power out

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  • #76697
    Avatar photozn

    Big storm and power is out…only very limited phone access…won’t be able to do much until tues. night if then…hope y’all are doing well… Could other mods take outthe occasional spambot post till i am back? I would appreciate it… Anyway go rams and tell us your thotz on the giants game in the stickied thread

    Avatar photoAgamemnon

    Good luck with the power. Already did a couple of them previously.


    Avatar photozn

    Good luck with the power. Already did a couple of them previously.

    thanx on both counts. ….. The storm blew endless trees on to powerlines…might be days


    Here in CT, we were on the rain side. You in Maine were on the wind side.

    My dentist, as he drilled and drilled Monday morning, said he thought they had gotten 7 inches of rain at their house. Just got cable / internet back, but I do have a back-up hot spot which came in handy all day yesterday.

    Hope you have some dry wood handy; supposed to get cold this week.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by TSRF.
    Avatar photozn

    well it’s going to be longer than Tuesday night that’s for sure but I do have wood thanks for asking

    Avatar photozn

    In fact i hope i get to see the game….

    Avatar photozn

    Power is back.

    Avatar photoAgamemnon



    Avatar photojoemad

    What kind of generator do you have?

    Avatar photozn

    What kind of generator do you have?

    Don’t have one. As I understand it, the way it stands right now, the way the house is built, I would have to run a cord from the generator to inside the house and then plug into that, which means leaving a door or window open at least the width of a power cord. I need to have an electrician install an outdoor inlet (not outlet of course).

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