machine ever invented.” Every serious activist should take a look at how they contact other people. It isn’t necessary to give up social media altogether but it is essential to have phone numbers, email and written addresses for anyone we may wish to contact. Old fashioned address books gathering dust need to be resurrected.
The system that we critique so assiduously is quite serious about limiting our effectiveness when it can’t do away with our organizations altogether. An accusation of being a Russian bot or a fake news site is enough to consign one to social media oblivion and the inability to communicate at all.
In short, they are coming after us and they will use many ruses to do it. Right wing pundit Alex Jones was recently kicked off of Facebook, Twitter and YouTube for violations of terms of service. There is nothing new about Jones antics. He has been violating those terms for years without consequence. The sudden concern for what he has done for years is highly suspect. Some observers believe that he is in fact a United States intelligence asset.
“Old fashioned address books gathering dust need to be resurrected.”
There is no reason for anyone on the left to cheer Jones being censored. The move against him will be used to defend further censoring of left wing voices. There will always be Alex Jones like characters on social media. His absence helps no one except the intelligence apparatus who will find new ways to use our words and activities against us.
We are living in an era when every person on the planet is under surveillance, regardless of their ideology or political activity.The National Security Agency (NSA) has records of every email and every phone call made in the country. The Boston Globerecently revealed the existed of a program called Quiet Skies , which has the power to put any air traveler under direct, physical surveillance from federal air marshals. Behavior such as “Reversing or changing direction and/or stopping in transit in an airport, boarding last, or observing the boarding gate from afar,” can guarantee that a traveler will unknowingly be accompanied by an air marshal on their next flight.
“Every person on the planet is under surveillance, regardless of their ideology or political activity.”
Social media is dangerous precisely because we use it voluntarily. We voluntarily provide personal information to strangers at Facebook, which is seen as harmless and even benign. But Facebook recently decided that planned demonstrations against white supremacists in Washington were created on orders from the Kremlin and removed their informationfrom the site which everyone uses to promote their activity.
The dystopian world of the novel 1984 is here but in an even worse way than Orwell imagined. In his imagination Big Brother interposed himself into the lives of ordinary people. But in 2018 the people are giving their enemies information that may be used to harm them. Humans are loathe to go backwards but that is what we must start considering. We may well have to time travel to the days of rotary phones and pieces of paper. Otherwise we are giving our enemies ammunition that they will surely use.
August 9, 2018 at 3:49 pm #89207wv
ParticipantAnybody got any opinions on whether it was a good idea to ban the loathesome-disgusting-weasel Alex Jones?
vAugust 9, 2018 at 4:20 pm #89208nittany ram
ModeratorAnybody got any opinions on whether it was a good idea to ban the loathesome-disgusting-weasel Alex Jones?
vI go back and forth on it. I understand Camp’s point that banning Jones may have opened a door to the banning of leftist sites like Redacted Tonight. On the other hand the collective IQ of the country went up 30 points the minute after it happened.
And besides, that could happen anyway, Jones or no Jones, right? Facebook, Youtube, etc are all privately owned companies. They have a right to determine what content is suitable for their sites. And the content policies change depending on which way the wind is blowing. Facebook has a content policy that one could argue Jones has been violating for years. Some might ask why has it taken this long for Facebook to ban him.
And of course Jones is free to start his own social media platform. I’m surprised he didn’t already have one. I’m sure he has enough followers who would pony up some cash to support it.
But I guess I’m in the “Let’s wait and see what happens” box. I’m happy about anything that impacts Infowars in a negative way but I am a little apprehensive about what this means for the future of political content on free social media.
August 9, 2018 at 9:58 pm #89217TSRF
ParticipantGot some skin in the game.
Never want to see his face again and I hope he rots in Hell forever (Preferably in a different Hell than the one I’m going to go to).
MattAugust 9, 2018 at 11:17 pm #89220zn
ModeratorGot some skin in the game.
Never want to see his face again and I hope he rots in Hell forever (Preferably in a different Hell than the one I’m going to go to).
MattYes it;s personal for you isn’t it.
August 10, 2018 at 12:24 am #89226Zooey
ModeratorWell…I made it 1:24 into that video, but the second Lee made the issue about him, I hit “pause” and bailed out.
Banning Jones is not the beginning of a Slippery Slope.
Dude was constantly lying, like…constant, poisonous lies. Poisonous.
So maybe he gets hit in the wallet, and decides to come back with a little more consideration for the truth. To me…that’s a good thing.
As far as Lee goes…I don’t think he needs to worry because he isn’t peddling completely bogus lies. Lies that hurt peopled, hurt real people. Directly. I don’t think Lee needs to worry that he will be lumped together with Alex Jones, and it is a bit dismaying that he thinks there is a connection.
August 10, 2018 at 9:20 am #89242Billy_T
ParticipantAs others have already mentioned, there isn’t any correlation between banning Jones and banning leftists. They’re going to do the latter regardless, if that’s their wont.
The two are totally disconnected.
Plus, Alex Jones is a truly special case. His demented rants have actually provoked his listeners to go after survivors of gun massacres, threaten them with death, force them into hiding. Jones accuses them of being “crisis actors” and they get death threats because of that.
