Leaked DNC emails shows collusion against Sanders

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    Avatar photonittany ram


    • This topic was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Avatar photonittany ram.
    PA Ram

    Bernie pretty much knew all of this while he was running. He blasted Wasserman-Shultz several times. She’s pathetic. I hope she loses her race to Tim Canova.

    The two party system is unbelievably corrupt.

    I feel sick about this election. Somehow the Republicans always nominates some nut and the Democrats nominate the status quo which is really becoming the old Republican party before it went batshit crazy.

    So do I say screw it and just vote Jill Stein and hope enough people vote Green Party to give it a voice and perhaps at least start to build another option? The price of that is the unpredictable and possibly dangerous Donald Trump. I heard someone say–he’ll be less likely to start wars. And someone else said–unless you mean another Civil War here. And then there are the complications of world managing. Kick NATO aside? Do other countries suddenly scramble for nukes then? Does it become an even more unstable place? He already said he’d like Japan to have nukes.

    And Hillary? Well–we know she won’t keep her hands clean. She’ll just talk like she knows what she’s doing. But the result is still more conflict and war.

    Trump will tear up the Iran deal. What then?

    Will Hillary’s wars be any more stable than Trump’s? Which will be worse? Will one be a lot worse? Or just a little? Or is there much difference at all?

    What about Climate Change? Trump didn’t say one word about it. He does love coal apparently.

    Hillary will almost certainly address it. But is there anything behind it–really? Anything significant?

    Hillary picked Tim Kaine because, like Obama, she can’t change who she really is and what she believes. She can pretend for a primary. But after that she has to be Hillary. Of course she will make sure the TPP passes. If it looks any different at all, they may reword a paragraph or two. It won’t mean very much. They will tell you it does.

    I was going to vote for her because–#NeverTrump.

    But honestly, the big FU she just gave by picking Kaine does give me pause. Why shouldn’t she have to earn my vote?

    If I lived in Utah, or New York, or California, or Alabama this would be a no-brainer. Those states are already decided. Trump or Clinton has already won them. I could easily make that 3rd party statement and sleep well.

    Pennsylvania is a true battleground state. It could literally decide the election.

    So I do take my one vote very seriously.

    I truly may not know what I’ll do until I walk into the voting booth.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick

    Avatar photoBilly_T

    I saw the link to thehill story. The DNC is obviously rotten and they did their best to shut Sanders down. It worked. Amazingly enough, it almost didn’t. Despite all of the forces arrayed against him, he almost won.

    Goddess, I hate the duopoly.

    Avatar photosnowman

    I’m going to take the devils advocate position here. Bernie ran as a democrat but he is an independent. Why would the DNC treat him any differently than another republican?

    Avatar photoZooey

    Bernie pretty much knew all of this while he was running. He blasted Wasserman-Shultz several times. She’s pathetic. I hope she loses her race to Tim Canova.

    The two party system is unbelievably corrupt.

    I feel sick about this election. Somehow the Republicans always nominates some nut and the Democrats nominate the status quo which is really becoming the old Republican party before it went batshit crazy.

    So do I say screw it and just vote Jill Stein and hope enough people vote Green Party to give it a voice and perhaps at least start to build another option? The price of that is the unpredictable and possibly dangerous Donald Trump. I heard someone say–he’ll be less likely to start wars. And someone else said–unless you mean another Civil War here. And then there are the complications of world managing. Kick NATO aside? Do other countries suddenly scramble for nukes then? Does it become an even more unstable place? He already said he’d like Japan to have nukes.

    And Hillary? Well–we know she won’t keep her hands clean. She’ll just talk like she knows what she’s doing. But the result is still more conflict and war.

    Trump will tear up the Iran deal. What then?

    Will Hillary’s wars be any more stable than Trump’s? Which will be worse? Will one be a lot worse? Or just a little? Or is there much difference at all?

    What about Climate Change? Trump didn’t say one word about it. He does love coal apparently.

    Hillary will almost certainly address it. But is there anything behind it–really? Anything significant?

