Mark Blyth on….Tucker Carlson’s show

Recent Forum Topics Forums The Public House Mark Blyth on….Tucker Carlson’s show

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  • #116867


    wait. is tucker a socialist?



    What’s your take on the interview?

    Quick impressions from me? I had to laugh when Carlson said “No one is talking about that.” No one on the right, maybe. But it’s long been standard fare for left of center economists and social critique. Krugman and Stiglitz, for example. Adjusted, of course, for the various new obstacles facing the young across the generations, and those never end. Marxians have been shouting this stuff from the rooftops even longer. Again, adjusted for each new wave of obstacles . . . and they go deeper from there and zoom out far more.

    That’s the norm. Again, where has Carlson been?

    Also: Carlson wants his audience to be frightened to death by the specter of “socialism,” and he desperately wants his audience to think “socialism” can only mean Stalinism. He’s also been at the forefront of trying to paint “antifa” as an existential threat to the nation.

    Along with his constant racism, deep xenophobia and endless lies . . . um, well, I find his character and his show to be beyond repulsive.

    “Tell us what you really think, Billy_T,” you might ask (hoping I’ll stop).


    Again, am interested in your own take.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by Billy_T.

    On a positive note: Looked up the guest and it sounds like he’s done some good work on economics and public policy, focusing on Austerity.

    Surprised Carlson booked him.


    On a positive note: Looked up the guest and it sounds like he’s done some good work on economics and public policy, focusing on Austerity.

    Surprised Carlson booked him.


    Carlson, like Sagaaar (Krystal Ball’s other half) is not like a regular-ole-Republican.
    He’s a demon but he’s not a regular-ole-republican.
    There’s more than one kind of Republican these days. Like, say, Pat Buchannon was a Demon, but he wasnt a regular-ole-Republican. He was a different variety of demon.

    Tucker Carlson has often come out against the greedy-rich-folks. He sees himself as a type of Right-Populist. Krystal Ball talked about this on the vid where she responds to Nathan Robinson’s critique of her and Sagaar. Krystal said the point of the show ‘The Rising’ is to have two different ‘rising’ versions of populism talk to each other — Leftwing-populism and Rightwing-populism. She noted that their show is absolutely unique (and it is). No other political show has this dynamic. Watch the vid. It relates to who Tucker Carlson is.



    On a positive note: Looked up the guest and it sounds like he’s done some good work on economics and public policy, focusing on Austerity.

    Surprised Carlson booked him.


    Carlson, like Sagaaar (Krystal Ball’s other half) is not like a regular-ole-Republican.
    He’s a demon but he’s not a regular-ole-republican.
    There’s more than one kind of Republican these days. Like, say, Pat Buchannon was a Demon, but he wasnt a regular-ole-Republican. He was a different variety of demon.

    Tucker Carlson has often come out against the greedy-rich-folks. He sees himself as a type of Right-Populist. Krystal Ball talked about this on the vid where she responds to Nathan Robinson’s critique of her and Sagaar. Krystal said the point of the show ‘The Rising’ is to have two different ‘rising’ versions of populism talk to each other — Leftwing-populism and Rightwing-populism. She noted that their show is absolutely unique (and it is). No other political show has this dynamic. Watch the vid. It relates to who Tucker Carlson is.


    I posted Robinson’s newest response in another thread. I think ZN wants to move it . . . . so we’ll see where it ends up. Would enjoy seeing your take on his latest.

    I try to keep an open mind, WV . . . but I’m just not seeing the sense in the Rising’s project, at all. In fact, I think it’s dangerously naive and misguided on Ball’s part, as mentioned in my own thread on the topic, which may be moved soon enough.



    Blythe is always a fun listen:



    Looks like a change in plan. Thread consolidation seems nearly impossible at this point. So I’m just gonna leave my thread where it is.

    If you want to, however, it might make some sense to add new videos to one of your older threads . . . so we can have a running discussion about The Rising . . . Just a suggestion. Obviously, it goes without saying it’s up to you.

    And it doesn’t have to only be The Rising vs. Robinson, though that’s what interests me, personally, the most. Maybe just a collection of their videos???

    . . .

    Anyway, can’t remember if it was here or in another post, but I think you implied that if the The Rising goes, we lose Ball’s progressive voice. I likely misread you, but I don’t think we need to limit our choices to a coalition of “left populists and right populists” in order for progressive voices to be heard. I’d much rather Ball have her own show, stop working for Trump’s personal friend and supporter, Finkelstein, and end her attempts to form coalitions with what I see as our mortal enemies.

    You know the right despises us, and that includes “right-populists.” It’s difficult for them to go more than a day without demonizing leftists. Trump did so at his rally last night, dangerously. It’s already gotten lefties (literally) killed and it will continue to do so. Right-populists are existential threats to all of us, IMO, and the planet.

    Again, just my view: But I’d much rather see leftists devote our time and energy in the fight against both the center and the right. It makes zero sense to me to align with the right — any part of it — to go after the center. Not only on ethical, moral, human/civil rights, policy, environmental or economic grounds . . . but because once in power, the right — any part of it — would betray us in a nanosecond.

    Hope all is well.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by Billy_T.
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