Must See TV? Trump's Expos`e of Clinton's Influence Peddling

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    Supposed to be released on monday. While I doubt anything new to those who have followed the Clinton’s history of traitorous enrichment will be given I wonder if the MSM exposure will finally get the average voter asking questions?

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    When they said “the lesser of two evils” and “hold your nose and vote”,
    I don’t think people who casually support Hillary have any idea how bad she is.

    She’s Obama without the charm, heart, and humanity and with loads more personal ambition.

    I cringe at the thought of that first White House Correspondents Dinner…
    I’ve got some kind of worrisome head cold and I’d rather have that than watch Hillary try to be funny for 15 minutes…

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.


    When they said “the lesser of two evils” and “hold your nose and vote”,
    I don’t think people who casually support Hillary have any idea how bad she is.

    She’s Obama without the charm, heart, and humanity and with loads more personal ambition.

    I cringe at the thought of that first White House Correspondents Dinner…
    I’ve got some kind of worrisome head cold and I’d rather have that than watch Hillary try to be funny for 15 minutes…


    Yup. This is going to be ugly beyond belief.

    Both are going very negative… and we’ll be lucky if we survive it 🙂

    Weirdly, both will be right about the other. Thats the thing.
    They both have plenty of ACCURATE VALID mud to sling. Both are total-loathsome-weasels.

    The Billionaire-lying-racist-demogogue vs the Millionaire-lying-warmongerer.

    And millions and millions and millions of american citizens are gonna walk
    into the polls, and happily vote for one or the other. And they dont have to. But they will — cause they dont want to….”waste their vote”.


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