Looking for SOMETHING positive

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  • #57619
    — X —

    To me the solution is obvious. But neither party is willing to do it, because they’re both beholden to corporate interests.

    Direct public funding for jobs. Direct creation of permanent public works. Direct hiring of every single unemployed person in America who wants a job, and at a guaranteed minimum wage.

    Since we can’t trust the private sector to employ everyone, the obvious and logical thing to do is make that happen via the public sector. Private sector wants to ship jobs overseas? Okay, then fuck them. We’ll build that stuff ourselves, do it better, pay better wages, and make sure the income is allocated in as egalitarian a fashion as possible.

    In the private sector, the typical corporation pays its top execs several hundred times what it pays its rank and file. We could set up public sector jobs and make that what it generally is in that sector. Roughly 4 to 1 instead, top to bottom. That way, we can also keep prices down and increase “value” overall for customers. Instead of paying execs tens of millions, we sink that money into the rank and file and product quality instead. The more you “spread the wealth,” the better the economy performs overall.

    To me, that’s the logical solution under capitalism. As mentioned, I’d prefer to repeal and replace it altogether, though.

    Thanks. I’m not well-versed on PEP, so I’m not going to criticize it or endorse it unless or until I’ve been able to thoroughly study it. I’ve only got a rudimentary understanding of its implementation back in the 70’s, and I’ll admit I haven’t dedicated much time trying to understand its pros and cons or how checks and balances work within that structure. You’ll have to give me time on that one. Understand, also, that I’m one of the ‘uneducated white males’ referenced on this board in other threads. I have an 11th grade formal education (for reasons I won’t divulge), but I am trying to get my Doctorate via informal education. Or I could just be like Bon Jovi and get an honorary degree simply by being awesome.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

    PA Ram

    If Trump were a true leader he would be out there today rejecting the KKK and the white power movement creeping into the high schools.

    I suspect that won’t happen.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick


    If Trump were a true leader he would be out there today rejecting the KKK and the white power movement creeping into the high schools.

    I suspect that won’t happen.

    Trump is a true leader since despite all the power of the establishment brought to bear against him for the past 17 months his vision lead him to the White House. What has been creeping into the schools is leftist defeatism, dependency and entitlement which will be purged from schools in the vast red regions of this nations election map when education is brought back to the states.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

    Avatar photoBilly_T

    If Trump were a true leader he would be out there today rejecting the KKK and the white power movement creeping into the high schools.

    I suspect that won’t happen.

    Trump is a true leader since despite all the power of the establishment brought to bear against him for the past 17 months his vision lead him to the White House. What has been creeping into the schools is leftist defeatism, dependency and entitlement which will be purged from schools in the vast red regions of this nations election map when education is brought back to the states.

    His vision led him to roughly 26% of the eligible vote. Clinton, who was almost as bad a candidate, but for different reasons, received more of that vote.

    And, pleeeze. Trump isn’t the victim here. There was no conspiracy against him. And he had ginormous help from the GOP, the Russian government and the FBI. And we now know he lied about his contacts with that government. The Russians were in contact with him while they were hacking us.

    Imagine if Wikileaks had decided to ONLY go after Trump and the GOP, and it was discovered that Russia had hacked the GOP, and that Clinton had been in touch with them?

    All hell would have broken loose on the right. Breitbart, WND, Alex Jones and company would have been going out of their minds, calling for her to be shot — and you know it.

    As for your assertion: “leftist defeatism, dependency and entitlement” — that comment, which I’ve heard for decades from righties, is Exhibit A, B, C and D for why those of us on the left should never beat ourselves up regarding the way we talk about the right. Waaay too many people on the right have no connection to reality, and they keep proving that on a daily basis.


    And how much more of a deterrent do you want than our total domination in military matters? We’re the world’s undisputed hegemon. The Cold War is long gone. We don’t have several hegemons. It’s just us. And doesn’t the desire to increase our military power contradict the desire to stop being the world’s policeman, not to mention “making other nations pay their fair share”?

    We have all the deterrent we need times a thousand. And we actually have more active ships now than we did under Dubya.

