News on the Portland Or. stabbings + comments

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    Witnesses: Man Cut the Throats of Two MAX Passengers Who Tried to Stop Anti-Muslim Bullying of Women on Northeast Portland Train

    The attack occurred in the Hollywood District. “He said, ‘Get off the bus, and get out of the country because you don’t pay taxes here.'”Gateway Transit Center (TriMet)
    By Aaron Mesh | Published May 26 at 7:00 PM
    A man riding the MAX in Northeast Portland fatally stabbed two passengers who tried to stop him from hurling racial and anti-Muslim insults at women on the train, witnesses tell WW’s news partner KATU-TV.

    The suspect is currently in Portland police custody. The stabbing occurred at about 4:30 this afternoon as the light-rail train pulled into the Hollywood Transit Center.

    Details of the triple stabbing, which killed two men, are still emerging. But eyewitness reports to KATU and The Oregonian indicate it was an anti-immigrant hate crime.

    KATU reports:

    Witnesses told KATU’s Joe Douglass the stabbing suspect was hurling racial insults at two women with dark skin, one of whom was wearing a headdress. Two men who came to the woman’s defense had their throats slashed by the suspect, witnesses said.

    Another witness says she saw two women who appeared to be of Middle Eastern-descent get on the train. At least one of them was wearing a headdress. The suspect was asking them questions when he got belligerent. When another bystander tried to calm him down, the man took out a knife and began stabbing people.

    “He said, ‘Get off the bus, and get out of the country because you don’t pay taxes here,’ [he said he] doesn’t like Muslims, they’re criminals,” Evelin Hernandez said.


    Robert Battlehammer • 10 hours ago
    Trump emboldens racists and perpetuates violence
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    Michele MacKay Robert Battlehammer • 9 hours ago
    It’s no coincidence the man who opened fire in a mosque here in Quebec City was a Trump fanatic and that he committed the islamophobic hate crime right after Trump took office. Quebec City is normally such a peaceful place we go whole years without a single murder.
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    Ed Michele MacKay • an hour ago
    I remember that horrific attack at that mosque – and this president had absolutely ZERO to say about it. If the attacker was any other race other than white, he would’ve been all over it as usual. So infuriating!
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    Chris Prothero jimmy matho • 9 hours ago
    I’d expect no less a comment from a schmuck with a traitorous leader as a profile pic to defend an other traitorous leader. Idiots like you scream ‘fake news’ any time someone says something you disagree with.
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    carrnark1 Chris Prothero • 8 hours ago
    You are not working wih logic. If you blame all violence against Muslims on Trump, blame all violence by Muslims against Radical Islam.
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    Art Jackson carrnark1 • 7 hours ago
    Here’s a question. Do we blame the Holocaust on Hitler, at all? How about the actions taken against those who were not white/Christian/heterosexual/”of sound mind according the ruling group definition”/far right conservative in Nazi Germany? Holding Hitler responsible for hate crimes would follow from his vicious rhetoric inciting/excusing/lauding same even for those hate crimes committed before official policies were enacted. And noone who was around and actually listening and watching during the campaign didn’t know Trump was using hate speech to whip up his supporters, and that he incited/excused hate crimes…or that he has done the same in regards to the real press for some time.
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    Leslie Hand Art Jackson • 2 hours ago
    Saw it with my own two eyes. If you went to a Trump Rally you’d understand what he unleashed, by blaming immigrants, muslims and inner city blacks for everything these poor white folks at his rallies were suffering from. Pathetic
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    Indie Leslie Hand • 2 hours ago
    Too bad you never attended a Trump rally.
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    Sophisticated Computer User Indie • an hour ago
    How do you know what she did or didn’t do?
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    David Parsons Sophisticated Computer User • 40 minutes ago
    He/she doesn’t…just another Trump supporter talking out their rear end. About all they’re good for
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    Sophisticated Computer User David Parsons • 35 minutes ago
    Why do trump supporters have to be such filth? I mean,they are seriously disgusting human beings.
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    JLo Indie • an hour ago
    She did, too bad you are full of hate in your heart. If you support Trump there’s nothing more to say about you. You are a hater. Period.
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    Leslie Hand Indie • 38 minutes ago
    Too bad your wrong. I attended them all so I could make an informed decision. I was truly the undecided voter until I saw all the hate he unleashed at the rally. I heard it come directly out of his mouth. Didn’t need “fake news” to make up my mind lol
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    Brendan Doran Leslie Hand • an hour ago
    Unleashed implies it was leashed power waiting to get loose.

    It was.

