on mod actions

Recent Forum Topics Forums The Public House on mod actions

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  • #62766
    Avatar photozn

    For the most part, it’s remarkable how well this board is doing in comparison to previous incarnations.

    Some things though.

    * the rules are written a certain way and have to be enforced that way (to get around that suggest changes to the wording of the rules). One thing that was deliberately put in there–there is no arguing about, debating, or complaining about mod actions IN PUBLIC once a mod says “move on.” Believe me that was written with the experience of previous board incarnations in mind. There are people who just want to fight, and even if that’s no one here, the rules exclude that. Move on means move on, it’s over. Regardless.

    * if you don’t think a mod action was fair, that means don’t fight about it in public. Contact the mod (through private chat here or through email, zackneruda@gmail.com). But you will probably get this answer. On THIS board, given its nature, the onus is on the poster to make it apparent they are not attacking other posters or being openly hostile and anatagonistic in discussion. So phrase your posts accordingly.

    When I get deleted on other boards and regard it as not warranted, I don’t complain in public. I re-write the post so it is CLEAR that it is not violating rules.

    So for example. ME: that was really stupid.
    RESULT: delete
    ME, REWRITE: that play by Quick was really stupid (talking about the play, this isn’t aimed at a poster).

    I probably have to do that on some other boards at least once a week.


    * move on means move on…unless we change the rules.

    * corollary: if you have an issue with a mod don’t raise it in public.

    * the onus HERE on THIS forum, because it deals with fraught issues, is to make it openly clear you’re not attacking posters personally. That is far less true of the Rams forum.

    So instead of this:

    ME: that was stupid
    Do this:
    ME: IMO the thing Mao said about lots of flowers blooming was stupid.

    Just try and reduce antagonism. And the experiment with having a politics board could just work.

    Responses welcome. Respond to this post, though, please, in ways that don’t violate the rules. Which is very do-able.


    Alles klar, Herr Kommissar.

    Kidding, of course. I remember the chaos and vitriol on other boards when things got out of hand. You are fully within your mod rights to tamp down when you see things flaring up.

    This is the last day of my extended holiday shutdown, and I’m starting the new year with an extended trip. It should be good and I will get a close up view of a particle accelerator, which will be cool (and thankfully it will be irradiating electronics, not me). As a rule, I don’t post from my business computer, but I do read, so I’ll be here in spirit.

    Go Giants!

    Avatar photozn

    Alles klar, Herr Kommissar.

    Kidding, of course. I remember the chaos and vitriol on other boards when things got out of hand. You are fully within your mod rights to tamp down when you see things flaring up.

    This is the last day of my extended holiday shutdown, and I’m starting the new year with an extended trip. It should be good and I will get a close up view of a particle accelerator, which will be cool (and thankfully it will be irradiating electronics, not me). As a rule, I don’t post from my business computer, but I do read, so I’ll be here in spirit.

    Go Giants!

    Where are you going?

    Cause it sounds interesting.



    For the most part, it’s remarkable how well this board is doing in comparison to previous incarnations.

    Some things though.

    * the rules are written a certain way and have to be enforced that way (to get around that suggest changes to the wording of the rules). One thing that was deliberately put in there–there is no arguing about, debating, or complaining about mod actions IN PUBLIC once a mod says “move on.” Believe me that was written with the experience of previous board incarnations in mind. There are people who just want to fight, and even if that’s no one here, the rules exclude that. Move on means move on, it’s over. Regardless.

    * if you don’t think a mod action was fair, that means don’t fight about it in public. Contact the mod (through private chat here or through email, zackneruda@gmail.com). But you will probably get this answer. On THIS board, given its nature, the onus is on the poster to make it apparent they are not attacking other posters or being openly hostile and anatagonistic in discussion. So phrase your posts accordingly.

    When I get deleted on other boards and regard it as not warranted, I don’t complain in public. I re-write the post so it is CLEAR that it is not violating rules.

    So for example. ME: that was really stupid.
    RESULT: delete
    ME, REWRITE: that play by Quick was really stupid (talking about the play, this isn’t aimed at a poster).