    Our surface Navy is outdated. Both China and Russia have brought online weapons systems that will destroy our surface fleet within 14 days of fighting. Our anti-missile defense is overhyped and rendered archaic to the latest offensive systems of Russia and China. Our sub fleet should fare much better though with both Russia and China actively upgrading both BeiDou and GLONASS military satellite systems with BeiDou far more accurate than our GPS and slated to go global. All three nations are actively pursuing space weapons to defend? their satellite systems.

    When one of our carriers is lost with its 4000 member crew, how long do you think it will take for the conflict to go nuclear? Wouldn’t it be better to modernize and upgrade both the Navy and Air Force to dissuade an aggressor?

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

    Avatar photoBilly_T

    If Trump were a true leader he would be out there today rejecting the KKK and the white power movement creeping into the high schools.

    I suspect that won’t happen.

    Exactly, Pa. But he won’t. He’s far too beholden to white supremacists, covert and overt, baby and full-blown. He never would have won the electoral college without them.

    Avatar photoBilly_T

    And how much more of a deterrent do you want than our total domination in military matters? We’re the world’s undisputed hegemon. The Cold War is long gone. We don’t have several hegemons. It’s just us. And doesn’t the desire to increase our military power contradict the desire to stop being the world’s policeman, not to mention “making other nations pay their fair share”?

    We have all the deterrent we need times a thousand. And we actually have more active ships now than we did under Dubya.

    Our surface Navy is outdated. Both China and Russia have brought online weapons systems that will destroy our surface fleet within 14 days of fighting. Our anti-missile defense is overhyped and rendered archaic to the latest offensive systems of Russia and China. Our sub fleet should fare much better though with both Russia and China actively upgrading both BeiDou and GLONASS military satellite systems with BeiDou far more accurate than our GPS and slated to go global. All three nations are actively pursuing space weapons to defend? their satellite systems.

    When one of our carriers is lost with its 4000 member crew, how long do you think it will take for the conflict to go nuclear? Wouldn’t it be better to modernize and upgrade both the Navy and Air Force to dissuade an aggressor?


    None of that is true. We’ve poured trillions into modernization. No one comes close to our military — not for advanced tech, capacity, speed, or any other metric. Do you really think the Military Industrial Complex ever misses a chance to score major contracts with endless updates? Come on. You’ve just bought into Trump and the GOP’s despicable fearmongering and scapegoating. In reality, we have long spent waaaay too much on behalf of Corporate America, and that didn’t change under Obama.

    Avatar photoInvaderRam

    this affirms to me why humans will never survive.

    Avatar photoBilly_T

    this affirms to me why humans will never survive.

    I can’t help it. I love humanity. But should we survive? If we take the proverbial “god’s eye-view” — not in the religious sense, but in the widest possible, most perfectly objective, disinterested sense — should we?

    No other creature on this planet has come within light years of being so destructive. We’ve wiped out more species than all other life on this planet combined. And, unlike them, we all too often did it because it pleased us to do so. We do it maliciously and with self-conscious cruelty.

    As far as we know, no other animal has that trait.

    The caveat to the above, at least for me: I think the vast majority of that has happened because hierarchical societies have dominated the last several thousand years. Those at the top have ordered that destruction, primarily to protect, defend and expand their power. “The people” largely had to go along with that or die. If we are to truly end the biggest structural/systemic reason for that destruction, cruelty and maliciousness, we need non-hierarchical alternatives.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by Avatar photoBilly_T.

    And how much more of a deterrent do you want than our total domination in military matters? We’re the world’s undisputed hegemon. The Cold War is long gone. We don’t have several hegemons. It’s just us. And doesn’t the desire to increase our military power contradict the desire to stop being the world’s policeman, not to mention “making other nations pay their fair share”?

    We have all the deterrent we need times a thousand. And we actually have more active ships now than we did under Dubya.

    Our surface Navy is outdated. Both China and Russia have brought online weapons systems that will destroy our surface fleet within 14 days of fighting. Our anti-missile defense is overhyped and rendered archaic to the latest offensive systems of Russia and China. Our sub fleet should fare much better though with both Russia and China actively upgrading both BeiDou and GLONASS military satellite systems with BeiDou far more accurate than our GPS and slated to go global. All three nations are actively pursuing space weapons to defend? their satellite systems.

    When one of our carriers is lost with its 4000 member crew, how long do you think it will take for the conflict to go nuclear? Wouldn’t it be better to modernize and upgrade both the Navy and Air Force to dissuade an aggressor?


