Noam on liberalism

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    An old BBC interview with Noam. I started it near the end. He discusses “liberalism”.


    I can’t listen to the whole thing right now. Where does he discuss liberalism? Where I jumped in he discussing Hume and empiricism.



    I can’t listen to the whole thing right now. Where does he discuss liberalism? Where I jumped in he discussing Hume and empiricism.



    Its set up to play the part on liberalism. Bout the 39 min mark.



    I can’t listen to the whole thing right now. Where does he discuss liberalism? Where I jumped in he discussing Hume and empiricism.



    Its set up to play the part on liberalism. Bout the 39 min mark.


    I listened from that point on, but it made me want to listen to the entire thing, which I will eventually. Bookmarked.

    I really liked the way he touched upon a progression from the ideals of early liberalism . . . into libertarian socialism, or anarchist socialism . . . as a kind of natural evolution . . . I’d love to hear more of him on this, or read some of his books on the subject.

    I agree with that take. It’s how I identify, politically . . . and because that part of the spectrum strikes me as already “eclectic,” I see it as far, far less confining than most other parts.

    Chomsky is just a national treasure.

    Apologies if I’ve already recommended these: But two recent rereadings are relevant here:

    George Scialabba’s brilliant What Are Intellectuals Good for . . . He’s a huge admirer of Chomsky, and the book is a must for leftists.

    (You can read many of his essays online)

    And Richard Rorty’s Achieving Our Country.

    Thanks, WV.

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