Man Who Assaulted Black Woman At Trump Rally Learns It Ruined His Life

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    Angry ‘Patriot’ Who Assaulted A Black Woman At A Trump Rally Finds Out It Ruined His Life

    Angry ‘Patriot’ Who Assaulted A Black Woman At A Trump Rally Finds Out It Ruined His Life(IMAGES)

    Imagine if you will that you are one of the dullards who frequents Donald Trump rallies. Imagine that Donald Trump’s rhetoric is actually exciting enough for you to become energized when he hits the stage. Now imagine that because you are of the low-information variety American voter, your favorite part of the show is the racism.

    You would be just like young Joseph Pryor, who was just kicked off of the US Marines’ delayed enlistment program, meaning he will not EVER be a United States Marine, because of the antics he pulled in connection with the assault of a black woman at a recent Trump rally in Kentucky.

    Louisville police added to the mess the Trump supporters got themselves into by announcing they’re looking at filing criminal charges against several people. There has been some speculation that Trump himself may be facing charges as a ringleader, but that is unconfirmed at this time. What we do know is that a woman was treated with the utmost of disrespect, was physically and verbally assaulted and quite possibly had her civil rights violated for no reason other than the color of her skin.

    It’s a common scene at these things. Protesters stand as quietly as they can and are eventually discovered and removed with extreme prejudice. Trump security personnel, local police and tens of thousands of unruly thugs in red hats solves those issues while Trump stands on stage scanning for the next people to have booted out. It’s nothing but a reality TV hook.

    Now this poor young man, whose racism may have just been a side-effect of being raised by idiots and who may have had hope with just a few more IQ points, will tell the story of how he sacrificed his military service for Donald Trump. His friends will toast him with Natural Ice until the day he dies of liver failure. He’ll be buried with full honors by his World Of Warcraft buddies in a casket draped with the Gadsden Flag In an unsanmctioned cemetery slated to be paved for the new Walmart Supercenter parking lot.

    This guy isn’t the first person to go full stupid for Donald Trump and lose big and he certainly won’t be the last.


    He wrote online he pushed her. Pushed. His future DI would have had worse in store for him and his fellow recruits.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

    Avatar photoZooey

    He wrote online he pushed her. Pushed. His future DI would have had worse in store for him and his fellow recruits.

    Sure. And that wouldn’t be an act of hate. Totally different.

    Avatar photowv

    He wrote online he pushed her. Pushed. His future DI would have had worse in store for him and his fellow recruits.

    I dunno the law in that state,
    but pushing in WV is indeed a crime: It’s battery.



    Assault. Battery. Push. Sure, OK. From the video it is a VFW guy who is assaulting her through the crowd.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    Pretty clear to me a Red Hat started the altercation. Watching this crap, I can’t stop my brain from connecting the dots from Red Hat to Brown Shirt.

    If anybody sees it differently, please try and explain it to me.

    Avatar photowv

    Pretty clear to me a Red Hat started the altercation. Watching this crap, I can’t stop my brain from connecting the dots from Red Hat to Brown Shirt.

    If anybody sees it differently, please try and explain it to me.

    I could be wrong, but i ‘think’ this is the kind
    of thing that would cost Trump in any
    general election.

    Even though there is a long long long
    history of much worse going on
    in the land of the free
    and the home of the brave.
    I mean in the 19-teens they just
    threw ya in jail if you protested
    against war. If you were lucky,
    and didnt get maimed or lynched.


    Avatar photoEternal Ramnation

    Ruined his life ? If anyone not named Bernie gets in it could very well have saved his life.

    Avatar photoZooey

    I don’t really think Trump can win the general election for that reason myself, although I didn’t think he would last long in the Republican primary, either. In the end, all those Undecided, Independent, Moderate voters are going to fill in the ballot for the “safest” candidate. A lot of what Trump says resonates with a lot of voters, but I don’t believe you are going to get a majority of voters who are willing to risk his apparent recklessness. I mean, he is unleashing ^^^^^^^^^ this kind of crap. He would have to pull in the reins in the general, and follow the attack plan on Hillary that was described in the article I linked to have a chance, but I just don’t think he is self-disciplined enough not to shoot himself in the foot.