    None of that is true. We’ve poured trillions into modernization. No one comes close to our military — not for advanced tech, capacity, speed, or any other metric. Do you really think the Military Industrial Complex ever misses a chance to score major contracts with endless updates? Come on. You’ve just bought into Trump and the GOP’s despicable fearmongering and scapegoating. In reality, we have long spent waaaay too much on behalf of Corporate America, and that didn’t change under Obama.

    Whatever you say Billy since you’ve been proven to be correct despite reality. Its your thing.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

    — X —

    this affirms to me why humans will never survive.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

    Avatar photoBilly_T

    And how much more of a deterrent do you want than our total domination in military matters? We’re the world’s undisputed hegemon. The Cold War is long gone. We don’t have several hegemons. It’s just us. And doesn’t the desire to increase our military power contradict the desire to stop being the world’s policeman, not to mention “making other nations pay their fair share”?

    We have all the deterrent we need times a thousand. And we actually have more active ships now than we did under Dubya.

    Our surface Navy is outdated. Both China and Russia have brought online weapons systems that will destroy our surface fleet within 14 days of fighting. Our anti-missile defense is overhyped and rendered archaic to the latest offensive systems of Russia and China. Our sub fleet should fare much better though with both Russia and China actively upgrading both BeiDou and GLONASS military satellite systems with BeiDou far more accurate than our GPS and slated to go global. All three nations are actively pursuing space weapons to defend? their satellite systems.

    When one of our carriers is lost with its 4000 member crew, how long do you think it will take for the conflict to go nuclear? Wouldn’t it be better to modernize and upgrade both the Navy and Air Force to dissuade an aggressor?


    None of that is true. We’ve poured trillions into modernization. No one comes close to our military — not for advanced tech, capacity, speed, or any other metric. Do you really think the Military Industrial Complex ever misses a chance to score major contracts with endless updates? Come on. You’ve just bought into Trump and the GOP’s despicable fearmongering and scapegoating. In reality, we have long spent waaaay too much on behalf of Corporate America, and that didn’t change under Obama.

    Whatever you say Billy since you’ve been proven to be correct despite reality. Its your thing.


    It’s beyond obvious that you were wrong about Trump’s supposed mass appeal. Again, he lost the popular vote to Clinton, one of the least liked presidential candidates ever. He lost to her. And he received fewer votes, total, than Romney or McCain, who both lost bigly to Obama.

    He has no mandate. He has no mass popular support. He has his dead-ender, white-nationalist base, plus some folks who always vote for the GOP candidate no matter who it is.

    Just as the Dems made a huge mistake in assuming Clinton had this in the bag, you and your fellow Trump supporters are kidding yourself if you think Trump is beloved by anything close to a majority. He’s actually despised by a majority of Americans. A strong majority said he was unfit for the office. They didn’t like Clinton either, of course. But Trump’s numbers were worse.

    That’s reality.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by Avatar photoBilly_T.
    Avatar photoBilly_T

    Remember, Trump received roughly 26% of the eligible vote totals. Nearly half of all voters stayed home. If he was supposedly the head of this amazingly popular movement, with legions and legions of fans as far as the eye could see, why did he score just a quarter of eligible voters, roughly? And why did Clinton receive more than he did?


    And how much more of a deterrent do you want than our total domination in military matters? We’re the world’s undisputed hegemon. The Cold War is long gone. We don’t have several hegemons. It’s just us. And doesn’t the desire to increase our military power contradict the desire to stop being the world’s policeman, not to mention “making other nations pay their fair share”?

    We have all the deterrent we need times a thousand. And we actually have more active ships now than we did under Dubya.

    Our surface Navy is outdated. Both China and Russia have brought online weapons systems that will destroy our surface fleet within 14 days of fighting. Our anti-missile defense is overhyped and rendered archaic to the latest offensive systems of Russia and China. Our sub fleet should fare much better though with both Russia and China actively upgrading both BeiDou and GLONASS military satellite systems with BeiDou far more accurate than our GPS and slated to go global. All three nations are actively pursuing space weapons to defend? their satellite systems.

    When one of our carriers is lost with its 4000 member crew, how long do you think it will take for the conflict to go nuclear? Wouldn’t it be better to modernize and upgrade both the Navy and Air Force to dissuade an aggressor?


