LIONS game reaction thread

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  • #55502

    Last week on 4 and goal from the 4 they kicked the FG and that was criticized, this week they go for the TD from inside the 1 and that gets criticized. I think both times either choice was OK. Last week, I wanted a FG and this week I was in favor of going for the TD.

    That’s true

    And AS Zooey said, I don’t really have a problem with them going for it, it was the play selection I didn’t care for…oh well.

    The only reason I was leaning to the 3 was it was going to half time and the Rams received the opening kick off.

    They still had a shot to win with the ball and 6 minutes to play and fizzled out. I thought that should have been Gurley time. 14 rushes for TG is not the Rams game. I said in an earlier post they couldn’t get in to a shoot out with Detroit…that’s playing their game.


    I’ve still only watched the first half, but i wanted to say something about Mr Britt — He’s arrived.

    I swear, I’ve never thought he used his power/strength in the past. But in that first he finally looked like a guy that played to his size. And he did some subtle things too. Like the way he caught a long pass but didnt give away when the ball was coming to him. He just let it drop right in his breadbasket. Ala, Roberto Clemente.

    Even Quick made a tough catch without bobbling the ball or fighting it. If these two keep gaining confidence, it will be fun to watch.

    Who knows what Spruce and Cooper would add to that.

    Granted the Lions suck on D, but still this is how players gain confidence
    and we know Quick has confidence issues.

    Anyway think how far the offense has come sine the forty-niner game. Think about that.

    I dont think they have ‘that’ far to go now. Just a ‘little’ more improvement in the run game and one fewer bonehead throws by Case per game… course now, the defense is Quinn-less and Tru-less….so there’s that.



    I’ve still only watched the first half, but i wanted to say something about Mr Britt — He’s arrived.

    I swear, I’ve never thought he used his power/strength in the past. But in that first he finally looked like a guy that played to his size. And he did some subtle things too. Like the way he caught a long pass but didnt give away when the ball was coming to him. He just let it drop right in his breadbasket. Ala, Roberto Clemente.

    Even Quick made a tough catch without bobbling the ball or fighting it. If these two keep gaining confidence, it will be fun to watch.

    Who knows what Spruce and Cooper would add to that.

    Granted the Lions suck on D, but still this is how players gain confidence
    and we know Quick has confidence issues.

    Anyway think how far the offense has come sine the forty-niner game. Think about that.

    I dont think they have ‘that’ far to go now. Just a ‘little’ more improvement in the run game and one fewer bonehead throws by Case per game… course now, the defense is Quinn-less and Tru-less….so there’s that.


    Did you get to see Britt’s one handed catch? How about where he just flat muscled his way in to the end zone?

    Those 2 receptions and the aftermath were very impressive


    I’ve still only watched the first half, but i wanted to say something about Mr Britt — He’s arrived.

    I swear, I’ve never thought he used his power/strength in the past. But in that first he finally looked like a guy that played to his size. And he did some subtle things too. Like the way he caught a long pass but didnt give away when the ball was coming to him. He just let it drop right in his breadbasket. Ala, Roberto Clemente.

    Even Quick made a tough catch without bobbling the ball or fighting it. If these two keep gaining confidence, it will be fun to watch.

    Who knows what Spruce and Cooper would add to that.

    Granted the Lions suck on D, but still this is how players gain confidence
    and we know Quick has confidence issues.

    Anyway think how far the offense has come sine the forty-niner game. Think about that.

    I dont think they have ‘that’ far to go now. Just a ‘little’ more improvement in the run game and one fewer bonehead throws by Case per game… course now, the defense is Quinn-less and Tru-less….so there’s that.


    Did you get to see Britt’s one handed catch? How about where he just flat muscled his way in to the end zone?

    Those 2 receptions and the aftermath were very impressive


    Yeah, i saw those. Great stuff. That was as good a game by a Ram WR as i can remember, since….?

    We all know he’s not a route-runner like, say, Torry, but now that he has a QB who can throw deep, I think we are seeing Britt’s value more.

    I dunno where you came from, btw, but you are a great poster. I read all your posts. Stick around. This is a small group of outcasts and misfits we have here, but
    we make up for it by being…um…easily confused.


    nittany ram

    They still had a shot to win with the ball and 6 minutes to play and fizzled out. I thought that should have been Gurley time. 14 rushes for TG is not the Rams game. I said in an earlier post they couldn’t get in to a shoot out with Detroit…that’s playing their game.

    Yeah I’m surprised they didn’t run Gurley more since he was having success. I can understand riding Keenum’s hot hand but the defense was struggling. They could slow the game down and keep Detroit’s offense off the field if they had gotten Gurley more involved.

    Anyway, it’s good to have you here, sanbagger. Stick around and post often.


    Thanks for the kind words guys, it really means a lot. I lurked for several months before actually joining and making my first post.

    One of your regulars extended an invitation to check this board out and I’m glad he did, that’s how I found out about this forum.

    I don’t want to eat up too much time talking about me, but I have noticed this is a pretty tight knit community and a newbie like me couldn’t fly under the radar.

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