Major Travesty: Bundy Brothers Acquitted in Takeover of Oregon Wildlife Refuge

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    Avatar photoBilly_T

    PORTLAND, Ore. — Armed antigovernment protesters led by Ammon and Ryan Bundy were acquitted Thursday of federal conspiracy and weapons charges stemming from the takeover of a federally owned wildlife sanctuary in Oregon last winter.

    This is sickening. It’s okay, apparently, to be a terrorist if you’re white, Christian and right-wing. If blacks or Native Americans had done the exact same thing, they’d likely be shot, and any survivors would be doing hard time. Same goes for leftist activists.

    To me, one of the most striking things about America’s current reality is this: The angriest Americans are white, Christian males, ideologically aligned with the far right. And they are easily the most privileged, pampered, pandered to, protected and propped up Americans. In short, they have the least reason to be so angry. The system in general is “rigged” in their favor, not against them, unless they’re poor — and the Bundys aren’t.

    OTOH, the people who actually do have legitimate grievances — ethnic, sexual and religious minorities, women, leftists — virtually never resort to violence, arms, etc, and all too often accept their lot stoically. If they protest, they do so non-violently. And they’re far, far more likely to be jailed for this than right-wing white, Christian males.

    A percentage of this country, especially those who look to nutcase, paranoid, freak-show, far-right fringe media like WND, Breitbart, Infowars, Zerohedge, etc. etc. etc. . . . has a seriously screwed up vision of what America is. They’re beyond divorced from reality. They’ve invented their own parallel universe.

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by Avatar photoBilly_T.
    Avatar photonittany ram

    Agreed Billy. Bundy, the High Plains Moocher and his posse got off because of their privileged status as white christians. Yet in their minds they are somehow victims despite getting all kinds of subsidies from the govt that’s supposedly oppressing them.

    PA Ram

    Yeah–my jaw hit the floor when I first read about this.

    I shouldn’t be shocked, I know.

    There is no such thing as equal justice.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick

    Avatar photowv

    I haven’t followed any of what went on, or the trial, but i heard a snippet about it on NPR. The reporter hinted at some things that made me think the prosecutor just mischarged them. It could be when the jury looked at what happened and tried to match it to the actual charge (conspiracy i think) the facts didnt quite add up to the charge. In other words they probly shoulda been charged with something ELSE, and not what they were on trial for.

    NPR said they arrested Bundy’s lawyer as well, for being obstreperous in the courtroom or somethin.


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by Avatar photowv.
    Avatar photonittany ram

    I haven’t followed any of what went on, or the trial, but i heard a snippet about it on NPR. The reporter hinted at some things that made me think the prosecutor just mischarged them. It could be when the jury looked at what happened and tried to match it to the actual charge (conspiracy i think) the facts didnt quite add up to the charge. In other words they probly shoulda been charged with something ELSE, and not what they were on trial for.

    NPR said they arrested Bundy’s lawyer as well, for being obstreperous in the courtroom or somethin.


    Don’t come around here with your high falootin’ lawyer words that most folks never heard of like ‘obstreperous’ and ‘conspiracy’.

    Seriously, conspiracy? Why didn’t the prosecutor charge them with stuff like breaking and entering, destruction of government property, making terroristic threats, trespassing etc?

    Them Bundy’s should be dancin’ at the end of a rope. Now due to some incompetent lawyerin’ they get to walk.


    You guys are hilarious. Where is the murder charge against the government? Crickets again.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

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