    None of that is true. We’ve poured trillions into modernization. No one comes close to our military — not for advanced tech, capacity, speed, or any other metric. Do you really think the Military Industrial Complex ever misses a chance to score major contracts with endless updates? Come on. You’ve just bought into Trump and the GOP’s despicable fearmongering and scapegoating. In reality, we have long spent waaaay too much on behalf of Corporate America, and that didn’t change under Obama.

    Whatever you say Billy since you’ve been proven to be correct despite reality. Its your thing.


    It’s beyond obvious that you were wrong about Trump’s supposed mass appeal. Again, he lost the popular vote to Clinton, one of the least liked presidential candidates ever. He lost to her. And he received fewer votes, total, than Romney or McCain, who both lost bigly to Obama.

    He has no mandate. He has no mass popular support. He has his dead-ender, white-nationalist base, plus some folks who always vote for the GOP candidate no matter who it is.

    Just as the Dems made a huge mistake in assuming Clinton had this in the bag, you and your fellow Trump supporters are kidding yourself if you think Trump is beloved by anything close to a majority. He’s actually despised by a majority of Americans. A strong majority said he was unfit for the office. They didn’t like Clinton either, of course. But Trump’s numbers were worse.

    That’s reality.

    Only you Billy would claim I was wrong. The mass appeal of Trump despite the 17 month savaging he received from the establishment is something which cannot be denied. I’d say he had more supporters that didn’t vote than those that stayed home for Hildabeast. Next time don’t nominate a corrupt traitor.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by bnw.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

    Avatar photoBilly_T

    Only you Billy would claim I was wrong. The mass appeal of Trump despite the 17 month savaging he received from the establishment is something which cannot be denied. I’d say he had more supporters that didn’t vote than Hildabeast did. Next time don’t nominate a corrupt traitor.

    No, bnw. I think any objective person would look at the results of the election, and all the data prior to it, and the exit polls, and all the video and audio of Trump’s racist, xenophobic, misogynistic statements/policy ideas, and the 4,000 lawsuits against him, and his six bankruptcies, and his bragging about being a sexual predator, and his endless lies, and reach the same conclusion.

    As for your last sentence: I didn’t nominate her. I’m not a Dem and don’t vote in Dem primaries. And there is no proof she is a “traitor.” That takes intent. You have to prove she intentionally exposed classified documents with malicious intent. Just being tech-stupid, arrogant and careless doesn’t add up to “traitor,” unless you’re a part of the right-wing lunatic fringe.

    Avatar photoInvaderRam

    this affirms to me why humans will never survive.

    I can’t help it. I love humanity. But should we survive? If we take the proverbial “god’s eye-view” — not in the religious sense, but in the widest possible, most perfectly objective, disinterested sense — should we?

    No other creature on this planet has come within light years of being so destructive. We’ve wiped out more species than all other life on this planet combined. And, unlike them, we all too often did it because it pleased us to do so. We do it maliciously and with self-conscious cruelty.

    As far as we know, no other animal has that trait.

    The caveat to the above, at least for me: I think the vast majority of that has happened because hierarchical societies have dominated the last several thousand years. Those at the top have ordered that destruction, primarily to protect, defend and expand their power. “The people” largely had to go along with that or die. If we are to truly end the biggest structural/systemic reason for that destruction, cruelty and maliciousness, we need non-hierarchical alternatives.

    i try not to think of it in terms of should we survive. more just will we survive.

    i don’t know if it’s necessarily cruel or malicious. it just is. humans can’t operate the way you would like them to. i hope i am wrong.

    i think trump and clinton. and for that matter jinping and putin. and the conflict in the middle east. just proof that an egalitarian society is not possible.

    humans are just way too emotional. to quote our great president camacho our shit’s emotional.

    we need cold hard logic.

    now of course maybe we get off this planet, but people here don’t think that’s possible.

    Avatar photoBilly_T

    Also: I’m not one to generally use that word, and I never do lightly. But if anyone can be called a “traitor” in that race, it’s Trump. We now know he and the Russians were in contact during the campaign, even though Trump lied about that. We know Trump publicly encouraged Russia to hack into our electoral system. We know that the Russians did. We also know that Wikileaks focused solely on Clinton and the Dems, using Russian intel.

