My fear

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  • #104484

    “She was a crap candidate who was wrong on policies. ” (Hillary)

    I guess I’ve never understood this business about Clinton being a bad candidate. She clearly demonstrated during the campaign she was far smarter than Trump. She -according to those whose profession is to judge debates-beat Trump in every debate. She showed she had command of all the policies a President is likely to face-something Trump failed miserably in. She overwhelmingly had more experience in governing and foreign policy than any candidate has likely ever had before.

    What she lacked was the ability to be “liked”. She simply was not a likeable candidate. Perhaps this is what Billy is referring to. She had no “sizzle”. She lacked what her husband had-an innate ability to speak to people without sounding like an elitist. Certainly Trump had this quality. In that light I think Warren has that quality as well. Hillary also trusted way too much in people working in her campaign that were far too inexperienced and not used to bitter wars on a political front. She listened too much to these people who likely thought Trump was an easy foe to defeat. She-or her staff-made mistakes that her husband-or his staff-would never have made.


    I guess I’ve never understood this business about Clinton being a bad candidate.

    If you go by her resume, Hillary was the most qualified candidate ever to run for the presidency.

    Going back to what WV said, Hillary told a crappy story. I think the subtext of her entire campaign was something like “I, Hillary Clinton, have bided my time consolidating the entire Washington apparatus, and am now prepared to become the first Woman president ever, a historical Glass Ceiling moment that I, Hillary Clinton, am entitled to!”

    At a time when anti-establishment sentiment was cresting…it wasn’t a good story. With Trump on her right, and Sanders on her left, Clinton appeared to be the consummate focus group manufactured persona with a Madison Avenue shine, and with distrust of insiders at a high, she was the wrong person at the wrong time.


    I can’t argue with any of that. Too bad I think she would have made a very good President. I once heard an interview with Warren who had -and I think still has-a tremendous amount of respect for Hillary’s ability to command facts necessary to govern on a high level. One exception was Hillary’s change of direction when it came to limitations on corporate power. I can’t recall the issue (maybe something to do with bankruptcy) but Hillary knew all about the details of what Warren wanted to accomplish-which really impressed Warren-but when it came to a vote Hillary went the other way-presumably swayed by corporate influence.

    I still think she would have been a really good President-certainly a lot stronger that the baby in office now.


    I still think she would have been a really good President-certainly a lot stronger that the baby in office now.

    Well I ain’t much of a Hillary person, but I do agree with that.

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