    I probably have to do that on some other boards at least once a week.


    * move on means move on…unless we change the rules.

    * corollary: if you have an issue with a mod don’t raise it in public.

    * the onus HERE on THIS forum, because it deals with fraught issues, is to make it openly clear you’re not attacking posters personally. That is far less true of the Rams forum.

    So instead of this:

    ME: that was stupid
    Do this:
    ME: IMO the thing Mao said about lots of flowers blooming was stupid.

    Just try and reduce antagonism. And the experiment with having a politics board could just work.

    Responses welcome. Respond to this post, though, please, in ways that don’t violate the rules. Which is very do-able.

    With all due respect in regards to moderating there is no way to get around this, you are the problem. This place has at least 5 or 6 mods and only you claim there is an issue with what or how I post. That even goes for when I’m posting to another mod. So all that can be deduced from my experience is that your style of moderating is overzealous at best, prejudicial at worst.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    Alles klar, Herr Kommissar.

    Kidding, of course. I remember the chaos and vitriol on other boards when things got out of hand. You are fully within your mod rights to tamp down when you see things flaring up.

    This is the last day of my extended holiday shutdown, and I’m starting the new year with an extended trip. It should be good and I will get a close up view of a particle accelerator, which will be cool (and thankfully it will be irradiating electronics, not me). As a rule, I don’t post from my business computer, but I do read, so I’ll be here in spirit.

    Go Giants!

    Where are you going?

    Cause it sounds interesting.


    My guess is two valleys over.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    Actually, I am going to Massachusetts General Hospital.

    They have a proton beam therapy center. During off hours, they rent out beam time to companies like mine who need to test hardware under a proton environment.

    We are building hardware for the (name deleted) satellites.

    It sounds interesting, but once you get there and get set up and start the 8 hour test protocol, it is like watching paint dry.


    Actually, I am going to Massachusetts General Hospital.

    They have a proton beam therapy center. During off hours, they rent out beam time to companies like mine who need to test hardware under a proton environment.

    We are building hardware for the (name deleted) satellites.

    It sounds interesting, but once you get there and get set up and start the 8 hour test protocol, it is like watching paint dry.

    I was thinking SNS.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    Not sure what SNS stands for. Our application isn’t classified. We were told to go and find a proton beam source. There were several to choose from, including UC Davis, but since we have the hardware in northern MA, MGH was very attractive.

    My biggest regret is that my son made 2nd trumpet in the CT Western Regional and will be playing on Saturday, 1-14-17 after rehearsing / learning 1-13 and 1-14 with master level musicians.

    Also, the day the actual exposure is supposed to take place is the same day my daughter is leaving for a semester abroad. She is flying out of JFK, and I was going to drive her there, but now that falls to my wife, who HATES driving in the NYC area.

    Oh, and it also my wife’s birthday on Friday, 1-13.

    I guess I’m kind of screwed, here.

    PA Ram

    Holy crap there are some really smart people on this board.

    I don’t know how the heck I slipped through the door but it’s very cool to read about these things. Just for fun, I’m going to ask my wife if she knows where our particle accelerator is.

    She will quickly tell me to look up my ass.

    The woman cusses like a sailor.

    And she has little time for my nonsense.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick

    Avatar photozn

    Personalized antagonism posts not allowed, bnw. Regardless. Reign that in. And I mean it ends now…for good. That’s a firm declaration on my part.


    Not sure what SNS stands for. Our application isn’t classified. We were told to go and find a proton beam source. There were several to choose from, including UC Davis, but since we have the hardware in northern MA, MGH was very attractive.

    My biggest regret is that my son made 2nd trumpet in the CT Western Regional and will be playing on Saturday, 1-14-17 after rehearsing / learning 1-13 and 1-14 with master level musicians.

    Also, the day the actual exposure is supposed to take place is the same day my daughter is leaving for a semester abroad. She is flying out of JFK, and I was going to drive her there, but now that falls to my wife, who HATES driving in the NYC area.

