Media won't ask Chelsea about her father's treatment of women but asks Ivanka

Recent Forum Topics Forums The Public House Media won't ask Chelsea about her father's treatment of women but asks Ivanka

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  • #49475

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

    nittany ram

    Bill Clinton’s mutually consensual affairs don’t bother me but the allegations of sexual assault do. But here’s the thing…unlike Trump, Bill Clinton isn’t running for president.


    Bill Clinton’s mutually consensual affairs don’t bother me but the allegations of sexual assault do. But here’s the thing…unlike Trump, Bill Clinton isn’t running for president.

    It’s fast emerging as a pattern. Hey, nobody accuses Clinton of being a fascist! To which we respond, it’s wrong to be a fascist. If you’re concerned about fascism don’t just speak up when your partisan choice gets criticized.

    Like the people who are only interested in race when Trump is criticized about it. And then it’s hey the other side is racist too. In other words, racism isn’t bad, but it’s bad to say someone is racist.


    Bill Clinton’s mutually consensual affairs don’t bother me but the allegations of sexual assault do. But here’s the thing…unlike Trump, Bill Clinton isn’t running for president.

    True but Hildabeast has attacked his victims while claiming victims of sexual abuse should be believed.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

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