political tweets

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    Avatar photoZooey

    This seems weird to me.

    This acct followed me about a month ago (and follows wv, who follows back). It has 12 followers, the same amount it had a month ago when it followed me. The acct has been listed under my Who to Follow recommendations ever since. A month or more now. Other basically No Profile accts have followed me over that time, too, but they never show up as a recommendation. WTF?


    PS It’s not Biden. It’s the other one.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by Avatar photoZooey.
    Avatar photoBilly_T


    Just saw your “retweet” of the Trevor Noah clip. Dammmm! That’s saying the quiet part out loud. I noticed some of that in my viewing of the coverage, too, but didn’t watch enough teebee to see how widespread it was. Noah puts it all together, gives context, etc.

    Hopefully, media folks will take heed and realize the cringeworthy nature of their reportage, but I’m not holding my breath.


    Avatar photoZooey

    Just saw your “retweet” of the Trevor Noah clip.

    I was unaware that you follow me on Twitter. I must follow you, too, without realizing it.

    Avatar photoBilly_T

    Just saw your “retweet” of the Trevor Noah clip.

    I was unaware that you follow me on Twitter. I must follow you, too, without realizing it.

    I don’t have an account. Just went directly to your twitter feed via links you and others have left here. I’m guessing that means I can’t respond. Just look on from afar, etc. In horror and amazement.

    WV has mentioned in the past that’s he’s been doing anthropological studies of Left Twitter, but I don’t know his “handle.” Given that you’re both Seahawks fans, you must talk a lot about Seattle? I suppose I could always duckduckgo “leftist Seahawk fans.”


    Avatar photoBilly_T

    WTF is wrong with this guy?

    <script async=”” src=”https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js&#8221; charset=”utf-8″></script>


    I can’t stand Graham. But if we’re going just on the quote you posted, he’s absolutely right. In this case, the Brutus response is the moral, ethical, and humane way to go, given Putin’s entirely unprovoked slaughter of Ukrainian civilians, bombing their nation into smithereens, threatening to use nukes, and almost causing a nuclear catastrophe last night.


    Avatar photowv

    Avatar photoZooey

    WV has mentioned in the past that’s he’s been doing anthropological studies of Left Twitter, but I don’t know his “handle.” Given that you’re both Seahawks fans, you must talk a lot about Seattle? I suppose I could always duckduckgo “leftist Seahawk fans.”

    You’re half right.

    WV’s handle is CraftBoi3.

    He mostly tweets tips about how to make Russell Wilson dolls with crochet, play-doh, and potato-carving versions. Things like that.

    Avatar photoZooey

    Avatar photowv

    This seems weird to me. This acct followed me about a month ago (and follows wv, who follows back). It has 12 followers, the same amount it had a month ago when it followed me. The acct has been listed under my Who to Follow recommendations ever since. A month or more now. Other basically No Profile accts have followed me over that time, too, but they never show up as a recommendation. WTF? PS It’s not Biden. It’s the other one.


    Helianthus is a local friend of mine, Z.  Professor.  Into native plants, socialism, bats, and the evolution of insect mouth-parts.    🙂




    Avatar photowv

    … Just look on from afar, etc. In horror and amazement. WV has mentioned in the past that’s he’s been doing anthropological studies of Left Twitter, but I don’t know his “handle.” Given that you’re both Seahawks fans, you must talk a lot about Seattle? I suppose I could always duckduckgo “leftist Seahawk fans.” ;>)


    Fwiw, BT, Its crow @masada2118.     21 for Clemente, 18 for Gabriel  🙂


    Mostly, I just go on twitter and heart every single tweet

    by Caitlin Johnstone.




    Avatar photoZooey

    Helianthus is a local friend of mine, Z.  Professor.  Into native plants, socialism, bats, and the evolution of insect mouth-parts.

    After I posted that, I decided to check out their timeline, and came away convinced that a real person is behind the tweets, so I followed back, and now I have created room for a new recommendation from Twitter.

    I just thought it was so strange that this user, who is hardly ever active, and has only 12 followers (13 now), has been Twitter recommended to me incessantly for so long.

    Avatar photowv

    “No one wants to work anymore.”