    Hillary picked Tim Kaine because, like Obama, she can’t change who she really is and what she believes. She can pretend for a primary. But after that she has to be Hillary. Of course she will make sure the TPP passes. If it looks any different at all, they may reword a paragraph or two. It won’t mean very much. They will tell you it does.

    I was going to vote for her because–#NeverTrump.

    But honestly, the big FU she just gave by picking Kaine does give me pause. Why shouldn’t she have to earn my vote?

    If I lived in Utah, or New York, or California, or Alabama this would be a no-brainer. Those states are already decided. Trump or Clinton has already won them. I could easily make that 3rd party statement and sleep well.

    Pennsylvania is a true battleground state. It could literally decide the election.

    So I do take my one vote very seriously.

    I truly may not know what I’ll do until I walk into the voting booth.

    It’s a bitch, man. I have the good fortune of living in a state where my vote won’t matter, so I can vote my conscience.

    I will say re: Trump…the one thing I learned about him in the convention is that he really doesn’t care. I mean…it looked that way in the primary season, but you would think he would get it together for the convention and actually do some homework. But he didn’t. He just doesn’t know a goddam thing, and he is not interested in learning. So he says these things about letting NATO countries hang out to dry…he has no idea of what that actually means. He acts on impulse.

    I believe he is more ignorant and lazy than George Bush was. This guy is going to want shit explained in half a page, and I’m going to guess he won’t even read that half the time. He is going to come into the Oval Office at 8, and leave at 10, and our real president is going to be Mike Pence.

    I honestly don’t think Trump really even wanted to be president. He never ran a serious campaign, and I don’t think he wants to do any more than he has been doing. He wants to do the photo ops, the press conferences, and all that stuff, but he doesn’t actually want to do the work. He will beat Bush for vacation days. He wanted the attention, and to make money on the Trump brand. While I think he semi-believes the stuff he says, I think he just wanted to make some noise and some money – which he did – but never thought he would really win. But his massive ego is in it, and the thing is in reach, so he wants it now, but just not if it’s going to cost him money or effort.

    So what he’s done is made a business deal with the Kochs.


    Edit…uh that’s supposed to be a link to a NYTimes article.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Avatar photoZooey.

    I believe in Elizabeth Warren when she says we have to get beyond the past and do everything necessary to insure that Trump does not become our President.

    Avatar photozn

    I believe in Elizabeth Warren when she says we have to get beyond the past and do everything necessary to insure that Trump does not become our President.

    I believe myself when I say that tolerating party corruption is never acceptable.


    He will beat Bush for vacation days.

    But will he beat Obama who has set the record for vacation days?

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    I believe in Elizabeth Warren when she says we have to get beyond the past and do everything necessary to insure that Trump does not become our President.

    Pocahontas should stick to raising heep big wampum for Hildabeast from 8(a) contractors.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    I believe in Elizabeth Warren when she says we have to get beyond the past and do everything necessary to insure that Trump does not become our President.

    I believe myself when I say that tolerating party corruption is never acceptable.

    Agreed. Regardless of party.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

    Avatar photoBilly_T

    He will beat Bush for vacation days.

    But will he beat Obama who has set the record for vacation days?

    This was updated (factcheck.org) as of December of 2015.

    Presidential Vacations

    Deciding how to count these “vacation” days can create some confusion. CNN recently listed a count of 879 days for Bush and 150 for Obama, numbers that came from a Washington Post “Outlook” piece on “Five myths on presidential vacations.” (Myth No. 1: “Presidents get vacations.”) The 879 figure, it turns out, is from March 3, 2008, at which point Bush had spent that many days at the ranch and Camp David (but it doesn’t include days in Kennebunkport). The numbers are in a 2008 Washington Post piece and attributed to Knoller.

    If readers want to make an apples-to-apples comparison, the best solution is to use Knoller’s figures as of August 8, cited above: Bush, 407; Obama, 125. But the numbers say more about how many days the presidents spent away from the White House than they do about how much time the presidents spent not working.

    Updated, Dec. 23, 2015: As he has in past years, the president is vacationing in Hawaii for the holidays. So we thought we would check in with Knoller, the CBS reporter who keeps track of presidential vacations, for an update. Knoller tells us in an email that Obama has taken “24 vacation trips of varying lengths totaling all or part of 182 days as of today.” This means that Obama as president now has taken more vacation days than Bill Clinton, but less than George W. Bush.

