nfl combine – oline

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  • #83343
    Avatar photoInvaderRam

    i’m still on record as wanting defense in the first round.

    at the same time, i still want the best player available. and if that happens to be a left tackle, well they should go for it.

    6 guys immediately caught my eye in the weigh in results.

    orlando brown – 6’8″ 345 lbs 35″ arms

    tyrell crosby – 6’5″ 309 lbs 35″ arms

    jamarco jones – 6’4″ 299 lbs 35″ arms

    mike mclginchey – 6’8″ 309 lbs 34″ arms

    kolton miller – 6’8″ 309 lbs 34″ arms

    chukwuma okorafor – 6’6″ 320 lbs 34″ arms

    not all of these guys are going to be first rounders. some could slip to the second round. and if the rams trade down. there could be some talent.

    can’t wait for the drills.

    • This topic was modified 7 years ago by Avatar photoInvaderRam.
    • This topic was modified 7 years ago by Avatar photoInvaderRam.
    • This topic was modified 7 years ago by Avatar photoInvaderRam.
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    Avatar photoInvaderRam

    Whitworth is what? 6’7″, 35″ arms and 330?


    yeah. he’s got the ideal body type for a left tackle.

    i’m keeping my eye on miller and okorafor. i’ve read good things about them. mcglinchey too.

    want to see how athletic they are in the drills this weekend.

    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by Avatar photoInvaderRam.
    Avatar photoInvaderRam

    well, kolton miller just blew the roof off of the combine. he probably won’t last until the rams pick now. that was the guy i was wanting. athletic and long. would have looked good on the rams.

    one other guy who caught my attention just off workout numbers is joseph noteboom from tcu. supposedly showed VERY well at the senior bowl. snead likes guys from the senior bowl from what i remember.

    maybe first round? maybe snead trades up or down into the second round to take him?


    Kolton Miller still has game footage. That shows inconsistency in his play, and his footing. The guy I’m trying to find is Martinas Rankin. I like to see his combine stats. I would love to see him in horns. Rankin is the LOT from Mississippi State.

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