Morning Joe segment: normalized warmongering.

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    The segment wasn’t on that topic, of course. That was just my takeaway.

    It was meant, no doubt, to honor the fallen in keeping with Memorial Day. But what I couldn’t help thinking, as they conversed with their guest, Colonel Jack Jacobs, is how blinkered the whole thing was . . . which began with this extremist vision that it’s our job to prevent “influence” in X, Y and Z regions by X, Y and Z countries.

    First of all, why should we be World Cop? Second, if you’re going to take on that responsibility, don’t try to pretend like we’re not seeking “influence” in those regions too. Don’t try to frame this all as something those other countries do, and we don’t . . . . (the segment concentrated mostly on Iran, Russia, Saudi Arabia and the Taliban . . . in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan especially.)

    From there, the colonel proceeded to complain about lack of funding for all of this, outdated equipment, too few personnel, too little of this and that . . . and I’m thinking, Well, if we weren’t all over the world trying to prevent “influence,” then we wouldn’t need to spend more money . . . In fact, we could actually slash the military budget by at least half, if not 75% and still lead the world in “Defense” spending overall.

    The supposed need for a massive increase in all of that is because we’ve taken on this role, which I would argue is mostly just cover for the defense and protection of the capitalist system itself, with trillions in immediate gains as well (weapons proliferation, especially).

    And, of course, taking on that role means more wars, which means we supposedly need more funding, for more wars, then more funding, world without end.

    How on earth does any of the above “honor the fallen”?


    Yeah. Memorial Day always presents a conundrum for me.

    Naturally, I get agitated when I hear people proclaim that they died to “defend our freedoms” and that kind of nonsense. As if every war is the Revolutionary War, a body of self-sacrificing patriots defending this country’s liberty against the imperialist forces of tyranny.

    At the same time, some of those war victims were motivated by a belief they were doing right, and a lot of them just innocently were thrust out there with no choice in the matter, and deserve our sympathy rather than our contempt. It’s a complicated holiday, one that I will never be able to fully embrace.


    Yeah. Memorial Day always presents a conundrum for me.

    Naturally, I get agitated when I hear people proclaim that they died to “defend our freedoms” and that kind of nonsense. As if every war is the Revolutionary War, a body of self-sacrificing patriots defending this country’s liberty against the imperialist forces of tyranny.

    At the same time, some of those war victims were motivated by a belief they were doing right, and a lot of them just innocently were thrust out there with no choice in the matter, and deserve our sympathy rather than our contempt. It’s a complicated holiday, one that I will never be able to fully embrace.


    Was saying similar things on another forum. You make an important point, however, when you add the beliefs of the soldiers themselves.

    It is a day to feel conflicted about so many things. I still think about my trip to France in 2007, which included Normandy, and how the sight of the white crosses and the beaches shook me deeply.

    But stepping back from that . . . trying to be cold-eyed, etc. etc. . . . We haven’t been in danger of “losing our freedoms” since the War of 1812, really . . . so what IS the right way to talk about war, sacrifice, empire?

    I do know this: We’re not honoring the fallen when we go from war to war to war. We honor them by doing everything humanly possible to make their sacrifice the last one.

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