    — Lori Robertson


    tolerating party corruption

    Moving on in order to prevent that tv guy from becoming President is not the same as “tolerating party corruption”

    Besides, corruption is a matter of political life regardless of whether its the Republican party, Democratic party, Libertarian party, Green party, Communist party, American Freedom party, American Socialist party, etc. No matter what political party one belongs to there will be those who use their power to accomplish their goals-often in nefarious ways. If I’m President and one of my principal goals is to feed the poor and cloth and house the homeless and to do it I have to…(you get the point).

    Avatar photonittany ram

    tolerating party corruption

    Moving on in order to prevent that tv guy from becoming President is not the same as “tolerating party corruption”

    Besides, corruption is a matter of political life regardless of whether its the Republican party, Democratic party, Libertarian party, Green party, Communist party, American Freedom party, American Socialist party, etc. No matter what political party one belongs to there will be those who use their power to accomplish their goals-often in nefarious ways. If I’m President and one of my principal goals is to feed the poor and cloth and house the homeless and to do it I have to…(you get the point).

    The DNC didn’t collude with Hillary against Sanders to help the homeless.

    They wanted to make sure Hillary got the nomination while ignoring all other considerations, such as the will of the people.

    This isn’t something that can be dismissed out of hand in a “everybody does it” sort of way. This was a blatant usurping of the democratic process and if there was any justice some leaders of the DNC would be going to prison because of it.

    Avatar photowv

    …If I’m President and one of my principal goals is to feed the poor and cloth and house the homeless and to do it I have to…(you get the point).

    And i would vote for that kind of robin-hood-‘corruption’ anyday.

    But that aint what they do. The money is getting funneled ‘up’
    not ‘down’.

    Anyway, on a side note I was at my mom’s house today, and she has a TV
    thats hooked up to cable, so i watched about 30 minutes of CNN covering
    the Dem stuff. Good lord what a wasteland TV has become. Maybe it always was, i dunno.
    Here’s an example of the news ‘coverage’ — CNN showed a clip of Donald making a speech before he invited his VP on stage. Then CNN showed a clip of Hillary and her VP walking out on the stage Together — and the discussion was all about which strategy was better.

    They analyzed that important issue until i couldnt take it anymore.

    Not a single second was devoted to any ‘policy’ discussion in that 30 minutes or so, I watched.

    Vast Wasteland, tv is. Vast.



    Avatar photoZooey

    He will beat Bush for vacation days.

    But will he beat Obama who has set the record for vacation days?

    Oh, stop it.

    I don’t like Obama, and I didn’t vote for him either time, but he has been more “responsible” as a president than George Bush was. George Bush is arguably the Worst President Ever, and that is a judgement I make without regard to my political preferences. And Trump will be as bad, or worse. He is ignorant, and he is proud of it.

    Avatar photoZooey

    I take that back.

    Trump is ignorant, but I retract the claim that he is proud of it. There is no evidence of that. There is evidence that he doesn’t care that he is ignorant, and that’s different. He is ignorant, and he doesn’t care enough to get informed. That is more accurate.

    Avatar photowv

    I take that back.

    Trump is ignorant, but I retract the claim that he is proud of it. There is no evidence of that. There is evidence that he doesn’t care that he is ignorant, and that’s different. He is ignorant, and he doesn’t care enough to get informed. That is more accurate.


    Well, i have not studied Trump. Like, at all. But my own limited unstudied sense is
    he truly believes in what he is doing. I thought Bush did too. And Reagan. I mean, i do think all these weasels really believe their own words for the most part on the ECONOMIC stuff.

    Not on the religious stuff necessarily. I think most of em pretend to believe in the Christian god and the fairy-tale stuff, but Economics — i think they believe their own rhetoric. I think.

    Agree? Disagree? Dont care? Warner? Bulger?



    He will beat Bush for vacation days.

    But will he beat Obama who has set the record for vacation days?

    Oh, stop it.

