Pitts on Trump supporters

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  • #86014
    Avatar photoZooey

    I think Leonard Pitts is right again.


    “Long before Trump even existed as a political force, many of us noted with alarm the rise of a backlash among right wingers deeply angry and profoundly terrified by the writing on the demographic wall. Said writing foretold — and for that matter, still foretells — the declining preeminence of white, Christian America. As several studies now show, a sense of alarmed displacement among white, Christian America is the soil from which the weed of Trumpism grew…

    No compromise is possible here for a simple reason Trump followers seem to understand better than the rest of us: You can’t compromise with demography, can’t order numbers to stop being what they are and saying what they say about the coming tide of change. But what you can do is seize the levers of power and change the rules of the game in hopes of blunting the force of that tide. That — again, look at the studies — is what Trump supporters elected him to do.”

    I think this also explains the cultural backlash against “political correctness.”

    Avatar photowv

    Well what do the demographic studies show?

    Is there reason for hope in the demographics?


    Avatar photoZooey

    America is turning brown. Whites and Christians are shrinking as a percentage of the population. Whites are already a minority in California, though they remain the largest minority…for now. I don’t remember the projection…something like 2030…Latinos will surpass whites as the largest minority in California.

    Texas, too. And the big news there is that Texas is getting very close…and this is staggering to think about…Texas is getting closer and closer to turning Blue. Permanently. Like California. And with its electoral votes, once it’s blue, it’s all over for the Republicans, and the evangelicals, and the racists.

    That’s what the tea leaves say. That’s why these guys are making such a big deal about immigration, illegal and legal. America is turning brown. It’s over for Lily White America.

    Trump’s presidency is the last gasp of white supremacy, and everybody knows it. That’s what this is all about. That’s why so many people are willing to dispense with fair voting, and accept gerrymandering, and ICE, and walls, and prisoners getting voting rights taken away, and etc.

    And…as Pitts says in his open letter to Rubio in another column…”Indeed, given our prolonged and worsening state of estrangement, it would not surprise me if, within the next decade or two, the United States as we know it ceased to exist.”

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by Avatar photoZooey.
    Avatar photowv

    Texas, too. And the big news there is that Texas is getting very close…and this is staggering to think about…Texas is getting closer and closer to turning Blue..”


    Well. Lets see them try and gerrymander their way out of that.


    Avatar photoBilly_T

    I think leftists need our own color.

    There’s a red America, and a blue America. What about a leftist America? What color would that be?

    Demographics tells us that most Americans now live in cities. And Dems dominate voters in cities. The vast majority of the nation is red, but not the vast majority of people. Rural, semi-rural, etc. etc. . . . it’s red even in the so-called blue states. But cities are blue even in the red ones, etc.

    The Trump coalition is trying to slow down the browning of America via actual changes to immigration laws, quotas, special programs, etc. etc. They’ve pushed for more people from Northern Europe, for example, and this would have remained under the radar if not for Trump’s comments about “shithole” places.

    The alt-right wants this to happen, desperately. The tide can’t be stemmed, but it’s possible they can slow it down enough to get through their own lives still on top.

    An ugly, ugly vision of the world, and not where our focus should be. Dreamkillers. The two major parties are dreamkillers.

    . . .

    A much more important prophecy for 2030: The World Wildlife Fund said we’ll need two entire planets to cover our resources needs, though if everyone lived like middle class Americans, we’d need four. But to make matters worse, this prediction is already ten years old or so. It’s likely far too optimistic.

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