    We also know that if the shoe had been on the other foot, and it was Trump and the GOP at the receiving end of this, they and their backers and the alt-right especially would have been screaming bloody murder, and likely a lot more than just “lock her up!” I have no doubt they’d be blasting her for being “traitorous” and calling for her head.

    We also know IOKIYAAR.

    Avatar photoBilly_T

    this affirms to me why humans will never survive.

    I can’t help it. I love humanity. But should we survive? If we take the proverbial “god’s eye-view” — not in the religious sense, but in the widest possible, most perfectly objective, disinterested sense — should we?

    No other creature on this planet has come within light years of being so destructive. We’ve wiped out more species than all other life on this planet combined. And, unlike them, we all too often did it because it pleased us to do so. We do it maliciously and with self-conscious cruelty.

    As far as we know, no other animal has that trait.

    The caveat to the above, at least for me: I think the vast majority of that has happened because hierarchical societies have dominated the last several thousand years. Those at the top have ordered that destruction, primarily to protect, defend and expand their power. “The people” largely had to go along with that or die. If we are to truly end the biggest structural/systemic reason for that destruction, cruelty and maliciousness, we need non-hierarchical alternatives.

    i try not to think of it in terms of should we survive. more just will we survive.

    i don’t know if it’s necessarily cruel or malicious. it just is. humans can’t operate the way you would like them to. i hope i am wrong.

    i think trump and clinton. and for that matter jinping and putin. and the conflict in the middle east. just proof that an egalitarian society is not possible.

    humans are just way too emotional. to quote our great president camacho our shit’s emotional.

    we need cold hard logic.

    now of course maybe we get off this planet, but people here don’t think that’s possible.

    But are hierarchical structures really proof that we can’t have truly egalitarian ones instead? We used to. As far as we know, our first 200,000 years on this planet were very close to non-hierarchical and egalitarian, structurally. By no means perfectly so. But the norm in “traditional societies” was for pretty flat pyramids, with maybe one or two steps.

    We now have hierarchies with thousands of them.

    Given the fact that the vast majority of our time on this planet was spent within those virtually non-hierarchical societies — which in some parts of the world, lasted into the 20th century, btw — is it really accurate to say “human nature” prevents this?


    Also: I’m not one to generally use that word, and I never do lightly. But if anyone can be called a “traitor” in that race, it’s Trump. We now know he and the Russians were in contact during the campaign, even though Trump lied about that. We know Trump publicly encouraged Russia to hack into our electoral system. We know that the Russians did. We also know that Wikileaks focused solely on Clinton and the Dems, using Russian intel.

    We also know that if the shoe had been on the other foot, and it was Trump and the GOP at the receiving end of this, they and their backers and the alt-right especially would have been screaming bloody murder, and likely a lot more than just “lock her up!” I have no doubt they’d be blasting her for being “traitorous” and calling for her head.

    We also know IOKIYAAR.

    She profited from selling the Russians 20% of our uranium resource. Bubba also was paid HUGE $$$$ to give a speech to a Russian bank in Moscow. Its the Clinton Crime Syndicate business model since they were in the White House selling US military technology to the Chinese communists. I don’t use the word lightly as they’ve earned it. TRAITORS.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by bnw.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

    — X —

    Only you Billy would claim I was wrong. The mass appeal of Trump despite the 17 month savaging he received from the establishment is something which cannot be denied. I’d say he had more supporters that didn’t vote than Hildabeast did. Next time don’t nominate a corrupt traitor.

    No, bnw. I think any objective person would look at the results of the election, and all the data prior to it, and the exit polls, and all the video and audio of Trump’s racist, xenophobic, misogynistic statements/policy ideas, and the 4,000 lawsuits against him, and his six bankruptcies, and his bragging about being a sexual predator, and his endless lies, and reach the same conclusion.

    As for your last sentence: I didn’t nominate her. I’m not a Dem and don’t vote in Dem primaries. And there is no proof she is a “traitor.” That takes intent. You have to prove she intentionally exposed classified documents with malicious intent. Just being tech-stupid, arrogant and careless doesn’t add up to “traitor,” unless you’re a part of the right-wing lunatic fringe.