    I don’t like Obama, and I didn’t vote for him either time, but he has been more “responsible” as a president than George Bush was. George Bush is arguably the Worst President Ever, and that is a judgement I make without regard to my political preferences. And Trump will be as bad, or worse. He is ignorant, and he is proud of it.

    That is your opinion. You will have the opportunity to see how wrong it is. Obama has been a disaster. He has acted stupidly and cowardly in his fomenting racial discord and his disastrous interventionist policy is on him alone. I suspect Trump will be more of a Theodor Roosevelt.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    I take that back.

    Trump is ignorant, but I retract the claim that he is proud of it. There is no evidence of that. There is evidence that he doesn’t care that he is ignorant, and that’s different. He is ignorant, and he doesn’t care enough to get informed. That is more accurate.


    Well, i have not studied Trump. Like, at all. But my own limited unstudied sense is
    he truly believes in what he is doing. I thought Bush did too. And Reagan. I mean, i do think all these weasels really believe their own words for the most part on the ECONOMIC stuff.

    Not on the religious stuff necessarily. I think most of em pretend to believe in the Christian god and the fairy-tale stuff, but Economics — i think they believe their own rhetoric. I think.

    Agree? Disagree? Dont care? Warner? Bulger?


    I think that is fair.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

    Avatar photoZooey

    I take that back.

    Trump is ignorant, but I retract the claim that he is proud of it. There is no evidence of that. There is evidence that he doesn’t care that he is ignorant, and that’s different. He is ignorant, and he doesn’t care enough to get informed. That is more accurate.


    Well, i have not studied Trump. Like, at all. But my own limited unstudied sense is
    he truly believes in what he is doing. I thought Bush did too. And Reagan. I mean, i do think all these weasels really believe their own words for the most part on the ECONOMIC stuff.

    Not on the religious stuff necessarily. I think most of em pretend to believe in the Christian god and the fairy-tale stuff, but Economics — i think they believe their own rhetoric. I think.

    Agree? Disagree? Dont care? Warner? Bulger?


    No, not quite. Well, sort of.

    My wife has Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and I’ve read a lot about it because I have to deal with it daily.

    Narcissists tend to believe whatever they are saying at any given moment. And they can say something completely contradictory later, and believe THAT, and deny that they ever said the first thing. It happens All The Time.

    Trump does that. He contradicts shit he said a month ago, and believes himself passionately both times. So Trump believes everything he says, yes. But his belief is a momentary belief. A belief of the present. If that makes sense. He has no overarching set of principles. No guidelines. No actual philosophical foundation. He believes whatever he feels like believing at the moment. Trust me on this. My wife is a narcissist, and I deal with this every day of my life, for 25 years now. I recognize the symptoms.

    Avatar photoZooey

    Actually, now that I am thinking about it, I have something to contribute on this issue. Because, really, I have read a lot about narcissism due to my wife’s condition. So I recognized Trump as a narcissist way back in the first debate, and I have read other people calling him a narcissist, but I never stopped to think that people don’t actually know what that means.

    Most people think of narcissism as simple self-absorption and vanity. But that isn’t what it is, really. It’s complicated. But, believe me, you want to stay away from narcissists. They are fucking bad news because they are fact-impervious, and they are NEVER wrong, and you ARE. They do not compromise. They have no empathy. They cannot understand other points of view. Just cannot.

    And this is what we will get with Trump. A president that cannot understand the viewpoint of other nations, of the congress, of anybody. And has no interest in understanding other points of view. Whatever he thinks or feels – at the moment – will guide his decisions. I am telling you.

    I could go on.

    Here is a very brief introduction from the Mayo clinic:


    PA Ram

    He will beat Bush for vacation days.

    But will he beat Obama who has set the record for vacation days?

    Oh, stop it.

    I don’t like Obama, and I didn’t vote for him either time, but he has been more “responsible” as a president than George Bush was. George Bush is arguably the Worst President Ever, and that is a judgement I make without regard to my political preferences. And Trump will be as bad, or worse. He is ignorant, and he is proud of it.

    I agree with that, Zooey.

