Noam quote on Universities

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    “…As the universities get more corporatized … during this period of sharp rise in tuition, not for economic reasons I think, there has also been an enormous increase in the ratio of administrators to faculty. There are a couple of studies on this. Benjamin Ginsburg, a well-known sociologist, has a book on it called The Fall of the Faculty. It discusses the sharp rise in number of administrators and the tendency to have professional administrators. Universities used to have administrators from the faculty who took off for a couple of years and went back. But a lot of the administrators are now professionals. They come from business schools and have a business school mentality. And you have to look at the bottom line — a way to save money and get what’s called efficiency. And they use the corporate economic model of efficiency. So if the costs are less for the institution, it’s more efficient. For example, if you could reduce the proportion of faculty to teaching by getting temps, low paid teachers like say graduate students who will have low salaries and no benefits, if they can take over the work of highly paid faculty, that’s efficient. It’s not efficient for the students. They’re not getting the same level of education surely. It’s not good for the graduate students either. But that’s called efficiency. All of this is going on in parallel as part of a whole neoliberal onslaught, which is very harmful to the population, but very beneficial to the masters, the super-rich. They are doing fine. After they caused the latest financial crisis, the big banks, the perpetrators are richer than ever, bigger than ever. Corporate profits are reaching records, bonuses are huge, and so on. The population suffers, but not them…”
    Noam Chomsky


    Random quote:

    “I wanted to see whether or not the great Louis XIV style, which I consider the most beautiful style, could work in a modern building. I didn’t want to buy old columns, because they’re cracked and broken. I waited to have brand-new minted marble columns… I’ve used all onyx. Onyx is a precious stone, many times more beautiful. I don’t believe there is an apartment like this anywhere in the world. The view, the solid bronze window frames, the fountain all brand new and carved. Did you see the way the window shades go up and down, all remote? And they’re bulletproof… I don’t care about material needs. I could be happy in a studio apartment with a television and a telephone.” Donald Trump


    Random quote:

    “I wanted to see whether or not the great Louis XIV style, which I consider the most beautiful style, could work in a modern building. I didn’t want to buy old columns, because they’re cracked and broken. I waited to have brand-new minted marble columns… I’ve used all onyx. Onyx is a precious stone, many times more beautiful. I don’t believe there is an apartment like this anywhere in the world. The view, the solid bronze window frames, the fountain all brand new and carved. Did you see the way the window shades go up and down, all remote? And they’re bulletproof… I don’t care about material needs. I could be happy in a studio apartment with a television and a telephone.” Donald Trump

    What a schizo quote.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

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