Naomi Klein

  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by wv.
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  • #74276

    Naomi on climate change, etc:


    “…And this isn’t only about the right — it’s also about the center. What mainstream liberals have been saying about climate change for decades is that we simply need to tweak the existing system here and there and everything will be fine. You can have Goldman Sachs capitalism plus solar panels. But at this stage, the challenge we are up against is much deeper than that.

    Lowering our emissions quickly enough to avoid catastrophic warming requires confronting the centrality of ever-expanding consumption in how we measure economic progress. It requires remaking our economy in fundamental ways, including battling the systemic economic and racial inequalities that turn disasters like Harvey and Katrina into human catastrophes. In one sense, then, the members of Trump’s cabinet — with their desperate need to deny the reality of global warming, or belittle its implications — understand something that is fundamentally true: To avert climate chaos, we need to challenge the free-market fundamentalism that has conquered the world since the 1980s…..see link”


    Some time ago, I looked up Naomi Klein and was disappointed to learn she is married, and has kids, I think. It’s too bad because I think we really could have had something special.


    …thats how i feel about Bernardine Dorne,
    formerly of the Weather Underground. 🙂

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