Lee Camp on banking/war

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    Banking and War:https://www.truthdig.com/articles/i-know-which-country-the-u-s-will-invade-next/

    “….I think I’m noticing a trend. In fact, on Jan. 4, it was reported that Pakistan was ditching the dollar in its trade with China, and that same day, the U.S. placed it on the watch list for religious freedom violations. The same day? Are we really supposed to believe that it just so happened that Pakistan stopped using the dollar with China on the same day it started punching Christians in the nose for no good reason? No, clearly Pakistan had violated our religion of cold hard cash.

    This leaves only one question: Who will be next on the list of U.S. illegal invasions cloaked in bullshit justifications? Well, last week, Iran finally did it: It switched from the dollar to the euro. And sure enough, this week, the U.S. military-industrial complex, the corporate media and Israel all got together to claim that Iran is lying about its nuclear weapons development. What are the odds that this news would break within days of Iran dropping the dollar? What. Are. The. Odds?…see link


    Banking and War:https://www.truthdig.com/articles/i-know-which-country-the-u-s-will-invade-next/

    “….I think I’m noticing a trend. In fact, on Jan. 4, it was reported that Pakistan was ditching the dollar in its trade with China, and that same day, the U.S. placed it on the watch list for religious freedom violations. The same day? Are we really supposed to believe that it just so happened that Pakistan stopped using the dollar with China on the same day it started punching Christians in the nose for no good reason? No, clearly Pakistan had violated our religion of cold hard cash.

    This leaves only one question: Who will be next on the list of U.S. illegal invasions cloaked in bullshit justifications? Well, last week, Iran finally did it: It switched from the dollar to the euro. And sure enough, this week, the U.S. military-industrial complex, the corporate media and Israel all got together to claim that Iran is lying about its nuclear weapons development. What are the odds that this news would break within days of Iran dropping the dollar? What. Are. The. Odds?…see link

    I read this today, over at Truthdig, while I was getting chemo. Really excellent. Um, well, not the chemo, the article. One of his best, evah. Thought about posting it here, in fact, and then I noticed you had already done so.

    There aren’t that many people who can drive home deadly serious points, while throwing in the occasional bit of humor, and make it work. He does. Consistently. It’s not going to happen, and we both know why . . . but I wish he had his own prime time show, on a network that wasn’t shunted over to the side or hidden, etc.

    What’s your own take on what he says, WV?

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