    Clinton/Trump would be the ugliest campaign in my lifetime, and there will be a lot of holding of noses at the ballot boxes.

    Avatar photowv

    Clinton/Trump would be the ugliest campaign in my lifetime, and there will be a lot of holding of noses at the ballot boxes.

    Yeah, i suppose it would be the worst
    Dem-Rep combo in my lifetime.

    The Corporate-Billionaire-egomaniac
    vs. the Corporate-puppet-egomaniac.

    They will split 95 percent of the
    Amerikan citizens’ votes, as per usual.
    Amerikans will flock to the polls
    and continue to vote for Dems and Reps.
    Like its a law of nature or something.

    Meanwhile independent candidates,
    like Jill Stein will split the
    remaining 5 percent of the votes.

    What does that say
    about Amerika?


    Avatar photoZooey

    Yeah, i suppose it would be the worst
    Dem-Rep combo in my lifetime.

    The Corporate-Billionaire-egomaniac
    vs. the Corporate-puppet-egomaniac.

    They will split 95 percent of the
    Amerikan citizens’ votes, as per usual.
    Amerikans will flock to the polls
    and continue to vote for Dems and Reps.
    Like its a law of nature or something.

    Meanwhile independent candidates,
    like Jill Stein will split the
    remaining 5 percent of the votes.

    What does that say
    about Amerika?


    My son, who is 18, was flipping out after Tuesday. He thinks it’s the end of the world. Basically, he argues, Sanders is the only candidate who, as president, would do anything about climate change that might matter, and that without Sanders as president, it’s Game Over.

    I tried to fish around for…something…but I got nothing.

    Avatar photowv

    My son, who is 18, was flipping out after Tuesday. He thinks it’s the end of the world. Basically, he argues, Sanders is the only candidate who, as president, would do anything about climate change that might matter, and that without Sanders as president, it’s Game Over.

    I tried to fish around for…something…but I got nothing.


    Well, we’ve both talked about this many times since 1998.
    The ‘system’ or ‘corporotacracy’ or whatever you want to call it,
    is just awfully good at dumming down a critical-mass of voters/citizens.
    With diversions, misinformation, disinformation, entertainment, wars,
    fears, propaganda, etc, etc, and so forth.

    As ya get older, ya see it all more clearly. How the system
    works on so many levels.

    One can either think about it, and get frustrated,
    or not think about it and evade it.
    Or, maybe, do some good local work, find inner
    peace somehow, and watch the biosphere burn,
    while the citizens cheer for guys like Trump/Clinton.

    Go rams
    “It’s a bit embarrassing to have been concerned with the human
    problem all one’s life and find at the end that one has no more to offer by way of advice than‘try to be a little kinder.’ “ Aldous Huxley

    “We have not yet encountered any god who is as merciful as a man who flicks a beetle over on its feet.” ― Annie Dillard, Pilgrim at Tinker Creek

    “You have come to the shore. There are no directions.” Denise Levertov

    “Ideally, what should be said to every child, repeatedly, throughout his or her school life is something like this: ‘You are in the process of being indoctrinated. We have not yet evolved a system of education that is not a system of indoctrination. We are sorry, but it is the best we can do. What you are being taught here is an amalgam of current prejudice and the choices of this particular culture. The slightest look at history will show how impermanent these must be. You are being taught by people who have been able to accommodate themselves to a regime of thought laid down by their predecessors. It is a self-perpetuating system. Those of you who are more robust and individual than others will be encouraged to leave and find ways of educating yourself — educating your own judgements. Those that stay must remember, always, and all the time, that they are being moulded and patterned to fit into the narrow and particular needs of this particular society.” ― Doris Lessing, The Golden Notebook

    “The sight of human affairs deserves admiration and pity. And he is
    not insensible who pays them the undemonstrative tribute of a
    sigh which is not a sob, and of a smile that is not a grin.” Joseph Conrad


    Yeah, i suppose it would be the worst
    Dem-Rep combo in my lifetime.