    His list of potential cabinet appointees include women, gays, and blacks. So much for being a racist, or homophobic, or a misogynist. And please. You can’t honestly believe that Killory is THAT stupid that she didn’t understand the lucid instructions given to her about the handling of classified information. Careless? lol. Intentionally defiant would be a more apt description. Let alone lying about it. Let alone allowing someone without security clearance (her maid) print out and view classified materials. And yes, that falls under the category of traitorism.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

    Avatar photoBilly_T

    Also: I’m not one to generally use that word, and I never do lightly. But if anyone can be called a “traitor” in that race, it’s Trump. We now know he and the Russians were in contact during the campaign, even though Trump lied about that. We know Trump publicly encouraged Russia to hack into our electoral system. We know that the Russians did. We also know that Wikileaks focused solely on Clinton and the Dems, using Russian intel.

    We also know that if the shoe had been on the other foot, and it was Trump and the GOP at the receiving end of this, they and their backers and the alt-right especially would have been screaming bloody murder, and likely a lot more than just “lock her up!” I have no doubt they’d be blasting her for being “traitorous” and calling for her head.

    We also know IOKIYAAR.

    She profited from selling the Russians 20& of our uranium resource. Bubba also was paid $$$$ to give a speech to a Russian bank in Moscow. TRAITORS.

    That’s already been thoroughly debunked by fact-checkers, btw. Clinton didn’t have the power to sell off that reserve. Yes, she was one of nine department heads who signed off on the deal. But she had no control over it, and made no money, personally, from that transaction. And if you think giving speeches in foreign lands makes you a traitor, how about doing mega deals with them? Trump did a ton, along with shipping all of his manufacturing jobs overseas, and owes foreign banks roughly 650 million dollars still.

    PA Ram

    I’d say he had more supporters that didn’t vote than those that stayed home for Hildabeast. Next time don’t nominate a corrupt traitor.

    So they loved him so much they stayed home? And more of her supporters showed?

    And she got more votes.

    I will never understand how the right can create such an airtight, unbreakable reality for themselves. Now he has more support but…they didn’t vote.

    Okey dokey, then.

    Carry on.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick

    — X —

    Trump publicly encouraged Russia to hack into our electoral system. We know that the Russians did. We also know that Wikileaks focused solely on Clinton and the Dems, using Russian intel.

    Well cool. If it’s that easy to manipulate an entire Country, maybe he can encourage Iran to just chill out and send lavish gifts to Israel. Shit, this is gonna be easier than I thought.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

    PA Ram

    I’m waiting for Trump to rip up the Iran deal. That’s when the real fun internationally will begin. And he is sooooo ill equipped to deal with that. He’s a checker player against chess masters.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick

    Avatar photoInvaderRam

    But are hierarchical structures really proof that we can’t have truly egalitarian ones instead? We used to. As far as we know, our first 200,000 years on this planet were very close to non-hierarchical and egalitarian, structurally. By no means perfectly so. But the norm in “traditional societies” was for pretty flat pyramids, with maybe one or two steps.

    We now have hierarchies with thousands of them.

    Given the fact that the vast majority of our time on this planet was spent within those virtually non-hierarchical societies — which in some parts of the world, lasted into the 20th century, btw — is it really accurate to say “human nature” prevents this?

    i don’t know. haha.

    my guess is as the population increases the need for hierarchy increases.

    i could be wrong.

    sometimes i imagine there’s a planet out there somewhere with an advanced society with the egalitarian values you talk about. the vulcan?

    or maybe humans will become that eventually.

    or maybe it’ll be a war of the worlds.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by Avatar photoInvaderRam.
    Avatar photoBilly_T

    Only you Billy would claim I was wrong. The mass appeal of Trump despite the 17 month savaging he received from the establishment is something which cannot be denied. I’d say he had more supporters that didn’t vote than Hildabeast did. Next time don’t nominate a corrupt traitor.

    No, bnw. I think any objective person would look at the results of the election, and all the data prior to it, and the exit polls, and all the video and audio of Trump’s racist, xenophobic, misogynistic statements/policy ideas, and the 4,000 lawsuits against him, and his six bankruptcies, and his bragging about being a sexual predator, and his endless lies, and reach the same conclusion.

