Trumpie behaviors (examples of that, plus comments on that)

Recent Forum Topics Forums The Public House Trumpie behaviors (examples of that, plus comments on that)

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    Raffensperger escorted out of Ga. Capitol after it was surrounded by pro-Trump mob

    ATLANTA — On Wednesday, while much of the country’s attention was focused on the riots unfolding in Washington, D.C., another standoff was taking place in Georgia.

    Militiamen and other far-right Trump supporters in Atlanta surrounded the state’s Capitol building in search of Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger.

    As the group tried to enter the building to hand deliver a list of grievances about the November election, and Raffensperger’s refusal to overturn the results, Georgia Capitol police, fearing for the safety of the secretary of state and his staff, escorted them out of the building, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

    “We heard reports of threats and left immediately,” spokeswoman Deputy Secretary of State Jordan Fuchs said.

    Raffensperger is Georgia’s top elections official, who last Saturday was pressured by Trump on a phone call that was recorded and published by the Washington Post. On the call, Trump is heard asking Raffensperger to “find” him enough votes to overturn the results of the general election in the state.

    The standoff at Georgia’s Capitol building followed a small “Stop the Steal” protest nearby where roughly two dozen people, some carrying assault-style weapons, had gathered to challenge the legitimacy of the November election. One of the men in attendance was Chester Doles, a longtime white supremacist and member of the Ku Klux Klan, who made headlines last month after posing with a picture with GOP Sen. Kelly Loeffler. Some cars passing the protest honked in support, while others looked on in dismay.

    The incident came the same day history was made in the state as Democrats Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff were declared the winners of their Senate runoff races against incumbents Sen. Kelly Loeffler and Sen. David Perdue. Those wins will give Democrats control of the U.S. Senate for the first time since 2015. Warnock became the first Black senator from Georgia and Ossoff became the first Jewish senator to represent the state.

    But the significance of those victories were overshadowed by what took place in D.C.

    “Today’s insurrectionist attack on the U.S. Capitol was incited by Trump’s poisonous lies & flagrant assault on our Constitution,” Ossoff tweeted Wednesday. “The GOP must discard and disavow Trump once and for all, end its attacks on the electoral process, & commit fully to the peaceful transfer of power.”

    “In this moment of unrest, violence and anger, we must remember the words of Dr. King, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that,” Warnock tweeted. “Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” Let each of us try to be a light to see our country out of this dark moment.”

    Atlanta’s demonstration was puny in comparison to the massive “Stop the Steal” rally where 25,000 to 35,000 diehard Trump supporters gathered before hundreds of them stormed the Capitol and occupied it before the National Guard was called to restore order. Four people died as a result of that rally, according to Washington, D.C., police.

    In an interview with Yahoo News on Thursday, Warnock maintained that Wednesday’s riot in D.C. shows that words matter.

    “What we saw yesterday is that words have power,” Warnock said. “Unfortunately, the occupant of the White House has been ginning up this bigotry, frustrations and resentments [for] some time. The problem is it’s been aided and abetted by other politicians, including my opponent during this Senate race. So this is what you get.”







    Republican congresswoman under fire for ‘spreading Florida school shooting conspiracy theories’

    Republican Marjorie Taylor Greene wearing a “Trump Won” face mask on January 3 – Erin Scott /Pool Reuters
    A Republican congresswoman is facing calls to resign over reports that she helped to spread falsehoods about the Parkland school shooting.

    Marjorie Taylor Greene reportedly agreed with a conspiracy theory about the 2018 shooting at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, in which 17 people were killed.

    Facebook screenshots showed a discussion about why a police officer had not rushed into the building, and someone claimed that the mass shooting was a “false flag planned shooting.” Greene replied: “Exactly!”

    The social media giant later removed the posts after they were reported to them.

    Cameron Kasky, a former Parkland pupil who co-founded the group Never Again MSD, said: “She should resign. She can apologise. I don’t think anybody will accept it.”

    The congresswoman was elected in Georgia in November, backed Donald Trump’s claims of election fraud, and has previously expressed support for the QAnon conspiracy theory.

    Fred Guttenberg, who’s 14-year-old daughter Jaime died in the Parkland shooting, said: “Your feelings on gun laws are irrelevant to your claim that Parkland never happened. You are a fraud who must resign. Be prepared to meet me directly in person to explain your conspiracy theory, and soon.”

    The comments by the politician were first reported by Media Matters for America.

    In a statement Ms Greene accused Media Matters for America of being “communists’ and “fake news”.

    Meanwhile, US Capitol Police were investigating an incident in which a Republican congressman was found carrying a concealed gun while trying to enter the floor of the House of Representatives.

    Andy Harris, a staunch gun-rights advocate, set off a metal detector going through security on his way to the House floor .

    Metal detectors were installed outside the chamber to beef up security in the aftermath of the Capitol riots on Jan 6.



    Um, a drop box, in the middle of a pandemic, is sanity, rationality, and logic all wrapped up in a smart package, and easily supported by the Constitution.

    Calling that “harvesting” is like calling the entire vote, for Trump or Biden, “harvesting.”

    Of course, the real issue here is this: It was always about projection and confession by Trump and the GOP. It was always designed to create the false narrative that the Dems were trying to cheat, when, in reality, it was Trump and the Republicans engaging in the(ir usual) cheating, rigging, stealing.

    Best defense is a good offense, etc. etc.

    And as everyone here knows, the GOP has been doing this for generations. Set up a “voter fraud commission,” whenever they’re in power, try to cover for their own cheating, and put the Dems back on their heels. In no case has their own commission ever found any substantial fraud. The most recent, massive non-partisan study, which looked at all votes cast between 2000 and 2014, came up with something like 30 votes, total. Out of roughly a billion.

    Goddess, I despise right-wing politics and parties!!


    I know most everyone is sick of talking about, thinking about, having anything to do with Trump and his regime — perhaps politics in general. I feel the same way, and I look forward to a 2021 when I begin to detach from it all, hopefully for good.

    But I also think it’s vital that before we “move on,” we take an honest look at the horrors he brought upon the world, and how close we came to the end of even our kinda sorta maybe democracy. We came within whiskers of Trump staying in office for as long as he cared to, via a violent coup, and/or torturing all the levers of power he could get away with . . . and that’s not hyperbole.

    One of his key methods for accomplishing his goals of absolute power was, of course, the Lie. His final, documented tally came to over 30,000, and that’s just beyond surreal. No previous politician has come within light years of such a figure, and it literally killed people. His lies about Covid, for instance, were the biggest vector of misinformation about the disease, according to several recent studies, including this one from Cornell:

    Trump has been the biggest source of Covid-19 misinformation, study finds

    *ZN, if you want to move this to another thread, a farewell tour of Trumplandia, perhaps, please feel free.











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