question: do you support the idea of the NFL expanding overseas?

Recent Forum Topics Forums The Rams Huddle question: do you support the idea of the NFL expanding overseas?

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    Avatar photozn

    I have my own ideas but will hold back for a bit.

    Avatar photowv

    You mean like playing a game or two in China? Mexico? London?
    Or having a team outside the US?

    I havent given it much thought, but i do know that when i watched the Rams play in London a while back — it didnt feel right. It had the feel of a rock concert or a circus-spectacle or somethin. Not really ‘football.’
    Didnt feel right.

    We all know ‘why’ this stuff is happening — to make the league more money. But is it better for the fans and ‘the game’ ? I dunno.


    Avatar photonittany ram

    Sorta depends on where the team is located. The UK would be alright because there’s a 6 hour time difference with us on the east coast. Games played at 7 pm in the UK would equate to a 1 pm start time for the east coast of the US and a 10 am start time for those on the west coast. That’s manageable.

    But games in China, Korea or Japan? Those countries are so far away that the time difference is only calculable by NASA. Did you know that today is actually yesterday there? The players union should be opposed to forcing players to travel back and forth through time. And who knows what effect time displacement will have on CTE?

    But is it fair for the NFL to place teams in London or Munich or Seoul where American football is just a novelty at best when cities with an established football tradition and long-time fans like St. Louis don’t have one?

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by Avatar photonittany ram.
    Avatar photozn

    But is it fair for the NFL to place teams in London or Munich or Seoul where American football is just a novelty at best when cities with an established football tradition and long-time fans like St. Louis don’t have one?

    Dear communist: St. Louis failed on the one thing that matters—revenue.

    Given that the NFL belongs in China because the Chinese are willing to spend on it. That way we can get back some of the money we sent there for them making the jerseys. So spare us your sentimental communist ideas.

    Avatar photonittany ram

    Dear communist: St. Louis failed on the one thing that matters—revenue.

    But that wasn’t St. Louis’ fault. Revenue would have been higher if the Rams had simply charged more for tickets and/or merchandise instead of the pittance they asked for. St. Louis was done in by Kroenke’s generous nature.

    Although, to be fair, no one in St Louis offered to pay more money either. I mean if St. Louis was serious about keeping the Rams they could have set up a tithing system or perhaps a system where wages of the residents were garnished to ensure an uninterrupted stream of cash was flowing into the Rams coffers at all times…

    So I guess there are no real football fans in St. Louis afterall.

    Avatar photoAgamemnon

    LA loves a winner.



    Would have to change the name to the IFL.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

    Avatar photozn

    I personally am against it. I don’t much support the entire “grow the product” mentality of the Jones-dominated NFL era. I not only think it’s bad for football as a game, I think it’s bad business too.

    PA Ram

    We can’t find good QBs now.

    What on earth will we do when we expand even further?

    I think the NFL is maxed out talentwise to be an elite league.

    Now you can argue that you’d be expanding the pool of talent by bringing in foreign players but that will take years. And can you imagine the NFL teams playing the game they play with U.S. cities now with other countries? Well–if Oakland won’t build a stadium Beijing will.

    Teams may move every other season.


    No thanks.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick

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    Peter King

    from MMQB

    9. I think I believe the Rams will play in China—a regular-season game—in 2018, as was leaked last week. And I think there are 31 other coaches who would find it a nightmare to make that trip … and maybe 20 or so owners who would be intrigued by it. There’s a first-team-in sense about China that intrigues lots of owners, who view their teams as sports franchises/profit centers. Imagine if the foe is Seattle. Imagine how many Chinese might buy Russell Wilson jerseys, or join Seahawks fan groups and spend money on Seahawks stuff. Or Rams stuff. What I’m saying is that on the surface you’d never think teams would want to play in China. But a bunch of owners do. And owners control this leagu

    Avatar photojoemad

    But games in China, Korea or Japan? Those countries are so far away that the time difference is only calculable by NASA. Did you know that today is actually yesterday there? The players union should be opposed to forcing players to travel back and forth through time. And who knows what effect time displacement will have on CTE?

    imagine getting a concussion in Shanghai and getting on a plane nauseated for a 14 hour flight back home…..

    If the league considers expansion, stay in the western and northern hemisphere….. Guadalajara, Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal…. how about Cuba?


    What money is to be made in Cuba for the NFL? MLB perhaps but the reality for the next 10 years at least is Cuba is BROKE.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

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