    Our enemies bought this on themselves.
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    Alfred Brendan Doran • 36 minutes ago
    No it means that you, a limited being, not able to think further than your own narrow little world, have been thoroughly brainwashed, so as to become an active potential terrorist …
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    Josie Ekstrand Leslie Hand • an hour ago
    we are suffering, enough is enough, our health care is not affordable, the immigrants, and inner city folks on welfare, getting everyting for free, and hard working americans paying for it, and still they want more to come in, paying for college tuition and yet the poor snowflakes disrupting campuses and my kid can’t say or do anything that might hurt someones feelings,lest he be beat up, yea, we are suffering, and it has to stop
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    cb1913 Josie Ekstrand • 35 minutes ago
    You DO know that the majority of welfare recipients (MANY fraudulently and generationally) are white, right? Folks who’ve never faced slavery, Jim Crow, systemic racism, mass lynchings, mass incarceration, redlining, discriminatory hiring, government-sponsored health experimentation, government-planted drugs, etc are the most likely to be on government assistance. Furthermore, you should be thankful for the ‘disruptions’ considering the ‘disruptions’ that led to things like affirmative action have played more to your favor if you’re a working white woman (& I sure hope you’ve consistently carried a FT job as you sit here complaining about everyone else). I know you’d rather blame your ills on others since that’s so much easier than facing the truth, but the numbers don’t lie.
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    Edis Edo Nikšić Josie Ekstrand • 33 minutes ago
    The amount you personally pay in taxes for “immigrants and inner city people” (even though hicks use welfare as much or more) is insignificant compared to the amount you pay for corporations and military. They have you complaining about the wrong thing. Ya’ll rather give money to CEOs in hopes of them improving the economy while they just simply line their pockets and pay off politicians and the media to keep us, the working class, bickering over bs.
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    Lynd Art Jackson • 6 hours ago
    Well said!
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    Dolly Muñoz Art Jackson • 4 hours ago
    Stupid comparison. This is more akin to Obama inciting violence against police officers. Or having the DNS categorize Christians as the nations number one threat to our national security. What an evil and vile person! But, hey, that’s just fine with you, because when it comes to propaganda people like you will say anything to push their murderous agenda.
    Why don’t you ask yourself, how come so many people preparing to expose the DNC turn up DEAD? And you have the nerve to say Trump is Hitler? You’re a bold face liar.
    Let’s talk about the Democrats promoting the murder of millions of babies. But that’s fine with you! Hypocrite!
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    Trump_troll Dolly Muñoz • 3 hours ago
    The DNC murder accusations out you as nutbag. What does anything you have to say make it ok for a man to a slit 2 people’s throat for defending two women? Ate you saying that is ok?
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    Josie Ekstrand Trump_troll • an hour ago
    of course is it not ok, but people are sick and tired of all this crap, enough is enough
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    Stephany Hammond Dolly Muñoz • 2 hours ago
    Repugnant Republicans are fueled by hate, racism and misogyny,. If you are not a white male, you are sub human in their eyes. Ten worst attacks on America has been evil white hatefu Christian males like the Oklahoma bombing, Sandy hook where a Christian white male looked beautiful babies in the face and slaughtered them. You are evil as they are so is you ignorant dangerous president
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    Josie Ekstrand Stephany Hammond • an hour ago
    and a Muslim just took out little girls in England, whats your point, should we blame all the Muslims for what he did, should we judge a whole race of people on the actions of a wack a doodle, should we be judged as country by the rapes committed by a sitting President, should we be judged by the crimes committed by Hillary and Bill Clinton, you PUTZ
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    Kirsten Seiverd Josie Ekstrand • 34 minutes ago
    Stephanys point us that republicans are inclined to blame everything on immigrants, inner city African-Americans, and, of course, ‘liberals’, without ever acknowledging the horrific crimes committed by their own followers, who, as far as I’m concerned, I find much more threatening than anyone else.
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    disqus_WlanNurZuB Dolly Muñoz • 3 hours ago
    I don’t know nuthin about killing babies I know plenty about freedom and individual choice over my body.

    Why do you hate freedom and America?
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    George Oscar Bluth Jr. or Gob disqus_WlanNurZuB • an hour ago
    What America has is not called Freedom, It is called “The Great Illusion of Freedom”
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    VT George Oscar Bluth Jr. or Gob • 41 minutes ago
    Not really an illusion. Just Republicans slowly but surely eroding Freedoms away from as many as they can. A plan a half a century in the making being implemented by design. Run government as a Christian theocracy, thus taking away freedoms from anyone who does something that is ‘forbidden’ by Christians, which means 95% of them are ‘going to hell’ since they pick and choose whats a sin and what’s not. Pathetic.
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    Sophisticated Computer User disqus_WlanNurZuB • an hour ago
    Dolly is referring to the thoroughly debunked pizzagate claims that a pizza shop in D.C. Had a child sex dungeon in its basement where satanic rituals were carried out ending with a human sacrifice and cannibalism. This lead to some rightwinger driving for hours to go shoot up said pizza shop just to find out that there was no child sex dungeon in the basement. Hell, there’s no basement.

