Besides Long?
Washington. He was playing LOT for the first time in his life. And–holding his own, I thought.
Wells and Robinson. Different versions of the same thing. Is Wells ready, when will Robinson be ready (which I don’t sweat btw–Pace didn’t start until I think game 5 or 6).
Joseph. Is he fully back?
Bond. If he can go as a right OT/OG then, they really do have depth.
Person. Can he really back up 5 positions (I say no, I say he can play OT and OC, not OG).
Hooey. Good enough of a ROT to make the team? Unlike Washington, his “first time ever at LOT” experience was a asteroid-strike level disaster.
Who am I forgetting. I didn’t forget Saffold or Barksdale. We know about them and what their issues or non-issues are, respectively.