Last Game of the Season

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  • #36496

    Here we are again.

    Playing well, but not in the playoff picture.

    I’m really getting tired of, “Let’s just wait till next year.”

    Who knows where we’ll be next year. Ever think that even if we don’t leave St Louis, we may still change conferences if the Raiders and Chargers go to LA? This means our schedule is in total flux.

    Made my kids watch Blue Velvet yesterday (19 and 16). Yes, I am a bad dad…

    Avatar photozn

    Personally I am glad they’re not in the playoffs.

    All the tension, all the uncertainty.

    I hated 99. All 99 did was delay the calm resignation that follows the last game.

    Avatar photowv

    Here we are again.

    Playing well, but not in the playoff picture.

    I’m really getting tired of, “Let’s just wait till next year.”

    Who knows where we’ll be next year. Ever think that even if we don’t leave St Louis, we may still change conferences if the Raiders and Chargers go to LA? This means our schedule is in total flux.

    Made my kids watch Blue Velvet yesterday (19 and 16). Yes, I am a bad dad…

    “made my kids watch Blue Velvet”

    Now thats what i like about you T.
    When i open up one of your messages,
    its like falling into a Lovecraftian rabbit hole.
    Or somethin.

    It would be nice to win four in a row.
    Thats the thing to me — the four
    in a row part.



    4 in a row really means nothing when it doesn’t get you to the playoffs.

    We are also in the middle of the Twin Peaks series; I thought I had everything, including the movie, but no. Just ordered the movie and hope it gets here before we are done with the series.

    They like Twin Peaks. Even though they saw the parallels in Blue Velvet, didn’t like that one at all. It is one of my go to movies for quotes:
    “Fuck you fucker fucker!”
    “Heinekin?? Fuck that shit! Papst Blue Ribbon!!”
    “Why are there people like Frank in the world?”
    “I’m Paul.”

    Avatar photowv

    4 in a row really means nothing when it doesn’t get you to the playoffs.

    We are also in the middle of the Twin Peaks series; I thought I had everything, including the movie, but no. Just ordered the movie and hope it gets here before we are done with the series.

    They like Twin Peaks. Even though they saw the parallels in Blue Velvet, didn’t like that one at all. It is one of my go to movies for quotes:
    “Fuck you fucker fucker!”
    “Heinekin?? Fuck that shit! Papst Blue Ribbon!!”
    “Why are there people like Frank in the world?”
    “I’m Paul.”


    I bet if you did a study,
    using pie charts and algebra
    you’d discover that teams ending
    the season with four straight wins,
    make the playoffs the next year,
    76.66 percent of the time.
    Especially if the last two
    wins are on the road.

    Log Lady: [voiceover] There is a sadness in this world, for we are ignorant of many things. Yes, we are ignorant of many beautiful things — things like the truth. So sadness, in our ignorance, is very real. The tears are real. What is this thing called a tear? There are even tiny ducts — tear ducts — to produce these tears should the sadness occur. Then the day when the sadness comes — then we ask: “Will this sadness which makes me cry — will this sadness that makes me cry my heart out — will it ever end?” The answer, of course, is yes. One day the sadness will end.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by Avatar photowv.
    Avatar photonittany ram

    Personally I am glad they’re not in the playoffs.

    All the tension, all the uncertainty.

    I hated 99. All 99 did was delay the calm resignation that follows the last game.

    I feel the same way. This season I began to question Fisher’s ability to continue that when he had the Rams at 4-3, but that 5 game losing streak erased all my fears. Now I feel foolish for ever doubting him.

    PA Ram

    I think it’s vitally important that the Rams win this final game.

    Because when I wear my Rams gear out and about and people smirk at me I can stand there and face them proudly and say: “We aren’t losers! We may not be winners but we aren’t losers.”

    And I can mean it.

    That 8-8 will be a badge of honor.

    Plus I picked them in my football pool.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick

    PA Ram

    On the “Twin Peaks” thing–started watching–sort of forgot about it–never finished it. I don’t think I’m a big Lynch fan. I feel like I’m the sort of person who would be a big fan but somehow I’m not.

    I’ve been binge watching old MASH episodes. The original Father Mulcahy was not played by William Christopher for the first couple of episodes but they didn’t even give that actor a line so apparently they weren’t thrilled. By episode three he was out and William Christopher was in and the REAL Father Mulcahy was born.

    Frank Burns as portrayed by Larry Linville may have been one of the greatest comic roles ever put on the small screen–and the most perfectly cast.

    The more I watch the more I see Hawkeye as Groucho Marx. Yes–he actually dressed up as Groucho a few times but whether dressed or not–he was Groucho.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick

    Avatar photowv

    On the “Twin Peaks” thing–started watching–sort of forgot about it–never finished it. I don’t think I’m a big Lynch fan. I feel like I’m the sort of person who would be a big fan but somehow I’m not.

    I’ve been binge watching old MASH episodes. The original Father Mulcahy was not played by William Christopher for the first couple of episodes but they didn’t even give that actor a line so apparently they weren’t thrilled. By episode three he was out and William Christopher was in and the REAL Father Mulcahy was born.

    Frank Burns as portrayed by Larry Linville may have been one of the greatest comic roles ever put on the small screen–and the most perfectly cast.

    The more I watch the more I see Hawkeye as Groucho Marx. Yes–he actually dressed up as Groucho a few times but whether dressed or not–he was Groucho.

    I kinda see Case Keenum
    as Radar O’Reilly.
    Maybe thats just me though.


    Avatar photozn

    I kinda see Case Keenum
    as Radar O’Reilly.
    Maybe thats just me though.

    No no no no NO!

    In other words, I respectfully disagree.

    Keenum is this driven competitive film junkie who has some cagey field smarts. He is exactly the kind of qb who later ends up being a top coach.

    He has his limitations but he’s a maximizer too.

    That’s not Radar.

    Keenum is a MacGyver in a world full of Chuck Norrises.


    Avatar photoZooey

    I thought Blue Velvet was good, and I loved the first season of Twin Peaks. The second season of Twin Peaks was almost as disappointing as the sequel to The Matrix in terms of expectation/delivery. And I have pretty much hated everything else I’ve seen by Lynch. I just get the feeling that he is dragging his audience through weirdness and mud for the sake of it, and has no destination in mind. There is nothing at the end of a Lynch film except the feeling that I have been slimed for no particular payoff.

    Avatar photowv

    I thought Blue Velvet was good, and I loved the first season of Twin Peaks. The second season of Twin Peaks was almost as disappointing as the sequel to The Matrix in terms of expectation/delivery. And I have pretty much hated everything else I’ve seen by Lynch. I just get the feeling that he is dragging his audience through weirdness and mud for the sake of it, and has no destination in mind. There is nothing at the end of a Lynch film except the feeling that I have been slimed for no particular payoff.

    Are you saying Fisher is like
    David Lynch? Or that chuck norris
    should be the new OC ?
    I’m confused, sometimes.


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