    The whole basis of this belief was a bunch of rightwingers reading Podesta emails and drawing really stupid conclusions from incredibly mundane things. Seriously, they read pepperoni pizza and thought that was code for virgin sacrifice and crap like that. I just want to slap anyone that evokes that stupid conspiracy theory.
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    Brendan Doran disqus_WlanNurZuB • an hour ago
    Which America you belong to determines American enemy and so Hate.
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    Sophisticated Computer User Dolly Muñoz • an hour ago
    Obama never incited violence against police officers or anyone else.
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    William Z. Cohen Dolly Muñoz • 3 hours ago
    Dolly, you are an idiot. Lol Lol Lol 😂
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    Esteban Dolly Muñoz • an hour ago
    With 70 percent of the U.S. identifying as Christian, when will this fabricated “Christian persecution” baloney come to an end? Psst… Your Christian leaders are lying to you and if you had the sense to look beyond Right Wing Media sources you’d clearly see none of this garbage that your religion has been feeding you. Besides, doesn’t the book of Revelations warn of “false prophets”? Would these “Christian leaders” that glorify hating LGBT people and Muslims be considered as such by a biblical definition? Would Jesus approve of violence against people of color and those that are not white, conservative “Christians”?
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    cb1913 Dolly Muñoz • 33 minutes ago
    Do not pretend to care about babies when you support taking away their public education and their healthcare, and their food. Having a “form of religion” does not a Christian make.
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    cyrenecj Dolly Muñoz • an hour ago
    I am sorry you are suffering from some kind of psychosis. The parents of the young man I assuming to whom you are referring, asked the right wing hate monger to stop invoking his name. You apparently didn’t get the memo….
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    VT Dolly Muñoz • an hour ago
    Obama inciting violence against police officers? Oh boy do tell this fantastic tale of fallacy fun. Let me get the fire going and the popcorn ready. OK go ahead…
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    jelun Dolly Muñoz • an hour ago
    Share with us the statements made by President Obama that were inciting violence against police, please.
    I am so very anxious to see this twisted perception of yours.
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    Champski2012 Dolly Muñoz • 37 minutes ago
    You are a crazy person who is LITERALLY using fake news to make an argument. Go away, educated yourself with some facts, and then come back to have a real conversation.
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    Mike James Dolly Muñoz • 41 minutes ago
    Shock radio is warping your brain, Dolly.
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    Richard Banville FZ • 6 hours ago
    “Those killing us and attacking us” obviously includes right-wing extremists, since they’re the ones responsible for the majority of politically-motivated attacks since September 11, 2001.
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    Dolly Muñoz Richard Banville • 4 hours ago
    That is the biggest lie I’ve read in a looooong time! You couldn’t prove that even if your life depended on it.
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    Trump_troll Dolly Muñoz • 2 hours ago
    Your kidding right? Since Timothy McVeigh have been 117 known attacks by white supremists and far right wing nuts.
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    paddles57 Trump_troll • an hour ago
    You know those don’t count-they’re white conservative males. Move along, nothing to see here.
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    JLo Dolly Muñoz • an hour ago
    He doesn’t need to. It’s already been proven. Quit watching Fox News or any other fake right winged rag and you’ll know (possibly depending on your comprehension) that you are the problem. Full of hate, fear and stupidity.
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    jaggedlittlepill Dolly Muñoz • an hour ago
    It’s not hard to prove at all. There’s this amazing thing you can do on a computer. It’s called a search and you just type in what you’re searching for and voila! The answers pop right up on the screen for you to read!! Oh, you CAN read, can’t you? In short it’s called JFGI. Just Fucking Google It.
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    Sophisticated Computer User Dolly Muñoz • an hour ago…
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    Cliff Smith FZ • 4 hours ago
    Please re-read the article, and try to remember who was killed here, and who did the killing.
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    CYB0RG FZ • 6 hours ago
    You’re not very bright are you?
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    Suspect in Portland double murder posted white supremacist material online
    Jeremy Joseph Christian, 35, reportedly slit the throats of two passengers who intervened to stop him hurling anti-Muslim slurs at two young women

    Police in Portland, Oregon, have charged a white supremacist with a double murder and hate crimes, after he allegedly cut the throats of two passengers and stabbed another on a commuter train late on Friday afternoon.

    According to police, while riding the MAX train in suburban north-east Portland, Jeremy Joseph Christian, 35, began “yelling various remarks that would best be characterized as hate speech toward a variety of ethnicities and religions.”

    When fellow passengers attempted to intervene, Christian stabbed three of them. One man, 53-year-old Ricky John Best of Happy Valley, Oregon, died at the scene. Another, 23-year-old Taliesin Myrddin Namkai Meche of south-east Portland, was pronounced dead at a local hospital. A third, 21 year old Micah Fletcher, was treated for injuries that police said “are not expected to be life-threatening”.

    The targets of Christian’s reported abuse included two young women who left the scene. Police believe they may have been Muslim, and that one may have been wearing a hijab. Police have appealed for these women to come forward.

    After the attack, Christian reportedly fled on foot from the Hollywood transit station to a nearby medical center, but was soon apprehended by police. An amateur video published by the Oregonian appeared to show Christian taunting police before his arrest.

    Early on Saturday morning, Christian was booked into Multnomah County jail and charged with two counts each of aggravated murder and intimidation in the second degree, a hate crime offence. He was also charged with attempted murder and felon in possession of a restricted weapon. He was scheduled to be arraigned on Monday in Multnomah County court.