    I hear this every week from ordinary working west virginians.


    Avatar photoZooey

    I think the easiest propaganda lies to spread are the ones that tell people that other people are inferior to them.

    Avatar photoZooey

    Avatar photowv

    The anti-russian mccarthyism continues.    Just another day in america.


    Avatar photowv

    Avatar photowv

    All the usual power-blocs trying to control the narratives.

    …as an aside, I have come to call this the ‘post-modern-condition.’   Just my own term, i use inside my own head.   Its the condition “I” feel because I can no longer trust 99 percent of the ‘info’ that I am assaulted with each day.

    I have no idea how much of this Jacobin article is ‘true’.

    So, I am left with what?   Well, I still trust my ‘big picture’ ideas.  For example Capitalism is destroying the biosphere.  Capitalism is a sophisticated Lie-machine.   Nation-States operate like Gangster states.     Etc.

    I trust my ‘big picture’ notions (mostly.  always open to modifications).

    But I do ‘not’ trust the more ‘granular’ info or specifics about ‘what is going on’ especially in real time.

    ‘post-modern-conditon’.   An unsatisfying state of mind.  For me.  Always skeptical about the granular ‘info’ and narratives.


    Avatar photoZooey

    All the usual power-blocs trying to control the narratives. …as an aside, I have come to call this the ‘post-modern-condition.’   Just my own term, i use inside my own head.   Its the condition “I” feel because I can no longer trust 99 percent of the ‘info’ that I am assaulted with each day. I have no idea how much of this Jacobin article is ‘true’. So, I am left with what?   Well, I still trust my ‘big picture’ ideas.  For example Capitalism is destroying the biosphere.  Capitalism is a sophisticated Lie-machine.   Nation-States operate like Gangster states.     Etc. I trust my ‘big picture’ notions (mostly.  always open to modifications). But I do ‘not’ trust the more ‘granular’ info or specifics about ‘what is going on’ especially in real time. ‘post-modern-conditon’.   An unsatisfying state of mind.  For me.  Always skeptical about the granular ‘info’ and narratives.


    I was discussing this with my son on Sunday. My “sense” is that we used to be able to more-or-less believe that the media gave us facts, although they would frame the facts to represent the interest of the elite class. There has always been disinformation, but I used to believe that for the most part, we were given facts. The trick was to perceive the framing at work around those facts.

    Now, MSM makes shit up themselves. It used to be just the corps and the gov’t engaged in disinformation. Now the media is making shit up.

    This is a very big problem. Nothing is really reliable until 25 years later, and all the dust has settled, and people have worked hard to assemble the truth. Even that is imperfect.

    So…we are left with the Big Picture.

    Disturbingly, this leaves us feeling disconnected and powerless which, of course, is among the goals of the propaganda. Win as many minds as you can, and marginalize everyone else, one way or another.

    But then a part of me doesn’t see much difference in whether I feel powerless under the weight of uncertainty about granular facts or not because I feel powerless anyway. Even if I could KNOW with a certainty what’s going on, what difference would it make? What are ya gonna do? Vote for Bernie?

    It is literally impossible to stop the destruction. Tank Man was amazingly brave. How long did he delay the inevitable, though? You can’t change it by voting, and it can’t be changed by direct action either. Fossil fuels, banks, militaries, media, and the CIA (et al) are gonna do their thing.

    The choice seems to be between being a martyr (which seems pointless), or just pick up a hobby to pursue until civilization goes over a cliff.

    Avatar photozn

    I was discussing this with my son on Sunday. My “sense” is that we used to be able to more-or-less believe that the media gave us facts, although they would frame the facts to represent the interest of the elite class. There has always been disinformation, but I used to believe that for the most part, we were given facts. The trick was to perceive the framing at work around those facts. Now, MSM makes shit up themselves. It used to be just the corps and the gov’t engaged in disinformation. Now the media is making shit up.


    I disagree though not in a major way. Back when the invasion of Iraq was building up, it was possible to debunk major narratives justifying it, such as the claim the WMD were likely to exist in Iraq. The MSM was not pushing that counter-narrative. Yet we (quite correctly) deduced that the dominant narrative did not hold up and that the opposite was far more likely.

