Missed yall, missed the internet

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    Well, I’ve missed yall. And i’ve missed the Internet.

    A coupla weeks ago, my internet just totally slowed to a crawl, and i couldnt really get online except for an email or two. I have been using Frontier Corporation (formerly Verizon) and it goes through my phone lines. (not much to choose from in WV — essentially only Frontier phone lines or Comcast’s cable.)

    I called for Frontier’s tech-help, and…..eventually…after going through five or six rounds with ‘help’ line techs on the phone they finally sent a guy to my house — and he turned DOWN my internet speed. (i wasnt home). Frontier later admitted their error.

    And then after spending days and days and days with more of Frontiers ‘help’line teckies they managed to…do nothing. Another tech guy came to my house and said he could fix things — cept he couldnt. Then more calls. Then a third tech guy came a few days later — and he blamed something back at Frontier headquarters…etc…etc…etc.

    Anyway, i am online, kinda, barely (thru frontier) but I’m switching to Xfinity Comcast tomorrow. They are coming out and they ‘say’ I’ll have faster improved speed, blah blah blah. We’ll see. I may be offline again after they come, i dunno.

    Anyway, good to be back, I hope tomorrows switchover to comcast goes smoothly. Another big Corporation that cares about me the consumer — what could go wrong?

    I dunno what’s going on in the world btw. Is Trump emperor yet? Did the Rams fire McV? Has zooey been banned? I really dont know anything.


    PA Ram

    Welcome back, WV. We’ve missed you.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick


    Well, I’ve missed yall. And i’ve missed the Internet.

    See, I told you there was a big difference between Obama and Trump.

    Under Obama, the NSA used to monitor the site and drive up the hit count.

    Under Trump, they go to your house and kick you off the internet.

    nittany ram

    Having you back here is a huge relief. When you disappeared for days I figured the rapture happened and I was left behind with all of these hellbound sinners. Sure, me missing the rapture sounds ridiculous (it was designed with me in mind for the most part) but computer snafus do happen. For all I knew maybe some of PA’s debauched life got downloaded into my file? Anyway, since you’re back I guess I have nothing to worry about.

    We had Comcast as our internet provider for years and I don’t think we had many service issues.


    You missed a lot. You missed the discussion on if Bigfoot is an ET, the President of Iceland is considering banning pineapple on pizza, the best picture flub at the academy awards, then there is fight going on, between RemyMa and Nicki Minaj. Who’s side are you on? Nicki Minaj was posting tweets on Saturday calling RemyMa a hoe and such, while, later, RemyMa while performing on stage, she was multi-tasking, was tweeting to her, and doing a diss song as well. She was performing in my city. I had to miss the concert, do to I was in the hospital. It was a kidney stone.

    We almost forgot about we talked bringing back the Whole Rhinos. And Pteradactals live in Papua New Guinea. McVey is on the hot seat. 😂😂😂 Just a rumor.


    Anyway, i am online, kinda, barely (thru frontier) but I’m switching to Xfinity Comcast tomorrow. They are coming out and they ‘say’ I’ll have faster improved speed, blah blah blah. We’ll see. I may be offline again after they come, i dunno.



    You probably already know this, via your switch to the Cable Modem, but just in case (I’ve had Comcast for more than a decade now, and did tech support on Cable Modems long before that):

    1. You should buy your own, instead of renting theirs. It will pay for itself in less than a year, and then each year after that, you’re saving money.

    2. Take advantage of their free antivirus software. I get Norton through them, and if you previously paid for it, that’s a nice savings each year too.

    3. Make sure you have a good router, with the latest consumer protocol (802.11ac) and set it up with WPA2-PSK(AES). If it uses the private IP address in the 192 series, switch it to instead. Though the 192 series still works fine.

    4. Each year, you’re probably gonna get a big increase in price from Comcast. Just call in and negotiate it back down. I’ve done this successfully, with only a coupla failures, for more than a decade. It costs them more to lose you as a customer than to keep you, even at the same rate as last year or better.

    Hope all is well —


    I was banned, yes. Same ol’, same ol’.


    Anyway, i am online, kinda, barely (thru frontier) but I’m switching to Xfinity Comcast tomorrow. They are coming out and they ‘say’ I’ll have faster improved speed, blah blah blah. We’ll see. I may be offline again after they come, i dunno.



    You probably already know this, via your switch to the Cable Modem, but just in case (I’ve had Comcast for more than a decade now, and did tech support on Cable Modems long before that):

    1. You should buy your own, instead of renting theirs. It will pay for itself in less than a year, and then each year after that, you’re saving money.

    2. Take advantage of their free antivirus software. I get Norton through them, and if you previously paid for it, that’s a nice savings each year too.

    3. Make sure you have a good router, with the latest consumer protocol (802.11ac) and set it up with WPA2-PSK(AES). If it uses the private IP address in the 192 series, switch it to instead. Though the 192 series still works fine.

    4. Each year, you’re probably gonna get a big increase in price from Comcast. Just call in and negotiate it back down. I’ve done this successfully, with only a coupla failures, for more than a decade. It costs them more to lose you as a customer than to keep you, even at the same rate as last year or better.

    Hope all is well —

    Well, i dont understand any of that tech-talk BT — all i know is this thing is lightning fast. I’ve never had anything like this. Its faster than a Rams three-and-out. Its faster than a blitzing LB rocketing through the Rams OLine…

    I have a friend who said she has trouble with comcast internet when it Rains. So i asked the hookup guy about that and he said its probly SQUIRRELS.

    Squirrels are attacking the Internet, apparently.

    One wonders what they WANT. Why the internet?



    Well, i dont understand any of that tech-talk BT — all i know is this thing is lightning fast. I’ve never had anything like this. Its faster than a Rams three-and-out. Its faster than a blitzing LB rocketing through the Rams OLine…

    I have a friend who said she has trouble with comcast internet when it Rains. So i asked the hookup guy about that and he said its probly SQUIRRELS.

    Squirrels are attacking the Internet, apparently.

    One wonders what they WANT. Why the internet?


    Rain hasn’t been a problem for me. It’s been pretty solid. Did they give you a special speed? I’ve got 25 megs, but have had the 100 megs on special now and then. Am guessing they’ve increased that by now.

    As for the Norton product. If you don’t feel comfortable setting that up, I think it’s worth the call into tech support for the help with the download. You should set up a website account with them and try this page for the download. Maybe get customer care to walk you through it. It’s important to have the firewall plus antivirus program — and it’s free, etc.


    Here’s a link to Best Buy’s cable modems.

    Best Buy cable modems for Xfinity


    As for the squirrels. Um, well, you know. The Internet is full of nuts.


    Too easy?

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