    As for your last sentence: I didn’t nominate her. I’m not a Dem and don’t vote in Dem primaries. And there is no proof she is a “traitor.” That takes intent. You have to prove she intentionally exposed classified documents with malicious intent. Just being tech-stupid, arrogant and careless doesn’t add up to “traitor,” unless you’re a part of the right-wing lunatic fringe.

    His list of potential cabinet appointees include women, gays, and blacks. So much for being a racist, or homophobic, or a misogynist. And please. You can’t honestly believe that Killory is THAT stupid that she didn’t understand the lucid instructions given to her about the handling of classified information. Careless? lol. Intentionally defiant would be a more apt description. Let alone lying about it. Let alone allowing someone without security clearance (her maid) print out and view classified materials. And yes, that falls under the category of traitorism.

    Do you honestly think that just appointing a diverse group of people negates all the vicious things he said, or the obvious oppression of minorities implicit and explicit in his policy ideas? Come on, man.

    Also: The bar for “traitor” is a hell of a lot higher than that, bnw. Again, it takes “intent.” It takes purposely trying to undermine this country’s security, in that particular case, and there is zero proof that she did that.

    I’m not defending her actions, at all. Again, I think she likely acted with arrogance and a sense of assumed privilege, and was tech-stupid to the nth degree. She also made things worse by going shields up during the GOP’s witch hunt. But none of that rises to the level of “treason.” Not in the real world. On the ultra-paranoid, ultra-partisan, lunatic right, yeah. But not in the real world.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by Avatar photoBilly_T.
    Avatar photoInvaderRam

    His list of potential cabinet appointees include women, gays, and blacks. So much for being a racist, or homophobic, or a misogynist. And please. You can’t honestly believe that Killory is THAT stupid that she didn’t understand the lucid instructions given to her about the handling of classified information. Careless? lol. Intentionally defiant would be a more apt description. Let alone lying about it. Let alone allowing someone without security clearance (her maid) print out and view classified materials. And yes, that falls under the category of traitorism.

    personally i don’t think he’s a racist.

    i think he’s an elitist. and that’s more scary to me.

    but that’s just me.

    and we mean nothing to a man like him.

    — X —

    Do you honestly think that just appointing a diverse group of people negates all the vicious things he said, or the obvious oppression of minorities implicit and explicit in his policy ideas? Come on, man.

    Misogynist: Someone who despises or is strongly prejudiced against women. Nope.
    Hompophobic: The hatred or fear of homosexuals. Nope.
    Xenophobic: Fearful of what is foreign and especially of people of foreign origin. Nope.

    His rhetoric can be taken any way anyone wants to take it. But he’s not any of those things. Wanting to deport illegals doesn’t make one a xenophobe. It makes one cognizant of security threats and drains on the economy and willing to correct it even if it’s an extreme solution. Hiring and promoting women throughout his own ranks to the point that they’re some of the highest paid professionals in the real estate industry doesn’t make one a misogynist. Sure he says some stupid shit, but so does everyone. You included, I’m sure. And he likes to look at naked women? I’m aghast at his stunted evolution.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

    Avatar photozn

    my guess is as the population increases the need for hierarchy increases.

    That would assume that human beings are wired to have a need for hierarchy.

    If you look at history and anthropology combined, human beings are not wired either for or against social hierarchy. That is you can find examples of everything. If you measure human beings by looking at examples of the kinds of social systems they construct, then, we have done absolutely everything.

    In fact what you find about human social hard wiring by looking at examples across space and throughout time is that other than being social animals, we are actually not hard-wired for any one particular way of doing things. We contain endless possibilities that way.

    Given that, there’s no reason to assume that population increases lead to a need for hierarchy.

    As a rule, though, people tend to desire hiearchy the more they base ideas about social order on fear.

    Real or imagined fears.

    Avatar photoBilly_T

    I’m guessing you won’t respond to this, bnw, cuz you ignored Trump’s Russian connection and his lies about that. But I’ll post it anyway:

    Trump will be the first president in living memory to refuse to put his business holdings in a blind trust. And his holdings are worldwide, and he has massive debts with foreign banks.

    Conflict of interest, much?

    And, sorry, but saying his kids will be running his businesses, so it’s all good, is beyond bogus. You want to talk about “pay to play”? Trump has set the table for that to an unprecedented degree.

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