People who survive gun maniacs have to live in fear thanks to the fascist slimeball Jones.
Leftists, as far as I know, don’t whip up their audiences into a frenzy like that.
Oh, and in case the right protests about “free speech”: It’s not in play when a person is banned from a media outlet. No one has a “right” to someone else’s platform, communication vehicle, or amplification device. We can say whatever we want, as long as it doesn’t incite violence, but we have no special rights to platforms for speech.
. . .
(I can’t accurately assert that my “free speech rights” were violated by the Herd, for instance. I can assert, with a strong rationale, however, that they acted in a cowardly and unfair manner.)
This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by
August 10, 2018 at 4:00 pm #89254Billy_T
ParticipantFrom the people who suffer directly from Jones.
Dear Mr Zuckerberg,
Our names are Lenny Pozner and Veronique De La Rosa. We are the parents of Noah, who on 14 December, 2012, at the age of six, was gunned down in his classroom at Sandy Hook elementary school. Since that day, we, as well as the parents, family, and friends of the 25 other victims, have been embroiled in a constant battle with social media providers, including Facebook, to protect us from harassment and threats.
Almost immediately after the massacre of 20 little children, all under the age of seven, and six elementary school teachers and staff, the attacks on us began. Conspiracy groups and anti-government provocateurs began making claims on Facebook that the massacre was a hoax, that the murdered were so-called “crisis actors” and that their audience should rise up to “find out the truth” about our families. These claims and calls to action spread across Facebook like wildfire and, despite our pleas, were protected by Facebook.
While terms you use, like “fake news” or “fringe conspiracy groups”, sound relatively innocuous, let me provide you with some insight into the effects of allowing your platform to continue to be used as an instrument to disseminate hate. We have endured online, telephone, and in-person harassment, abuse, and death threats. In fact, one of the abusers was sentenced to jail for credible death threats that she admitted in court she had uttered because she believed in online content created by these “fringe groups”. In order to protect ourselves and our surviving children, we have had to relocate numerous times. These groups use social media, including Facebook, to “hunt” us, posting our home address and videos of our house online. We are currently living in hiding. We are far from alone in our experiences, as many other families who have lost loved ones in mass shootings and other tragedies have reported the same continuing torment.
Our families are in danger as a direct result of the hundreds of thousands of people who see and believe the lies and hate speech, which you have decided should be protected. What makes the entire situation all the more horrific is that we have had to wage an almost inconceivable battle with Facebook to provide us with the most basic of protections to remove the most offensive and incendiary content.
In your recent interview with Kara Swisher of Recode, you were asked why Facebook would allow an organization to post a conspiracy theory claiming that the Sandy Hook massacre was staged. While you implied that Facebook would act more quickly to take down harassment directed at Sandy Hook victims than, say, the posts of Holocaust deniers, that is not our experience. In fact, you went on to suggest that this type of content would continue to be protected and that your idea for combatting incendiary content was to provide counterpoints to push “fake news” lower in search results. Of course, this provides no protection to us at all. It would require people writing articles and making posts about our family and the massacre in the same quantity and read and spread by the same numbers as those who post and publish the hoax content. Since few are writing about a school shooting from six years ago, especially when other mass shootings have followed, only the Sandy Hook “hoax” information appears and is spread, giving increased credence to the hateful, dangerous content. If your goal is truly to provide protection to us and remove dangerous and malicious content quickly, may we suggest the following:
Treat victims of mass shootings and other tragedies as a protected group, such that attacks on them are specifically against Facebook policy.
Provide affected people with access to Facebook staff who will remove hateful and harassing posts against victims immediately.
Facebook plays a mammoth role in exposing the world’s masses to information. That level of power comes with the tremendous responsibility of ensuring that your platform is not used to harm others or contribute to the proliferation of hate. Yetit appears that under the guise of free speech, you are prepared to give license to people who make it their purpose to do just that.
After the death of our son and the bewildering attacks on our family and the families of the other victims, we began to hear from the people affected by other mass shootings and tragedies who were suffering similar abuse on Facebook. In response to the overt disregard shown by Facebook, we founded with the mission of providing assistance to those being targeted online by mob hate.
After feeling so much hope following your pledge in the Senate to make Facebook a safer and more hospitable place for social interaction, we are once again feeling let down by your recent comments supporting a safe harbor for Holocaust deniers and hate groups that attack victims of tragedy.
Our son Noah no longer has a voice, nor will he ever get to live out his life. His absence is felt every day. But we are unable to properly grieve for our baby or move on with our lives because you, arguably the most powerful man on the planet, have deemed that the attacks on us are immaterial, that providing assistance in removing threats is too cumbersome, and that our lives are less important than providing a safe haven for hate.
Leonard Pozner & Veronique De La Rosa
Parents of Noah Pozner, Sandy Hook shooting victim
August 10, 2018 at 5:37 pm #89255TSRF
ParticipantBilly_T, thanks for posting.
ZN, yes; this is very personal for me.
So many people I know who will never be the same (including me and mine), and to have this asshole actually praised by our president. Fucking mind blowing.
This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by
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