    Oh, and it also my wife’s birthday on Friday, 1-13.

    I guess I’m kind of screwed, here.

    SNS stands for Spallation Neutron Source. You do have a busy mid month ahead of you.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    Holy crap there are some really smart people on this board.

    I don’t know how the heck I slipped through the door but it’s very cool to read about these things. Just for fun, I’m going to ask my wife if she knows where our particle accelerator is.

    She will quickly tell me to look up my ass.

    She is actually correct.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

    Avatar photoAgamemnon

    This place has at least 5 or 6 mods and only you claim there is an issue with what or how I post.

    I can answer for myself. I have done this before. I was a moderator/Wizard on “The Mothership”. We were the official chat for the Sci/fi Channel. It is an understanding, that when one moderator is handling something, the other moderators don’t interfere. It is too easy to muddy the waters, so to speak. If I have something to say, I will do private first.

    We are still on the internet, but we are a ghost town now days. Click on the link in my signature to visit. This method opens a page in your web browser.


    PA Ram

    Holy crap there are some really smart people on this board.

    I don’t know how the heck I slipped through the door but it’s very cool to read about these things. Just for fun, I’m going to ask my wife if she knows where our particle accelerator is.

    She will quickly tell me to look up my ass.

    She is actually correct.

    She’s ALWAYS correct. Just ask her.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick

    Avatar photoBilly_T

    PA Ram,

    I noticed your DeLillo siggy. Have you read his latest?

    It’s really, really good. One of his best novels, evah, and he’s no spring chicken anymore at 80 years young.


    I read most of it up in the mountains, sitting on a bench near my favorite spot, and that only added to the magic of the book. I highly, highly recommend it.

    PA Ram

    PA Ram,

    I noticed your DeLillo siggy. Have you read his latest?

    It’s really, really good. One of his best novels, evah, and he’s no spring chicken anymore at 80 years young.


    I read most of it up in the mountains, sitting on a bench near my favorite spot, and that only added to the magic of the book. I highly, highly recommend it.

    Hi, Billy. No I haven’t read that one yet. He’s a funny writer to me. I’m not sure what to expect from his books or how I will like them. While “Libra” makes my top ten list of all time, I couldn’t finish “White Noise”. “Point Omega” is a small odd sort of book but some of the thoughts in the book really caused me to reflect on things. While I can’t say I “enjoyed” that book, I found some of the quotes memorable. And it would make a top ten list of books that caused me to think about things. I was going to tackle “Underworld” but never got around to it.

    I have to be in the right frame of mind to read him(mood)and I go through phases so I’ll certainly check that one out.

    As for now, I’ve been reading Karen Armstrong’s “The Battle for God” about the fundamentalist movement in the three main religions. Very engrossing book. I have about a chapter left.

    Next I was ready for some adventure so I just got “The North Water” by Ian McGuire. It has gotten great reviews so I thought I’d try it. I really enjoyed Dan Simmons arctic adventure, “The Terror” so I thought I’d give this a shot.



    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick

    Avatar photowv

    A book thread? Thats what this has morphed into?

    …ok, I’m reading an old fantasy escape book – Perdido Street Station,
    by China Mieville.


    Avatar photoBilly_T


    It’s very different from any of his other works. And it’s fairly short. I really like White Noise. It’s one of my favorite books. But I can see how others wouldn’t. Zero K has a much different feel to it. It creates this really cool buzz and mood. And sends you into all kinds of different directions of thought. It’s a lot “quieter” than most of his stuff, too.

    Avatar photoBilly_T

    A book thread? Thats what this has morphed into?

    …ok, I’m reading an old fantasy escape book – Perdido Street Station,
    by China Mieville.


    I’ve never read China Mielville. But have heard he’s great, and a leftist to boot.

    Thanks for the video.

    Avatar photojoemad

    Holy crap there are some really smart people on this board.

    I don’t know how the heck I slipped through the door but it’s very cool to read about these things.

    this is indeed the smart classroom… and I definitely lower the bar here……….it’s a very cool place …..

