Progressives and the minority voter ?

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  • #104625

    “…This backlash gives the impression that there’s a surging tide of white racism in America.
    But just as slavery was not new during the pre-Civil War period, there’s absolutely nothing new about white racism as a force in American politics. Jenée Desmond-Harris wrote in 2016 that Trump was “refreshing” not just “to people who share his views” but “to people who have always known that views like this exist.”
    Trump has made white racial resentment more visible than it was before, but at the same time, white liberals have become much more attuned to racism…”

    I was just thinking about how refreshing Trump is in many ways. Take the money-thing. A weasely-liar like Hillary, who is a multi-multi-multi-millionaire (She and Bill both totally-cashed-in on Politix)always tried to downplay her 1 percenter status. She tried to be all folksy and play that “I’m just one of the people” shit, everywhere she went. And it was a lie. And people knew it was a lie.

    How did Trump handle the same issue? He bragged about his money. He didnt downplay it, he said “I’m the biggest, best, Billionaire of all time!” And people thought it was refreshing, and honest. And they figured he must be honest about other things too. Whereas Hillary just sounded like the liar that she was.

    Now i know Trump lied about a gazillion things, etc etc. But the man came across as ‘refrehing’ in a lot of ways to a lot of people. I picked up on it, myself, and also thought some of it was ‘refreshing’ in a surreal stuck-in-a-corporotacracy way.

    Sometimes people respond to ‘blunt gawd-awfulness’ better than ‘careful weasely tip-toeing’ (see Joe Biden)


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