    The Corporate-Billionaire-egomaniac
    vs. the Corporate-puppet-egomaniac.

    They will split 95 percent of the
    Amerikan citizens’ votes, as per usual.
    Amerikans will flock to the polls
    and continue to vote for Dems and Reps.
    Like its a law of nature or something.

    Meanwhile independent candidates,
    like Jill Stein will split the
    remaining 5 percent of the votes.

    What does that say
    about Amerika?


    My son, who is 18, was flipping out after Tuesday. He thinks it’s the end of the world. Basically, he argues, Sanders is the only candidate who, as president, would do anything about climate change that might matter, and that without Sanders as president, it’s Game Over.

    I tried to fish around for…something…but I got nothing.

    How very odd for an 18 year old prime for the draft when both parties have candidates willing to expand war.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

    Avatar photoZooey

    How very odd for an 18 year old prime for the draft when both parties have candidates willing to expand war.

    It took me a while to come up with a possible interpretation of what that remark might mean. I gather you are saying that the immediate threat of being drafted is greater than the threat posed by climate change.

    I’d say the chance of my son being drafted is zero. The chance of climate destabilization in the next 30 years is 100%. The only question is how bad will it be.


    How very odd for an 18 year old prime for the draft when both parties have candidates willing to expand war.

    It took me a while to come up with a possible interpretation of what that remark might mean. I gather you are saying that the immediate threat of being drafted is greater than the threat posed by climate change.

    I’d say the chance of my son being drafted is zero. The chance of climate destabilization in the next 30 years is 100%. The only question is how bad will it be.

    Yes the threat of being drafted. If he’s exempt then war is still the threat. CC is complete BS. Climate destabilization another term for climatic variability. Sounds ominous that destabilization but its a naturally occurring phenomenon.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    In terms of competence Clinton was a top notch state senator and actually won me over on her performance as Secretary of State. Between her and Trump I won’t be holding my nose.

    Avatar photowv

    In terms of competence Clinton was a top notch state senator and actually won me over on her performance as Secretary of State. Between her and Trump I won’t be holding my nose.

    Its a strange situation. Clinton is the mainstream-Dem,
    and its the wacky-Trump who is for
    National Health Care. At least thats what the site
    i read today, said.

    Did you know this? (i didnt)


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 12 months ago by Avatar photowv.

    In terms of competence Clinton was a top notch state senator and actually won me over on her performance as Secretary of State. Between her and Trump I won’t be holding my nose.

    Can’t think of any success she had as Sec. of State. I know she flew all over the world. She gave a big red reset button to the Russian Foreign Minister. But thats it.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 12 months ago by bnw.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

    Avatar photoZooey

    In terms of competence Clinton was a top notch state senator and actually won me over on her performance as Secretary of State. Between her and Trump I won’t be holding my nose.

    I’m not a fan of her foreign policy.

    Opted to kill Muammar al-Gaddafi because he was looking to move towards a gold-backed African currency to compete with the dollar. Now ISIS is all over the place in the wake of that.

    Not a Clinton fan. She’s just another neo-con in my book.


    In terms of competence Clinton was a top notch state senator and actually won me over on her performance as Secretary of State. Between her and Trump I won’t be holding my nose.

    I’m not a fan of her foreign policy.

    Opted to kill Muammar al-Gaddafi because he was looking to move towards a gold-backed African currency to compete with the dollar. Now ISIS is all over the place in the wake of that.

    Not a Clinton fan. She’s just another neo-con in my book.

    Gaddafi also began pursuing a pan African state agenda.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

    Avatar photowv

    Am i the only one startled that Donald Trump is in favor
    of a Canadian-style, socialist-single-payer, National Health Care plan?

    Did you folks know about that?

    Health Care is the single biggest ‘domestic’ policy to me.
    Single biggest. (Corporate personhood/power is a ‘global’ policy to me)

    And Mr Crazy, has the best policy on the single
    most important domestic issue? (other than Sanders, and Stein, of course)

    If it comes down to Trump vs Clinton — i might have to vote for Mr Crazy. Surreal. Tell me I’m dreaming.