    Christian had been a prominent and vocal participant in recent “alt-right” rallies in Portland. At a “free speech rally” in Montavilla City Park on 29 April he was captured on video wrapped in an American flag, giving Nazi salutes. Earlier that day, police reportedly confiscated a baseball bat from him. Local reporters captured him yelling racial slurs and threatening to shoot “anyone who tries to disarm me”.

    Cat Davila, who was among counter-protesters at the free speech rally, said Christian “showed up part way through the event and came striding straight toward the counter-demonstrator crowd very purposefully waving a baseball bat by his side and staring us down.”

    As he drew closer, Davila said, police “blocked him and took his bat and from then on he just yelled a lot.”

    Christian’s Facebook page revealed obsessive concern with various far right themes. In recent weeks he posted memes and other material attacking “anti-fascist” protesters who have clashed with various “alt-right” rallies around the country. In the lead-up to the April free speech rally, he posted: “Looking for a couple guys or gals down to unmask anyone wear[ing] a mask at the upcoming Free Speech March”, referring to the antifascist practice of disguising protesters’ identities.

    Christian also posted openly antisemitic and neo-Nazi material. On 9 May, he claimed to have challenged Nuremberg prosecutor Ben Ferencz to a debate, in which “I will defend the Nazis”. The same day, he posted “Hail Vinland!!! Hail Victory!!!”, combining a familiar catchphrase that was used at a post-election rally by the activist Richard Spencer with the far-right concept of “Vinland”.

    Portland-based anti-fascist researcher Shane Burley, author of the forthcoming book Fascism Today, told the Guardian that “Vinland” refers to the area of eastern Canada that Leif Erikson supposedly settled from Iceland. On the far right, he said, it is used as a way of asserting that white nationalists “are Vikings in a new land continuing the ancient battle for the preservation of their people.”

    Christian wrote several recent posts opposing male circumcision, writing “I want a job in Norway cutting off the heads of people that circumcize babies” and posting articles about recent attempts in Norway to ban on the practice. Circumcision, Burley said, “is a common men’s rights activist talking point to signify a culture-wide persecution of men.”

    Christian also posted material from media outlets depicting his participation in the April free speech rally, referring to his use of an American flag as a cape as his “Lizard King Regalia”.

    Christian’s engagement with far right politics may be relatively new. A person who knew him in Portland’s heavy metal scene, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said that when he first encountered him eight years ago he was apolitical.

    “Jeremy has always been an extremely damaged person since I’ve known him,” the person said. “He practically grew up in prison and his childhood was horrific but I’ve always known him to have a kind heart.”

    Christian had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, the person said, and “has an extremely obsessive personality. He gets fixed on a thing or an idea and flies off the edge of the world with it.”

    According to records, Christian has a history of violence. In 2002, wearing a ski mask, he handcuffed a North Portland shopkeeper to the counter while stealing cash and cigarettes. Following the robbery, Christian was shot in the face by a Portland police officer.

    Searches indicated 2002 convictions for kidnapping in the second degree, carrying and using a dangerous weapon, and robbery in the first degree. Records also indicated that Christian had been charged, but not convicted, with offenses ranging from felon in possession of a firearm to supplying contraband.

    The attack on Friday came just a week before another “free speech rally” in downtown Portland, planned for 4 June. The event is being organized by Patriot Prayer, the group that organized the rally in April. The rally will feature a number of national “alt-right” celebrities. Anti-fascists are organizing a counter-protest.

    One of the main antifascist groups organizing that counterprotest, Rose City Antifa, issued a rare press release late on Saturday. They said that Christian was “merely one of many white supremacists who attended a number of recent rallies organized by Vancouver, Washington video blogger Joey Gibson”. Gibson leads the Patriot Prayer group who has organised recent rallies, including the one that Christian attended.

    Rose City Antifa recommitted to opposing the “free speech” rally next Saturday, saying that “on June 4th, the Portland community will say “No!” to fascism, as a warning to white supremacists that their organizing will not be tolerated in our communities”.

    Broader reaction in Portland has ranged from shock to defiance. In a media conference on Saturday afternoon, city mayor Ted Wheeler called the attack “a horrific act of racist violence”. Wheeler also pointed to the current political climate as a factor in the crime, adding that “violent words lead to violent acts”.

    Others on hand to speak included Oregon governor, Kate Brown, and Portland district attorney Rod Underhill. Underhill urged Portlanders to “stand up, not stand down” to racism, and reminded the gathered media that aggravated murder – one of the crimes that Christian has been charged with – is “a capital offense in Oregon”.

    FBI special agent in charge, Loren Cannon, said that it was “too early to say” whether the attacks constituted domestic terrorism under federal law.

    Another speaker, Wadji Said from the Interfaith Council of Portland, compared the attacks to the 1988 murder of Ethiopian immigrant Mulugeta Seraw by racist skinheads in Portland.

    Later, at a candlelight vigil held on the lawn outside the Hollywood Transit Center where the attack happened, a number of impromptu speakers praised the heroism of the men who had died in defence of fellow citizens.