    There are many things I don’t like about Obama. But there are some things I do like. I think he’s extremely intelligent. He is not lost on issues. He is careful in his consideration. It isn’t his fault that Bush and Cheney gave him a steaming pile of crap. I don’t care how the right tries to rewrite history. I lived it. I saw it. I remember. THEY opened up this Pandora’s Box through their own recklessness.To blame Obama for withdrawing troops made to honor agreements made by Bush is silly. And frankly–you would have had to keep lots of forces there forever. And with lone wolves–it doesn’t much matter.

    This is Bush’s Frankenstein. Not Obama’s. The right will relentlessly try to re-write this forever.

    And when it comes to unrest here—shootings from the police or at the police, Obama has been very steady and carefully crafted his response.

    The only thing an angry Donald Trump will unite after such tragedies are angry white guys. He will turn the noise up considerably. While Pence will run most things, Trump will still be Trump. He will have to have his face and name out there–playing at president.

    I agree with Zooey–I believe–who said that Trump never expected to win this thing. I absolutely believe that. Even HE underestimated the stupidity of the American people. I have to wonder if he sits back some nights and thinks: this was too easy.

    And I know there are many professionals on this board. I live a blue collar life. And while this is anecdotal I can tell you that I hear a lot of blue collar love for Trump. I am amazed that a rich kid–born rich–been a 1 percenter his whole life, has such credibility with blue collar workers. And if it isn’t a love of Trump for some it is a real hatred of Clinton for others. These union workers know all about NAFTA. Trump’s anti-trade rhetoric plays very well to them. They also love guns. They’re convinced Clinton will simply rip up the 2nd Amendment–as if it’s that easy. Guns are a HUGE issue for blue collar white guys.

    Honestly–the Democrats had to do a couple of things to beat Bernie–and still he gave them fits. Bernie had a couple of problems. #1) He just could not make any ground with minority voters. This is critical in the Democratic primary. If you can’t do that it will be nearly impossible to get the nomination. He had some success later–but not nearly enough. Not close. Clinton had roots in the minority community for many years. That was very tough to overcome.

    #2) He had to take on the people who make the rules. They gave no help and looked to rig the game against him at every chance.

    This should have been impossible odds–and yet he still did better than anyone could have imagined because of his…..MESSAGE. It is a message the establishment rejects.

    So here we are with the two most unpopular candidates in our lifetime and one of them will be the next president. I think it’s interesting that the Republican establishment tried very hard to dump Trump. They failed.

    The Democrats tried very hard to dump Bernie. They succeeded. I guess that must say something about the difference between the bases of the party–I don’t know.

    Democrats may be more team oriented. More loyal to their establishment candidates. I’ve been on boards where they hated Bernie. At times they sound more like Republicans. I’m not sure what the Democratic party even is anymore. If there is a battle for the soul of the party than the establishment won this round. That means either they crushed the rebellion and many Democrats will flee to the Green or register as Independents to fight from there—or there will be another battle next time. In any case–if they lose those progressives the party WILL get weaker. I’m not sure they get this–and if they do–I’m not sure they care. They have yet to pay the political price for it.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick

    Avatar photoBilly_T


    Yes. Trump is a classic narcissist. But he doesn’t just contradict things he said a month ago. Within the same speech he does this. His word salad often doubles back on itself, as if he’s talking himself into and out of things, though one thing remains the same:

    He keeps insisting that he’s the greatest, does everything better than anyone else, and is the only person who can save us. It’s actually quite amazing how he gets away with it, because I can’t remember anyone else who so consistently bragged about how awesome he was without being laughed off the stage.

    Cult of personality. An ego the size of Manhattan painfully exposed. He’s a celebrity pied piper, leading his lemmings over the cliff, and they just don’t seem to care how over the top he is about his own supposed greatness, and one-of-a-kind ability in everything. And they just don’t get what his endless bragging really tells us about him.

    Again, I’ve never seen anything like the reaction to his messiah complex, narcissism and obviously, painfully deep insecurities. Because no one brags incessantly who isn’t so deeply insecure. They don’t have to keep telling us how great they are. Their record speaks for itself, and they don’t have to keep convincing themselves by saying it aloud, in public, every chance they get.

