Pie on Trump

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    I wonder what kind of pie Trump likes to eat? Obama I believe liked sweet potato pie. Just a guess. 😀😀😀

    Plus, I like to know how he really feels? Jeesh. I don’t like Trump either, but we are stuck with him for at least four years. Hopefully Michelle Obama will run for President in 2020. And get Trump out of office. I’d vote for Michelle in a heartbeat. Or if powerball becomes over $2 billion and I’m the only one to hit, I’ll run on the democrat side for President. I’ll bring back part of Obamacare, the part of pre-existing conditions.

    PA Ram

    Trump supporters no longer care that he did not “drain the swamp”. They accept the swamp now. They will say that he sort of had to say that during the campaign but in reality he kind of had to pick these people. It’s okay. They understand.

    Trump filling the swamp? Okay, it’s fine.

    Obama? Horrible. How can he do this?

    These people twist their thinking to support their preconceived notions. Reality literally means nothing anymore. They create their own reality and when they get backed into a corner then you’re beating on Trump without giving him a chance. That’s not fair. Obama had a chance. Everyone gave him a chance. Women did not fill the streets. They will ignore you if you keep talking about Trump and they have no answer.

    Trump is THEIR guy. They know that THEY are responsible. To question Trump is to question THEM. It’s personal. They will not accept that. They can’t accept that.

    I know all this from Facebook interactions.

    I see how it is. I see how it is going to be.

    Even IF they have buyer’s remorse at any point in the next four years they will either just ignore you and keep quiet about “politics” because they hate “politics” on their Facebook or in their face or whatever—OR they will keep getting defensive. They will flip everything in the other direction and blame someone else.

    THIS is the reality of America today. Rush Limbaugh and Fox News will comfort them.

    They don’t need YOUR truth. They have their own.

    And you’re just being an annoying asshole.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick


    THIS is the reality of America today. Rush Limbaugh and Fox News will comfort them.

    Well thats half the reality. The other half is Hillary/Obama.

    So, pull up a lawn chair and let us hope
    for a meteor.


    PA Ram

    THIS is the reality of America today. Rush Limbaugh and Fox News will comfort them.

    Well thats half the reality. The other half is Hillary/Obama.

    So, pull up a lawn chair and let us hope
    for a meteor.


    I’ve never felt more hopelessness for the state of the country. Forget politicians. It’s the people themselves. The voters. It’s one thing to lose faith in politicians. But when you lose faith in your fellow Americans it’s quite another.

    I work with the “forgotten” white blue collar workers. I’m one of those guys. I’m in a state where these guys voted for Trump. I know you sort of put Obama and Trump on an equal scale. And I get what you’re saying. The swamp is the swamp. But there really are some big differences coming. And if you had told me ten years ago that the guys I work with–these union guys–would vote for Trump I would have called you crazy. Let’s just say I’m the minority where I work now. It’s not close.

    I can’t stand what the Dems became. And I have no faith where they are going. But Trump is an epic disaster. He is the flaming ship. It isn’t just sinking now–it’s burning.

    It’s like everyone said–screw it–this ships sinking. Let’s jump to the burning one.

    Why on earth these guys did not move to Bernie the way they moved to Trump, I’ll never know.

    But a large part of that was the media ignoring Bernie and pumping Trump for ratings.

    I ask one guy the other day who he voted for and he said Trump. I asked why he didn’t support Bernie.


    “Bernie Sanders”

    “Oh–yeah. I heard of him. Yeah he had some good things I heard.”

    So what can you do?

    The politicians don’t matter anymore. This is at a much deeper level now. There are alternate facts. People put you on “ignore”.

    I am coming to the point where I want the right to win it all–to bring their particular utopia to America. Let America FEEL that reality. Maybe they will wake up.

    And yet–then it may be too late. Or maybe they won’t wake up. Maybe they welcome Nazi Germany or North Korea and their fearless leader. I have no faith in guys I’ve worked with for 30 years.

    It’s not good. And I don’t see anything changing anytime soon.

    I just want to lose myself in a good book, watch some comedies, and forget about this new reality. I can’t do anything about it.

    The system is set up for a certain minority to rule–through the electoral college, through gerrymandering, through voter suppression and through apathy of people who should care. What else is there?

    Like Carlin said–sit back and laugh at the show.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick


    Yeah-that fairly well says how I feel today. Trump doesn’t and didn’t shock me at all. I’ve known-on a lesser level-plenty of Trumps in my life. What did shock me were the voters. I also talk to those who voted for this guy. The level of racism, intolerance, selfishness, anger, lack of empathy, anti women(even from women)and downright lack of intelligence that exists in this country is what truly surprised me. And with people who should be having children are not and those that shouldn’t are it doesn’t argue well for a more intelligent population for the future. Plus, when you consider the older white males are living longer and longer-and as we all become older we become less tolerant-that adds to the mess.

    I know the guy did not win the popular vote but the level of his support is very depressing and causes me to also want to stick my head in the sand until its over. But I don’t think we can do that. Somehow someway we’ve got to raise the level of critical analysis in this country or else there will be a “majority” of people voting for him and those like him. How to do that is the real mystery to me. I don’t know how other than education and parenting-but so far that isn’t doing very well.

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