    At least 2000 attendees joined the speakers, many carrying flowers to add to the impromptu memorial on the corner outside the Transit Center.

    Two Muslim Portlanders attending the vigil, Keenan Davis and Amer Salam, said that the attacks had cast a pall over the beginning of Ramadan.

    “The night before Ramadan, after prayer, usually it’s a hang out, especially for the dudes. You might talk about the Cavaliers and Celtics, or how hungry you are gonna be for the upcoming days. Just chilling.

    “Last night there was extra security around prayers, and there’s fear. How many people would like to be told they can’t hang out after church on Sunday?”
    He was saddened but not surprised by the attack. In recent months, he said, those with anti-Islamic prejudices had become “more confident” in their desire to “impose themselves on the rest of us”.



    We are in a very bad place.

    The billionaires dominate the media conversation, and have won the propaganda war. Even if the Dems could flip the House, there is no getting control of the media message. A huge minority of Americans are brainwashed beyond repair, it seems to me, and the problems are not going away even if they can be rolled back slightly.


    We are in a very bad place.

    The billionaires dominate the media conversation, and have won the propaganda war. Even if the Dems could flip the House, there is no getting control of the media message. A huge minority of Americans are brainwashed beyond repair, it seems to me, and the problems are not going away even if they can be rolled back slightly.

    nittany ram

    Phhht…Aragorn says there’s “always hope” but he fails to back it up with references or studies supporting his claim. He can’t even cite a single example of a situation in which there was a general consensus of “no hope” that was later determined to be false due to the discovery of a reason for hope.

    Let’s just say I remain dubious of Aragorn and his unsupported ‘hope’ claims.


    Phhht…Aragorn says there’s “always hope” but he fails to back it up with references or studies supporting his claim. He can’t even cite a single example of a situation in which there was a general consensus of “no hope” that was later determined to be false due to the discovery of a reason for hope.

    Let’s just say I remain dubious of Aragorn and his unsupported ‘hope’ claims.

    At Helm’s Deep, he knew to look to the east for Gandolf’s return at first light on the fifth day.

    There’s even a formula for that. GR=FL,D5.

    And yet, you scoff.

    You are wrong to despair.

    nittany ram

    Phhht…Aragorn says there’s “always hope” but he fails to back it up with references or studies supporting his claim. He can’t even cite a single example of a situation in which there was a general consensus of “no hope” that was later determined to be false due to the discovery of a reason for hope.

    Let’s just say I remain dubious of Aragorn and his unsupported ‘hope’ claims.

    At Helm’s Deep, he knew to look to the east for Gandolf’s return at first light on the fifth day.

    There’s even a formula for that. GR=FL,D5.

    Ok, so when I look to the crest of a hill and see Gandalf sitting on a rearing Shadowfax, staff thrust into the air, backlit by the sunrise, then and only then will I begin to have hope.


    Ok, so when I look to the crest of a hill and see Gandalf sitting on a rearing Shadowfax, staff thrust into the air, backlit by the sunrise, then and only then will I begin to have hope.

    But of course, that’s all figurative.

    So in that sense you can see backlit Gandalf on Shadowstaff any where and any time. You just have to have the eyes to see it.


    After ‘Heroic Intervention,’ Funds Being Raised for Portland Victims
    Taliesin Myrddin and Ricky Best died after confrontation with alleged racist; Micah Fletcher survived despite extensive injuries to his neck

    Lauren McCauley

    In a cruel twist to a devastating story about bravery in the face of hate, friends of Micah Fletcher, the sole survivor of the Oregon transit stabbing on Friday, are now trying to raise funds to pay for his life-saving medical treatment.

    “Our friend was stabbed and critically injured while being a good Samaritan and heroically intervening during the racist terrorist incident that left two men dead,” reads the Go Fund Me page. “He bravely did what anyone should do when confronted with terrorism and stepped in to stop the harassment of Muslim women by a known White Supremacist.”

    Fletcher was one of three people who approached suspect Jeremy Christian on the Portland MAX train on Friday after Christian was seen “yelling anti-Muslim hate speech at the two women, one of whom was wearing a hijab,” KATU reports.

    The other two, 23-year-old Taliesin Taliesin Myrddin and 53-year-old Ricky Best, died in the attack. There is a separate fundraiser for the families of the victims.

    The Oregonian reports:

    The 21-year-old was taking the train to his job at a pizza shop from classes at Portland State University. The suspect hit Fletcher once on the left side with the knife. It punctured his neck and was millimeters away from his jugular, Helm said doctors told her and the family.

    He required surgery, which lasted about two hours, she said. Surgeons who operated on him had to remove bone fragments from his throat, she said.

    Fletcher is a poet who frequently writes about social justice issues and anti-Muslim prejudice. “Last Memorial Day weekend, Fletcher and other poets part of Spit/WRITE, a youth poetry group, were reading poems about social justice on a MAX train,” The Oregonian noted. “The purpose was to give them the space to call attention to social justice issues, one of his poetry mentors, Renee Mitchell, said.”

