Pink Suns and Ashes

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    This is getting old.

    I good days, the sun is pink. On bad days, it’s orange. It looks like winter outside because of all the smokey haze in the sky. It’s like it’s overcast all the time. Only it’s 100 degrees instead of 55.

    Today, ash is drifting down like a light snowfall.

    I can’t turn on the whole house fan at night, or I’d smoke out the house. Two summers in a row, and it’s getting old.


    Pink Suns and Ashes, On bad days it’s orange
    smokey haze in the sky, It looks like winter outside
    ash is drifting down like a light snowfall
    These are a few of my favorite things


    There can be comraderie in dark humor. That’s my aim anyway. Making quips in the face of the apocalypse.

    Jokes aside, that’s bad, and I am not sure we have any signs it will get better any time soon.


    Well, if it is any consolation, New England is under a Tropical Storm Warning. Yes, we’re going to get a shitload of rain, but also winds up to 80 MPH. I am actually driving my family from Connecticut to Maine tomorrow. Supposedly, the worst of the storm won’t hit until Sunday.


    There can be comraderie in dark humor. That’s my aim anyway. Making quips in the face of the apocalypse.

    I don’t mind.

    And…what is a mild irritation to me has destroyed hundreds of homes and a few towns. So…you know.

    Actually, my wife’s and my first house together burned to the ground about two weeks ago.

    I’m safe where I live. If my house burns down, it will far more likely be due to a fire that starts inside my house rather than a wildfire.


    I’m tired of breathing ashes every summer for the past 6 years… I wonder what the lung disease rates will be 15 to 20 years from now in California…

    We’re really really fucked if we don’t get some serious rain this winter…

    Lake Shasta at 28% capacity, it drops about 1 to 2% per week.

    Not sustainable….


    I’m tired of breathing ashes every summer for the past 6 years… I wonder what the lung disease rates will be 15 to 20 years from now in California…

    We’re really really fucked if we don’t get some serious rain this winter…

    Lake Shasta at 28% capacity, it drops about 1 to 2% per week.

    Not sustainable….

    The water situation in California is becoming a critical problem.

    My son flew in from Minnesota last night, and said it really is the land of a thousand lakes. All out in the middle of nowhere. And the state is green, even at this time of year. And I got to thinking, “Water. Green. No water. Fire.”

    Then I remembered Minnesota is filled with Vikings fans, so that’s a non-starter. I’ll just stay here with my respiratory ailments and die of thirst.

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