    You can find things out, but you can’t do it alone and you need to know how to find sources that are not just in the media, meaning either the MSM or the “alternatives.” Sometimes it’s not a matter of finding “facts” but of finding which narratives stand up better to scrutiny.

    Sometimes you don’t get enough to know. Sometimes you get enough to make analysis possible.

    Avatar photowv

    Same. I was discussing this with my son on Sunday…..

    ….Tank Man was amazingly brave. How long did he delay the inevitable, though?

    You can’t change it by voting, and it can’t be changed by direct action either. Fossil fuels, banks, militaries, media, and the CIA (et al) are gonna do their thing.

    The choice seems to be between being a martyr (which seems pointless), or just pick up a hobby to pursue until civilization goes over a cliff.


    Same.     I’m into planting native-plant seeds.   Thats its.  Thats all i got.


    As far as coping-with/embracing  the End of the Biosphere, These vids dont always resonate with me, but sometimes parts of them do. Dunno if you’ve watched any of the ‘post doom’ interviews.



    PS.   I dunno about Tank Man.  There’s more than one narrative

    on ‘that’ one, too.   Dissidentvoice has an article, for example.









    Avatar photoZooey

    I disagree though not in a major way. Back when the invasion of Iraq was building up, it was possible to debunk major narratives justifying it, such as the claim the WMD were likely to exist in Iraq. The MSM was not pushing that counter-narrative. Yet we (quite correctly) deduced that the dominant narrative did not hold up and that the opposite was far more likely.

    That went through my mind as I was writing that post.

    That was a case of the disinformation coming largely from the gov’t, though. The media acted as a stenographer in that case. It just seems now like we have a media that gets out in front of the story, manufacturing the BS themselves. The media seems to have morphed from pipeline of BS to generator of BS. The media itself is doctoring photos and videos, and so on.

    Avatar photozn

    The media seems to have morphed from pipeline of BS to generator of BS. The media itself is doctoring photos and videos, and so on.

    According to the press accounts I have seen about this issue, that’s not true.

    Avatar photowv

    Avatar photoBilly_T

    The American mind is fascinating pic.twitter.com/BGxCrUf7IA — Brandon Canning (@CanningBrandon) March 16, 2022

    Reminds me of a study done years ago (cerca 2010) on the perception of inequality in America. Dan Ariely and Michael Norton were the leads. Things have gotten a hell of a lot worse since then, with skyrocketing inequality on top of the obscene levels they discussed back then.

    Good video breakdown of this from 2013 (?), with stunning graphs about the massive gap between perception and reality, and those monstrous levels of concentration. Stupid comments about “socialism” aside, it’s worth watching.

    Underestimating Wealth Inequality

    Avatar photoZooey

    The American mind is fascinating

    Who thinks 20% of people are transgender? Or that 30% of Americans are Jewish?

    Avatar photoBilly_T

    The American mind is fascinating

    Who thinks 20% of people are transgender? Or that 30% of Americans are Jewish?

    Most likely, people who watch Fox News, read Breitbart, listen to Steve Bannon podcasts, etc.

    Right-wing media is very effective at creating hysteria over absolutely nothing. And it’s a double hit of stupid. As in, no one should care if the percentages of this or that minority were that high . . . plus, they obviously aren’t.

    Avatar photoZooey

    The media seems to have morphed from pipeline of BS to generator of BS. The media itself is doctoring photos and videos, and so on.

    According to the press accounts I have seen about this issue, that’s not true.

    I think I have a better way of expressing this now.

    I think the media has now fully come to terms with the fact that they are the propaganda department.

    Media used to see itself as independent investigators, reporting the Truth. From time-to-time, they collaborated with Power to shape an “important” narrative, but still saw themselves as basically independent.

    That has eroded over time so much that I think now that no longer lie to themselves about that. They know their function is to spin stories, and it’s openly accepted. They don’t fool themselves into thinking they report objective reality. They weave it, and they know that’s what they do.

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    Tony Snark@RealTonySnark
    Every time Ted Cruz speaks, an angel kicks a puppy.
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