    Avatar photoZooey

    Am i the only one startled that Donald Trump is in favor
    of a Canadian-style, socialist-single-payer, National Health Care plan?

    Did you folks know about that?

    Health Care is the single biggest ‘domestic’ policy to me.
    Single biggest. (Corporate personhood/power is a ‘global’ policy to me)

    And Mr Crazy, has the best policy on the single
    most important domestic issue? (other than Sanders, and Stein, of course)

    If it comes down to Trump vs Clinton — i might have to vote for Mr Crazy. Surreal. Tell me I’m dreaming.

    Avatar photoZooey

    Oh, bummer.

    Turns out the quote is completely false. Trump never said anything like that.

    Avatar photonittany ram

    If Trump is serious about universal healthcare then that would make him somewhat more palatable. Universal heathcare or not I would take a Trump presidency over a Cruz presidency any day.

    Avatar photoZooey

    If Trump is serious about universal healthcare then that would make him somewhat more palatable. Universal heathcare or not I would take a Trump presidency over a Cruz presidency any day.


    I may be wrong, but I wouldn’t think a president could actually be as crazy as Trump flashes. There are too many people around, and too many constraints on what a president can actually do. The situation room, for example, is filled with top Pentagon and intelligence people. Trump can’t just lose his shit and blow up Kenya, or something.

    Avatar photozn

    If indeed Trump is in favor of single-payer universal health insurance…2 things about that.

    1. He’s running on his own money. He is therefore not beholden, like virtually everyone else is, to money from the pharms and private insurers.

    2. I also would never be persuaded to vote for him, even with that. His overt racism is too much for me and having a Putin in office who thinks and talks that way for 4 years would be bad. I’ll wait until a progressive shakes free of the pharms and insurers and vote for them some day.

    Avatar photoZooey

    If indeed Trump is in favor of single-payer universal health insurance…2 things about that.

    1. He’s running on his own money. He is therefore not beholden, like virtually everyone else is, to money from the pharms and private insurers.

    2. I also would never be persuaded to vote for him, even with that. His overt racism is too much for me and having a Putin in office who thinks and talks that way for 4 years would be bad. I’ll wait until a progressive shakes free of the pharms and insurers and vote for them some day.

    Well…on #1. I saw somewhere that he isn’t running on his own money. That’s complete Trumpian spin. He has spent a couple of million. The rest has come from fundraising. The sources…I do not know.

    But we should find out.

    Avatar photowv

    If indeed Trump is in favor of single-payer universal health insurance…2 things about that.

    1. He’s running on his own money. He is therefore not beholden, like virtually everyone else is, to money from the pharms and private insurers.

    2. I also would never be persuaded to vote for him, even with that. His overt racism is too much for me and having a Putin in office who thinks and talks that way for 4 years would be bad. I’ll wait until a progressive shakes free of the pharms and insurers and vote for them some day.

    Fair enuff, but if it comes to that,
    i intend to cancel your vote out,
    with a vote for Donald Strangelove.

    If he could bring about single-payer-National-Health-Care,
    I’d take it. And I’d just hold my breath for four years,
    and hope he wouldn’t kill all the gays, and women, and muslims,
    and then blow up the World.


    Avatar photoZooey

    If indeed Trump is in favor of single-payer universal health insurance…2 things about that.

    1. He’s running on his own money. He is therefore not beholden, like virtually everyone else is, to money from the pharms and private insurers.

    2. I also would never be persuaded to vote for him, even with that. His overt racism is too much for me and having a Putin in office who thinks and talks that way for 4 years would be bad. I’ll wait until a progressive shakes free of the pharms and insurers and vote for them some day.

    Well…on #1. I saw somewhere that he isn’t running on his own money. That’s complete Trumpian spin. He has spent a couple of million. The rest has come from fundraising. The sources…I do not know.

    But we should find out.

    Over 90% of Trump’s $ is from outsiders, not his own.

    The totals he has raised are not close to Rubio or Cruz, let alone Bush and Clinton, but the claim he is running on his own money is a lie.

    Avatar photozn

    the claim he is running on his own money is a lie.


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