Questions about the board and moving

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    Avatar photozn


    smiley 77

    Avatar photowv

    Well, my own personal view is, it was pretty classless
    to simply blow up the Buzz board without telling anyone
    what was going to happen. I’m sorry, but there
    really is no way to defend that.



    So I checked out the Buzz and it’s gone…capooey.

    What’s the long story of its demise?

    Avatar photozn

    Board history.

    As told by Michael Palin in Monty Python & the Holy Grail.

    Listen, lad. I’ve built this kingdom up from nothing. When I started here, all there was was swamp. All the kings said I was daft to build a castle in a swamp, but I built it all the same, just to show ’em. It sank into the swamp. So, I built a second one. That sank into the swamp. So I built a third one. That burned down, fell over, then sank into the swamp. But the fourth one stayed up. An’ that’s what your gonna get, lad — the strongest castle in these islands.

    Avatar photowv

    So I checked out the Buzz and it’s gone…capooey.

    What’s the long story of its demise?

    The short story is that X sold the ROD board to “Oz”
    and OZ, who also ‘owned’ the Buzz-board, simply…blew it up.
    Without giving anyone notice. Just zapped it, and left
    this group without their favorite board.

    Simply unethical behavior by Oz. No other word for it.

    And now apparently the link to the Buzz board leads to — the ROD board.

    I’m still kinda speechless.

    He had every ‘right’ to blow up the board, but just because
    you have the right to do something, doesn’t mean its the right thing to do.
    He should have given people notice. There’s no justification or defense
    for doing it the way he did it. It was low-down.


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by Avatar photowv.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by Avatar photozn.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by Avatar photozn.

    I did a little checking on the Buzz. If you type in the URL field, it redirects to the 404 is history.

    This gets curiouser and curiouser.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by Ozoneranger.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by Avatar photozn.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by Avatar photozn.
    Line of Scrimmage

    New here and don’t want to get in the middle of anything. But there was a board called the Buzz – I’m guessing – and it got shut down while this board still existed and this site existed before the Buzz? And the moderators here were also moderators on the Buzz? Seems confusing. If this board existed before, why not just put your energy toward it? It sounds like this site was allowed to go dormant so that the other one could replace it? Am I the only one confused?

    In the Trenches

    Avatar photozn

    New here and don’t want to get in the middle of anything. But there was a board called the Buzz – I’m guessing – and it got shut down while this board still existed and this site existed before the Buzz? And the moderators here were also moderators on the Buzz? Seems confusing. If this board existed before, why not just put your energy toward it? It sounds like this site was allowed to go dormant so that the other one could replace it? Am I the only one confused?

    I don’t think anyone here said the moderators at the old huddle were also the moderators at the buzz. In point of fact…a couple were. A couple weren’t.

    Either way, questions about boards and board policies and board histories, as I say in this thread, should go on a different board. (In fact as soon as I can move the posts that don’t belong, I will.)

    This thread is just to welcome people here, or to say hello to the board, which beginning posters like to do. Yours is a board/s history question, and I would ask you to put in on hold just for a little bit or go to the Board Policies and Issues board and raise it there.

    Line of Scrimmage

    Oh – my bad. I thought I read that here in this thread along with some stuff about a moderator here being banned from the Buzz before it was unceremoniously shut down. Seemed like the place for that question. I’ll look for the board you mentioned. I hadn’t seen it before. Though I will agree – this board doesn’t seem like the right place for that stuff. By “put it on hold just for a little bit” do you mean that the question would be ok here at a later date? Please excuse the confusion. By the thread title this seemed to me to be more about where the members have been as they were “Wandering Lost”. Seemed like an interesting subject so I wanted to know more.

    In the Trenches

    Line of Scrimmage

    Wow. I AM confused. I thought the stuff I read was here in this thread. Please feel free to move it there. I’ll try to keep track of which thread I’m in in the future.

    In the Trenches


    Well, my own personal view is, it was pretty classless
    to simply blow up the Buzz board without telling anyone
    what was going to happen. I’m sorry, but there
    really is no way to defend that.


    I agree.

    First my link didn’t connect to anywhere, then it sent me to ROD.
    I even posted a post there with the title, “I’m a board orphan!”

    Just up and left me hanging… Noyce.

    Avatar photozn

    Hello TSRF. We worried about you. How did you finally find us? I had no email, and so on. I didn’t know this thread was still on the Rams board though so I am going to move it to the Board Policies and Issues board.

    Here’s a good thread to join in the festiveness of all this–moving, finding people again…


    Avatar photoEternal Ramnation

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>wv wrote:</div>
    Well, my own personal view is, it was pretty classless
    to simply blow up the Buzz board without telling anyone
    what was going to happen. I’m sorry, but there
    really is no way to defend that.


    I agree.

    First my link didn’t connect to anywhere, then it sent me to ROD.
    I even posted a post there with the title, “I’m a board orphan!”

    Just up and left me hanging… Noyce.

    Did you get my pm on ROD?

    Avatar photozn

    Hi TSRF. Had to move your last post to the closed history thread. I’m sure you understand why.

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