Ok, last time, i asked yunz if you would push a button that would eliminate 6.6 Billion Humans painlessly, in order to save the planet. And though i was disappointed that many of you REFUSED to join me in the mass-murder of billions of humans, i will not be deterred from trying another thot-X-periment.
How bout this — What if you HAD to choose, between killing-off ALL the Humans on this planet OR
killing off all the nonhuman-animals. (and dont quibble with me about definitions of animals).
(Now the “elimination” wouldnt take place for 100 years, so you get to finish your lives out, should you choose to eliminate Humans.)
Its gotta be one or the other. And YOU have to choose. All the humans go. Or all the animals.
The plants and bacteria get to stay either way.
Now, no end runs around this. You have to choose one or the other.
And i expect everyone to participate. And if you weasel out, I will hunt you down and hurl french insults at you.
Its a no-brainer for me. I’d eliminate the Human-virus infecting the planet Earth.
Ok, last time, i asked yunz if you would push a button that would eliminate 6.6 Billion Humans painlessly, in order to save the planet. And though i was disappointed that many of you REFUSED to join me in the mass-murder of billions of humans, i will not be deterred from trying another thot-X-periment.
I’d vote to kill the animals AND the humans, on the off hand chance that the being making the demand was that pesky godling the Jews invented, the one that wanted Abraham to kill his only son.
He has a history of waffling, and if I called his bluff and said, “Kill the animals and the people”, maybe he’d relent and spare us all. Though he’d probably want at least one Ram; Case Keenum, maybe?
I would kill all the people. I’m not a big fan of people. But then who would be left to appreciate the planet? Animals have no capacity for appreciation. Now that I think this through, fuck those animals too. Ingrates.
But then who would be left to appreciate the planet? Animals have no capacity for appreciation.
You’ve never seen my dogs with a marrow bone.
But you do have a point. Most animals could not appreciate the planet nor the sacrifice all those humans made to ensure their survival.
Too bad we are waiting 100 years or I would volunteer to be a survivor. That way there would be at least one being in existence that’s capable of appreciation.
Of course, I’d be even more appreciative if Scarlett Johansson were picked to survive with me. You know, just as a back-up appreciator in case I’m not feeling well and therefore not very appreciative.