The media-celebrities are just not sold on Bradford. They’ve seen Kaperhead and R.Wilson
do big things, but they haven’t seen Sam do big things.
I think thats prettymuch how they analyze thingz.
I think this is also part of it. No media analyst watches every regular season game to the point where they know the details of how 32 teams played in all 16 games.
Winning teams get watched more. Naturally. Imagine going into a life of sports analysis and you get assigned the “know losing teams only” slot in your group.
National media analysts tend to be kind of less informed about Bradford because they have seen less of him. In fact that fits my (part joking) “one national game” theory. Most people only saw one Rams game–last year’s SF game. The whole team kind of screwed up that game (picture in your head Finnegan running fruitlessly behind a productive Boldin.)
Mort, on the other hand, is a friend of Fisher’s and is on the “war room invitation” list.