Obamacare repeal might have died tonight

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    nittany ram

    The Republican plan to repeal Obamacare and delay the implementation of the repeal — with a promise to come up with a terrific replacement later — is probably the party’s best way to destroy Obamacare. Unfortunately for Republicans, it’s also the best way to destroy the Republican majority in Congress.

    That second sentence is why a part of me wishes they would repeal the ACA. There is no way they can replace it with what they promised: the same coverage for less money. If they repeal the ACA, Republicans get killed in 2018. They probably will anyway…but repealing Obamacare would seal their fate before the end of Trump’s first week even with all the gerrymandered districts.

    PA Ram

    It sucks having to actually govern and come up with solutions. It’s so much easier to be the party of “no” and stand there on the sidelines ripping your opponents apart.

    They will repeal Obamacare. They have to. They promised it. The thing they will do is try to “sell” their new version of HSAs and deregulation as an answer to “access”–not necessarily “care”. They know what they want to do. It’s just selling it. That will take some time. Repeal with a delay and start selling…”access”–and get away from “care”.

    When they’ve convinced enough people they’ll roll it out and presto: Trumpcare is born. After that it’s just a matter of confusing the issue and lying about the success of the program. Just keep selling through the election and remind everyone how horrible Obamacare was. People will begin to remember it that way and there you go. Job done.

    That’s the plan.

    Because the only other replacement is single payer. That ain’t happening.

    It’s all about winning politically for the right. Once they solve that–the actual success or failure of any replacement means nothing.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick


    I have direct experience with the exchanges. Since my semi-retirement, I’m at their mercy. Premiums have shot up and coverage has decreased since I started this. For 2017, the premium per month went up more than $100. Coverage grew more limited. Out of pocket, up. Deductibles, up.

    It was always really, really stupid to trust the private sector with any part of this. To me, if the government goes to the trouble to set up a program, keep it in house. Keep it under public control. Or don’t do it at all. Cuz, when they make these kinds of bargains with the private sector, inevitably prices go up and the government gets blamed for what the private sector does.

    As in, it’s not Obama and the Dems who jack(ed) up my health care costs. It’s private insurers, Big Pharma, specialists, etc. etc. Reverse engineer that and it’s pretty clear what “good government” should do.


    Our two-party system kinda makes it so “the people” will always have a false sense of private versus public.

    I have no idea, really, if this is planned, or if planned, how much, or for how long . . . My guts says, yeah. It was set up to do this from the getgo. It’s baked in. And it doesn’t even need ongoing “conspiracies” to make it happen. It’s been naturalized and normalized enough, etc. But my “be reasonable” side says, maybe. We don’t really know . . . .

    Anyway . . , it’s like this:

    The Dems typically act as a speed bump for “conservative” policies. They have managed, for the last forty years or so, to slow down or even prevent a lot of the worst aspects of right-wing agenda/goals, etc. But I wonder. What would happen if the Dems just stepped back and let the GOP do what it claims it wants to do, regarding the private sector? What would happen if the right actually got to create its beloved udopia without any government interference on business?

    I think this may finally wake people up. But I would ask for something in return. I would say, hey, we’re going to let you let business do as it pleases. No regulations. No restrictions. Not on treatment of workers, or quality of goods, or pollution controls, or safety controls. The government will get totally out of your way. But in return for this, you get totally out of the government’s way, too, and let us craft 100% all-non-profit, all-public, all-in-house goods and services . . . and we don’t have to even think for a second how any of this might impact private business interests. Our sole concern will be to improve quality of life for all citizens, regardless of their ability to pay, and there will be zero private-sector input.

    And may the best goods and services win!


    Trying to shorten this up:

    I think if corporate America really knew they had total free rein, they would make themselves so odious to the American people, and do this so quickly, the people would abandon the private sector for the public alternative almost immediately.

    We’d be able to show people, with basically no room to hedge, what it means to let business be itself. What it means to let capitalists be capitalists. What the natural default is for the capitalist system. It will, if allowed, revert to slavery, if no one stops it. We see that in countries like Burma, parts of China, Malaysia, etc. etc. The truth comes out when there is no one saying “you can’t do that.”


    I assume the way the Repugnants will play is something like this — they will scream and yell and diss ObamaCare to their Core/Base voters. And they will talk about fighting the good fight for freedom from big-government, etc. And they will allow the Dems to derail their ‘effort’ to Repeal ObamaCare.

    That way they can pretend to fight for something ‘better’ and they can blame the Democrats for blocking their efforts.


    They are not stupid.



    I assume the way the Repugnants will play is something like this — they will scream and yell and diss ObamaCare to their Core/Base voters. And they will talk about fighting the good fight for freedom from big-government, etc. And they will allow the Dems to derail their ‘effort’ to Repeal ObamaCare.

    That way they can pretend to fight for something ‘better’ and they can blame the Democrats for blocking their efforts.


    They are not stupid.


    Yeah. The Republicans are like the big talker at the bar, confronted with another drinker mad enough to actually fight him. And that big talker has friends there, and just as it looks like the two will exchange punches, he positions himself behind his friends, who hold him back, as he fakes his desire to really have that fight.

    He can talk about how he “almost came to blows” in the bar that night, and that the other guy was toast if his friends hadn’t held him back.

    The GOP really needs the Dems, holding them back all the time, just a little, to keep them from actually following through on their promises.

    The Dems do the GOP a great favor, week after week, year after year, and this seems to help the GOP and hurt the Dems.

    It must be a part of the plan. “Good cop, bad cop,” etc.


    nittany ram

    Repealing Obamacare would cost $350 billion and leave no funds in the federal budget for a replacement plan (not that there is ever going to be one)…

    Link: http://www.hivplusmag.com/treatment/2017/1/04/repealing-obamacare-will-cost-government-350-billion

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