    According to reporting, Christian, who has been arrested and charged on multiple counts, “had been a prominent and vocal participant in recent ‘alt-right’ rallies in Portland,” and had a history of expressing racist ideas on social media.

    Early Saturday he was booked in the Multnomah County jail and has been charged with two counts each of aggravated murder and intimidation in the second degree, a hate crime offense. He was additionally charged with attempted murder and felon in possession of a restricted weapon. He is scheduled to be arraigned on Monday.

    The attack captured international attention, as it comes amid a documented increase in hate crimes and speech against Muslims, immigrants, and other minorities, which has coincided with the election of President Donald Trump and the enactment of several policies also targeting those groups.

    Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler called the stabbing victims “heroes,” and said their actions “should serve as an example and inspiration to us all.”

    Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.), who also extolled their heroism, issued a statement saying: “When White supremacy and neo-Naxism are allowed to flourish, often with the tacit approval of a White House and Republican party more interested in targeting immigrants and people of color than domestic terrorists, this is the inevitable result.”

    “We have to address the extremism in our midst. We owe it to our friends and neighbors and families. We owe it to Taliesin and Ricky,” Ellison said. Let us strive to be as brave and as compassionate as them.”

    Later, drawing attention to the fundraiser for Fletcher, Ellison wrote online:

    Our healthcare system is so cruel, one of the heroes of the Portland stabbing has to crowdfund his lifesaving medical care.

    — Rep. Keith Ellison (@keithellison) May 28, 2017


    Teen on Portland train: ‘They lost their lives because of me and my friend’

    (CNN)As tears streamed down her cheeks, Destinee Mangum, 16, thanked the three strangers who intervened on a Portland light-rail train after a man hurled anti-Muslim slurs at her and her friend who was wearing a hijab.

    Two of the men were killed. One is in the hospital after the suspect, identified as Jeremy Joseph Christian, 35, stabbed the three victims, according to police.
    “I just want to say thank you to the people who put their life on the line for me,” Mangum told CNN affiliate KPTV, her voice cracking. “Because they didn’t even know me and they lost their lives because of me and my friend and the way we look.”
    The incident on Friday struck a nerve across the United States. Outrage over the deadly assault, messages of support for the victims and expressions of antipathy for the attacker have dominated social media and news coverage.
    Online funding pages have emerged for the families of the two slain men, the injured man and the girls who survived the attack.
    On Monday, President Trump weighed in, lauding the victims and deploring the act of violence.
    “The violent attacks in Portland on Friday are unacceptable. The victims were standing up to hate and intolerance. Our prayers are w/ them,” the President tweeted from his @POTUS account.

    President Trump ✔ @POTUS
    The violent attacks in Portland on Friday are unacceptable. The victims were standing up to hate and intolerance. Our prayers are w/ them.

    The attack

    Mangum and her friend were riding the MAX light rail Friday afternoon when the suspect allegedly targeted them. He yelled at Mangum, who is not Muslim, and her friend, using what police described as “hate speech toward a variety of ethnicities and religions.”

    “He told us to go back to Saudi Arabia and he told us we shouldn’t be here, to get out of his country,” Mangum told KPTV. “He was just telling us that we basically weren’t anything and that we should just kill ourselves.”
    Frightened by his outburst, the pair moved away to the back of the train.
    Then a stranger intervened, telling the man that he “can’t disrespect these young ladies like that.”
    “Then they just all started arguing,” Mangum said.
    By the time the light rail pulled into the next station, Mangum and her friends were ready to leave.
    “Me and my friend were going to get off the MAX and then we turned around while they were fighting and he just started stabbing people,” she said.
    “It was just blood everywhere and we just started running for our lives.”
    Several passengers chased after the suspect and called 911, directing officers to his whereabouts, according to local media.
    Mangum, wearing pigtails, held tightly to her mother’s hand as she spoke to a KPTV reporter.
    “It’s haunting me,” she said.

    Ricky John Best, 53, of Happy Valley, died at the scene. The military veteran worked as a technician for the city of Portland and had gravitated towards public service.
    Taliesin Myrddin Namkai-Meche, 23, of Portland, died at the hospital. He had graduated from Portland’s Reed College with a degree in economics last year and had just begun his career working at an environmental consulting agency.
    The third victim, Micah Fletcher, 21, is being treated at a hospital with serious injuries. A GoFundMe account to pay for his medical bills showed a picture of him on a hospital bed with a visible neck wound.
    Mangum’s mother, Dyjuana Hudson, said she owes everything to the three men and their grieving families.
    “I want to say thank you so much,” she said. “I couldn’t imagine what you’re going through right now as far as losing someone.”

    The suspect

    Christian was charged with two counts of aggravated murder and one count of attempted murder, all felonies. The aggravated murder charge has the death penalty as a possible sentence.
    He also was charged with misdemeanors: two counts of second-degree intimidation and a count of being a felon in possession of a restricted weapon, police said.
    Christian was being held at the county jail without bail, he will be arraigned on Tuesday in Multnomah County Court.
    Police said detectives are looking at Christian’s background, “including the information publicly available about the suspect’s extremist ideology.”
    Videos have surfaced showing Christian at various events shouting at people, at one point saying the N-word, as police officers separated him from others.