    No one that neurotically, perhaps psychotically insecure should be anywhere near the nuclear codes.

    Avatar photowv

    I take that back.

    Trump is ignorant, but I retract the claim that he is proud of it. There is no evidence of that. There is evidence that he doesn’t care that he is ignorant, and that’s different. He is ignorant, and he doesn’t care enough to get informed. That is more accurate.


    Well, i have not studied Trump. Like, at all. But my own limited unstudied sense is
    he truly believes in what he is doing. I thought Bush did too. And Reagan. I mean, i do think all these weasels really believe their own words for the most part on the ECONOMIC stuff.

    Not on the religious stuff necessarily. I think most of em pretend to believe in the Christian god and the fairy-tale stuff, but Economics — i think they believe their own rhetoric. I think.

    Agree? Disagree? Dont care? Warner? Bulger?


    No, not quite. Well, sort of.

    My wife has Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and I’ve read a lot about it because I have to deal with it daily.

    Narcissists tend to believe whatever they are saying at any given moment. And they can say something completely contradictory later, and believe THAT, and deny that they ever said the first thing. It happens All The Time.

    Trump does that. He contradicts shit he said a month ago, and believes himself passionately both times. So Trump believes everything he says, yes. But his belief is a momentary belief. A belief of the present. If that makes sense. He has no overarching set of principles. No guidelines. No actual philosophical foundation. He believes whatever he feels like believing at the moment. Trust me on this. My wife is a narcissist, and I deal with this every day of my life, for 25 years now. I recognize the symptoms.


    Well that sounds about right. But i dunno.

    Luckily we have the incorruptible US Congress,
    and an informed public to reign him.



    Actually, now that I am thinking about it, I have something to contribute on this issue. Because, really, I have read a lot about narcissism due to my wife’s condition. So I recognized Trump as a narcissist way back in the first debate, and I have read other people calling him a narcissist, but I never stopped to think that people don’t actually know what that means.

    Most people think of narcissism as simple self-absorption and vanity. But that isn’t what it is, really. It’s complicated. But, believe me, you want to stay away from narcissists. They are fucking bad news because they are fact-impervious, and they are NEVER wrong, and you ARE. They do not compromise. They have no empathy. They cannot understand other points of view. Just cannot.

    And this is what we will get with Trump. A president that cannot understand the viewpoint of other nations, of the congress, of anybody. And has no interest in understanding other points of view. Whatever he thinks or feels – at the moment – will guide his decisions. I am telling you.

    I could go on.

    Here is a very brief introduction from the Mayo clinic:


    Sorry to learn that about your wife but you are outrageously reaching regarding Trump.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

    Avatar photoEternal Ramnation

    Real simple here is the difference with Clinton you will have the right to an abortion on your way to a nuclear exchange with Russia with Trump the white guys get an assault rifle of their choice on the road to Armageddon. Other than that which buffoon is chosen really does not matter at all. Clinton is the superior criminal but is more predictable.You know she’s going to sell you out.Trump is unpredictable like giving a chimp an assault rifle.

    Avatar photowv

    Real simple here is the difference with Clinton you will have the right to an abortion on your way to a nuclear exchange with Russia with Trump the white guys get an assault rifle of their choice on the road to Armageddon. Other than that which buffoon is chosen really does not matter at all. Clinton is the superior criminal but is more predictable.You know she’s going to sell you out.Trump is unpredictable like giving a chimp an assault rifle.

    And yet millions and millions and millions of Americans love
    either the chimp or the criminal — why is that?


    Avatar photoBilly_T

    Real simple here is the difference with Clinton you will have the right to an abortion on your way to a nuclear exchange with Russia with Trump the white guys get an assault rifle of their choice on the road to Armageddon. Other than that which buffoon is chosen really does not matter at all. Clinton is the superior criminal but is more predictable.You know she’s going to sell you out.Trump is unpredictable like giving a chimp an assault rifle.

    And yet millions and millions and millions of Americans love
    either the chimp or the criminal — why is that?


