Question about Hell

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  • #58164
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    Does it seem like ‘flatterers’ got a rough deal from Dante. I mean do they really belong all the way down in the EIGHTH level of Hell?



    PA Ram

    I don’t know–but as a Rams fan I kinda feel like I’m somewhere between the fifth and sixth level right now. If they beat Miami maybe we get to fourth?

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick

    Avatar photozn

    Does it seem like ‘flatterers’ got a rough deal from Dante. I mean do they really belong all the way down in the EIGHTH level of Hell?

    They’re just one of many categories of falsifiers and seducers.

    So for example that’s where you would find Fox News.


    ARAGORN: Then Sauron the Deceiver gave to them nine rings of power

    Avatar photonittany ram

    Sheee-it, as a Rams fan, Dante’s levels of Hell look like a friggin’ retreat. I’d go there to get rejuvenated. Maybe have a few laughs.

    I see that Judias occupies the deepest part of Hell, the Pit of Hell.

    But why would he be punished at all?

    Afterall, didn’t he do exactly what God wanted him to do? What he was born to do? If he doesn’t betray Christ there is no crucifixion which was why Christ was sent to Earth to begin with, right?

    So why torture him for doing his job?

    Also, it seems like the punishments on the 7th level of Hell are more extreme than the ones on level 8.

    Damn. So many inconsistencies.

    That’s why it’s always important to proofread your visions of Hell first.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by Avatar photonittany ram.
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    I don’t know–but as a Rams fan I kinda feel like I’m somewhere between the fifth and sixth level right now. If they beat Miami maybe we get to fourth?


    I dunno. I think offensive coordinators go to level 6.


    — X —

    They’re just one of many categories of falsifiers and seducers.

    I guess I’d rather be a falsifier.
    I can deal with itchy skin.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss


    I’m reading Inferno, the Dan Brown book now. Good read.

    There’s a math issue in it. Almost feels like an homage to Michael Crichton.

    Funny you all should bring this up…

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

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