    The FBI has joined the Portland police-led investigation to gather evidence.
    Authorities are trying to determine whether Christian will be charged with federal hate crimes.
    Teen’s family asks for privacy
    After granting interviews to a few local media outlets, Hudson and her daughter posted a video on Facebook saying they were thankful to the victims and the community support. They also asked for privacy.
    “The best thing you guys can help us out with is just giving me and my family time to process everything and for me to cope with what happened and to actually heal from this and get over this somehow,” Mangum said.
    “When the time comes, we will come forward,” her mother said. “But right now it’s all just too much to keep rehashing it over and over again.”
    The other woman on the train hasn’t spoken out publicly.


    “You call it terrorism. I call it patriotism”: Jeremy Christian’s Arraignment Was Raucous

    Jeremy Christian is still shouting.

    At a brief and chaotic arraignment on nine felony and misdemeanor charges this afternoon, the suspect in the vicious stabbing deaths of two men and serious injury of a third last week entered the court room shouting.

    “Free speech or die, Portland,” yelled Christian, 35, staring down an audience that included Micah Fletcher, whom police say Christian stabbed in the neck on a MAX Green Line train on Friday. “You’ve got no safe place. This is America. Get out if you don’t like free speech.”

    A short time later he yelled: “Death to the enemies of America. Death to antifa [anti-fascists]. You call it terrorism. I call it patriotism. Die.”

    Around the time Christian appeared in court, shouts erupted from the hallway outside. Some of that was people reacting to the man’s appearance, but other anger was aimed at a man with multicolored hair and red laces in his boots who’d shown up to support the defendant. He said he was a friend of Christian’s, but wouldn’t answer the Mercury’s questions about how he knew him. He was shouted out of the justice center under the protection of the sheriff’s office.

    Later in the hallway, about a dozen people watched a live stream of arraignment. As they spotted Christian through the small circular windows on the two double doors, they yelled “YOU’RE A MURDER!” at the unrepentant killer. Sheriff’s deputies came out and forced them back.

    Christian’s next court date is scheduled for June 7.


    Stabbing victim Micah Fletcher: ‘I’m just trying to heal and recover’

    PORTLAND, Ore. — During an emotional interview Tuesday morning with KGW, Micah Fletcher, one of three men stabbed during last week’s racist attack on a MAX train, said he’s having a hard time processing what happened to him.

    Fletcher said he’s unsure how to move on after the attack, so he’s focusing on trying to get better.

    “I got stabbed in the neck on my way to work, randomly, by a stranger I don’t know, for trying to just be a nice person,” said the 21-year-old Portland State University student. “Like, I don’t know what to do after that, you know.

    “I’m healing. That’s what I’m doing. As much as I can, in whatever way I can,” he said.

    Fletcher, who won a citywide poetry slam in high school for a poem that spoke out against prejudice faced by Muslims, said Portland can only heal from this tragedy if its citizens come together to assure that the city is a place where people can feel safe again.

    “We’re about to go through a very hard time. Things are happening, the world is changing,” he said. “We need to remember that this is supposed to be a city where people can be safe, where children can play, where laughter can grow and where love can take roots in the soil.

    “It’s going to take us standing together as a community if you want that to be the Portland we live in. There are a lot of different issues that we need to tackle. But we can’t attack any of those issues head-on until we at least know we can be safe in our streets from violence and hatred,” he said.

    On May 26, 35-year-old Jeremy Christian allegedly stabbed three men who were trying to protect a Muslim woman and a black woman, after Christian shouted racial and anti-Muslim slurs at them.

    Rick John Best, 53, of Happy Valley, Taliesin Myrddin Namkai-Meche, 23, of Southeast Portland, were stabbed to death. Fletcher was also stabbed but survived his injuries.

    “Two very good people lost their lives that day,” Fletcher said in Tuesday’s interview. “I’m very injured, both physically and mentally. I do not feel well. And I mourn the loss of those two very brave individuals who put their lives on the line like that. I wish their families as much healing as they can in these times of immense trials and tribulations.”

    Fletcher said two people came to his aid after he was stabbed Friday. He said he owes those people his life and also thanked officers, paramedics and doctors who helped him.

    Community support has been helpful as well, Fletcher said. He noted that he has felt the expressions of love, support and admiration. He also said funds raised to help he and his family are appreciated.

    “The outpouring of support has been immensely amazing, especially [for] my family,” he said. “I really worry about, I do, about bills in the household and how my parents can afford things. And it gives me great hope that perhaps for once I will not have to be a financial burden upon my parents.”

    Fletcher said once his medical and recovery bills are covered, he will donate the rest of the money raised on his behalf to the families of Best and Namkai-Meche.

    “I don’t want to profit off of this,” he said. “I want any money, once the medical bills are paid off, I want the money to go to the families of the people that lost their lives that day.”

