Question about the Omarosa's Trump tapes

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    Does it really matter that she hands over the tapes. We all know Trump is a racist. He calls Neo-Nasis very fine people, called Africa a shithole, has white supremacists parading down Pennsylvania Ave. in Washington DC. Demeans African Americans, by saying they have low I.Q. Basically calling Mexicans rapists, murders, and such. Trump is a racist, and we don’t need the tapes to prove it.


    Does it really matter that she hands over the tapes. We all know Trump is a racist. He calls Neo-Nasis very fine people, called Africa a shithole, has white supremacists parading down Pennsylvania Ave. in Washington DC. Demeans African Americans, by saying they have low I.Q. Basically calling Mexicans rapists, murders, and such. Trump is a racist, and we don’t need the tapes to prove it.

    No, but if any of the other alleged 200 recordings she has implicate people in the White House in racism or anything else, it will make the life hot for other people who already live in fear of getting fired because of the hostile work place. Trump has a Teflon armor, but other people don’t. It depends on how brazen the recorded remarks are.

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