    I think much of that boils down to the belief in saviors. And it may be hard-wired, to one degree or another. The degree to which we (effectively) fight that, as individuals, is likely the combination of our socialization plus those hard-wired differences, etc. Were we raised in an environment encouraging us to question all assumptions? Did we kinda teach ourselves this — at least to some extent — along the way? And all things in between. But the acceptance or rejection of saviors is essential, IMO.

    Beyond that, I find another current dynamic interesting. Left and right, I think Trump gets a certain benefit of the doubt that Clinton never will. I’m generalizing big time here, but I think this is basically true for many. We expect the worst case scenario for Clinton — at least a large portion of the time. With Trump, we’re often told he won’t be as bad as people say, and many buy this. They say to us, he won’t do the crazy things he tells us he’ll do on TV, because, well, he’s just an entertainer.

    To me, this is a mistake. Take a look at his party. Take a look at the makeup of his supporters. Add all of it up. Add up GOP history, at least since roughly 1964/65, and especially with the advent of the tea party. If one sees Clinton as likely to do the worst, to me it makes no sense to believe Trump won’t match her, at least. It’s far more sensible, IMO, to view both candidates in that light — the worst case scenario light — while, perhaps, maybe, just maybe, hoping for the best, which is also very human thing to do.

    Avatar photoBilly_T

    Another aspect that interests me. The team-sport nature of politics. Right-wing evangelicals turn out in large numbers at the GOP convention. They have their obscenely anti-gay leaders and agendas. Cruz, Huckabee and Jindal, back when they were running, all shared the stage (at a conservative gathering) with a couple of pastors who literally wanted to “kill the gays.” Not metaphorically. Literally.

    Fast forward to the GOP convention. Nothing has changed in the views of core Republicans from that gathering. They haven’t suddenly become enlightened about sexual minorities. Yet, when Peter Thiel stood on stage and said he was proud to be gay, the reports say the crowd cheered for him, and they didn’t boo Trump when he talked about “protecting LGBTQ people.” Though, of course, the way he pronounced the letters was kinda creepy, and who knows if it was all dog whistle. But they at least didn’t boo him or Thiel.

    Teams. Tribes. My side. Your side. If it’s my team, the same exact thing I denounced a moment ago is now suddenly fine.

    We humans are strange cats.

    PA Ram

    Another aspect that interests me. The team-sport nature of politics. Right-wing evangelicals turn out in large numbers at the GOP convention. They have their obscenely anti-gay leaders and agendas. Cruz, Huckabee and Jindal, back when they were running, all shared the stage (at a conservative gathering) with a couple of pastors who literally wanted to “kill the gays.” Not metaphorically. Literally.

    Fast forward to the GOP convention. Nothing has changed in the views of core Republicans from that gathering. They haven’t suddenly become enlightened about sexual minorities. Yet, when Peter Thiel stood on stage and said he was proud to be gay, the reports say the crowd cheered for him, and they didn’t boo Trump when he talked about “protecting LGBTQ people.” Though, of course, the way he pronounced the letters was kinda creepy, and who knows if it was all dog whistle. But they at least didn’t boo him or Thiel.

    Teams. Tribes. My side. Your side. If it’s my team, the same exact thing I denounced a moment ago is now suddenly fine.

    We humans are strange cats.

    Democrats are just as guilty of the TEAM mentality. Sad, really. I have had posts removed from Democratic Underground because I dared question DWS and the DNC. You basically aren’t allowed to post anything negative about the Democrats right now. They obviously want to pretend that there is party unity.

    It doesn’t help. Hillary has no clue when she picks a Tim Kaine for VP. This party is deaf to the screams of anti-establishment coming from the nation. They insist on ramming Mrs. Establishment down our throats and then she picks Mr. Establishment as a running mate.

    They are banking on Trump imploding. They still have the Rahm Emmanuel mindset to tell progressives to sit down and shut up and let the adults handle things.

    Hillary will still probably win.

    But she may not. This is not set in stone.

    And if she loses Bernie will be a bigger villain than Nader ever was. They still won’t get it. This party needs to change and perhaps read Thomas Frank’s “Listen Liberal” to get a clue. Otherwise it may soon be irrelevant.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick

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