    Injury missed being fatal ‘by millimeters’

    An affidavit of probable cause released Tuesday revealed more information about what happened Friday afternoon.

    After Christian got on the train and started shouting at two teenage girls and making threatening comments about “decapitating heads,” several men stepped in to diffuse the situation. A man identified as Mr. Forde in the court document first tried to stop Christian but was unsuccessful.

    According to TriMet video and cell phone video taken by train passengers, Christian charged at Namkai-Meche first. Fletcher stood up next to Namkai-Meche and was shoved by Christian. Fletcher shoved him back and yelled at him to get off the MAX. Christian, who had retrieved a 3 3/4-inch folding knife from his pocket, opened the knife and swung, stabbing Fletcher in the neck. Fletcher grabbed his neck to stop the bleeding and exited the train, where he was given medical attention by passengers on the platform until police and other first responders arrived.

    On the train, Christian proceeded to stab Namkai-Meche and Best, who had moved in to help, multiple times. Christian then left the train and was apprehended shortly after by police.

    Fletcher was taken to Legacy Emanuel and treated for a stab injury to his left neck. Fletcher told Multnomah County Deputy District Attorney Ryan Lufkin that doctors told him his injury missed being fatal by millimeters.

    Fletcher released from hospital Monday

    Fletcher was discharged from Legacy Emanuel Medical Center on Monday night.

    Miranda Helm, Fletcher’s girlfriend, shared on Facebook at 6:14 p.m. Monday that Fletcher had been released from the hospital. In the Facebook post, she requested privacy for Fletcher.

    “Micah needs a lot of rest. Please give him time,” she wrote. “I know maaaany people want to see him, but a lack of rest and a lot of emotions will slow his healing process. Out of respect, allow him to reach out to you when he is ready for visitors.”


    Portland Stabbing Victim Calls Out City’s ‘White Savior Complex’
    Survivor Micah Fletcher urges supporters to focus on the girls who were targeted, not him.

    By Rebecca Shapiro

    Portland stabbing survivor Micah Fletcher is calling for supporters to focus their attention on the girls racially and religiously attacked during Friday’s train attack.

    He was one of three people stabbed after confronting a man on a MAX train for verbally attacking Destinee Mangum, 16, and her 17-year-old-friend, who is Muslim and was wearing a hijab. While Fletcher survived, Ricky John Best and Taliesin Myrddin Namkai-Meche died from their wounds. Police arrested Jeremy Christian, who has ties to white supremacist groups, soon afterward.

    Fletcher thanked supporters for an outpouring of kindness and money in a moving video he posted to Facebook Wednesday, but then he said there’s a problem that needs addressing.

    “We need to remember that this is about those little girls. I want you to imagine that for a second being a little girl on that MAX,” Fletcher said. “This man is screaming at you. His face is a pile of knives. His body is a gun. Everything about him is cocked, loaded and ready to kill you,” he continued. “There is a history here with this. You can feel that this has happened before, and the only thing that was different was the names and faces. And then a stranger, two strangers, three strangers come to your aid. They try to help you. And that pile of knives just throws itself at them. Kills them.”

    Even after experiencing such trauma, Fletcher has a way with words. The 21-year-old is a poet and student at Portland State University. Oregon Live reported that Fletcher won a 2013 poetry competition for two pieces of work: one that dealt with the blame rape victims face and another focused on the prejudice leveled at Muslims in America after the attacks on September 11, 2001. His work focuses on social injustices, and he wants his poems to inspire change.

    “We in Portland have this weird tendency to continue patterns that we’ve done forever and one of them is same old just to put it bluntly: white savior complex,” Fletcher said in the video. “I think it’s immensely immensely morally wrong and irresponsible how much money we have gotten as opposed to how much support, money, love, kindness that has been given to that little girl.”

    The poet linked to a fundraiser organized in honor of the two teenagers who were targeted during the train attack. At the time of this posting, about 1800 individuals donated more than $65,000 of its $150,000 goal. The group is raising money to provide the teenagers with safe transportation options and mental health services.

    Multiple fundraisers were set up in the days following the attack and, in total, they surpassed $1 million in money raised. A GoFundMe page devoted to supporting Fletcher’s medical bills has received more than $255,000. A campaign organized by local nonprofit, Muslim Educational Trust, has raised more than $530,000 to support Fletcher and the families of the two men who died standing up to the attacker.

    “Although this campaign is organized by Muslims, we welcome people of all faiths to contribute,” the campaign’s page says. The group reached its $60,000 goal within 5 hours. Its new goal is set at $550,000.

    Portland restaurateur Nick Zukin started a GoFundMe page as well, which has raised $540,000 of its of $600,000 goal.

    “They are heroes, yet their families are not only going to be faced with the pain of losing people they love, but with financial hardships from their passings,” Zukin wrote on the page. “I’ve started this GoFundMe to help them with costs as a result of their deaths and injuries.”

    Fletcher asked followers to like and share his video, which has been viewed more than 300,000 times in the 14 hours since he posted it to Facebook.

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