    Avatar photoInvaderRam

    So all that can be deduced from my experience is that your style of moderating is overzealous at best, prejudicial at worst.

    i find zn to be a fair person. i don’t think it’s fair to say that.

    i will say this. i plan on coming over to this side of the board more often. and i will say the same as zn. stick to the issue. don’t attack the poster.

    now i’m not saying that you are doing that specifically. but i do plan on paying more attention to that in the future.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by Avatar photoInvaderRam.

    So all that can be deduced from my experience is that your style of moderating is overzealous at best, prejudicial at worst.

    i find zn to be a fair person. i don’t think it’s fair to say that.

    i will say this. i plan on coming over to this side of the board more often. and i will say the same as zn. stick to the issue. don’t attack the poster.

    now i’m not saying that you are doing that specifically. but i do plan on paying more attention to that in the future.

    I disagree. He is not a good moderator. He singles me out. Repeatedly. When he does ask me to explain, I do, then he deletes it and further piles on. He himself does the same stuff he claims I do since I’ve called him on it many times. But does he delete his posts? Oh heck no!

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    Holy crap there are some really smart people on this board.

    I don’t know how the heck I slipped through the door but it’s very cool to read about these things. Just for fun, I’m going to ask my wife if she knows where our particle accelerator is.

    She will quickly tell me to look up my ass.

    She is actually correct.

    She’s ALWAYS correct. Just ask her.

    Thats that extra X chromosome in play.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    This place has at least 5 or 6 mods and only you claim there is an issue with what or how I post.

    <span class=”d4pbbc-font-color” style=”color: blue”>I can answer for myself. I have done this before. I was a moderator/Wizard on “The Mothership”. We were the official chat for the Sci/fi Channel. It is an understanding, that when one moderator is handling something, the other moderators don’t interfere. It is too easy to muddy the waters, so to speak. If I have something to say, I will do private first.</span>

    <span class=”d4pbbc-font-color” style=”color: blue”>We are still on the internet, but we are a ghost town now days. Click on the link in my signature to visit. This method opens a page in your web browser.</span>

    I understand and I agree that different mods jumping in could be very confusing. However that is not the case here since this has been an ongoing thing with only him. Even when I’m conversing with another mod.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

    Avatar photoAgamemnon

    I understand and I agree that different mods jumping in could be very confusing. However that is not the case here since this has been an ongoing thing with only him. Even when I’m conversing with another mod.

    I think zn is fair. You are going to have to work this out with him.


    Avatar photozn

    I understand and I agree that different mods jumping in could be very confusing. However that is not the case here since this has been an ongoing thing with only him. Even when I’m conversing with another mod.

    B, I alerted the other mods that you said this. No one has disagreed with how I am handling this.

    You are on a thin thread right now. Go back to the first post in this thread, and take seriously what I say there. It’s simple. When asked to move on move on even if you think you;re right. Don’t squabble over mod issues in public. The onus is on the poster to make sure language does not sound antagonistic or personal.

    Drop this. This is final.

    Avatar photowv

    …However that is not the case here since this has been an ongoing thing with only him. Even when I’m conversing with another mod.


    bnw, i know you think you are right, and zn is wrong.
    So youve said it. You’ve had your say. Expressed your truth.
    Now, its time to let it go.



    I understand and I agree that different mods jumping in could be very confusing. However that is not the case here since this has been an ongoing thing with only him. Even when I’m conversing with another mod.

    B, I alerted the other mods that you said this. No one has disagreed with how I am handling this.

    This thread is about “mod actions” and that is exactly what I have been discussing.

    So you alerted the other mods. Did you provide them with my explanation which you deleted? And for what good reason would the explanation be deleted if honest communication to foster better posting was truly the goal?

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    …However that is not the case here since this has been an ongoing thing with only him. Even when I’m conversing with another mod.


    bnw, i know you think you are right, and zn is wrong.
    So youve said it. You’ve had your say. Expressed your truth.
    Now, its time to let it go.


    No my friend it is time to just go. My best to all here.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

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