laram (& others) on goff … goff watch week 12

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    Avatar photoInvaderRam

    i am not the most football knowledgeable, but this makes sense to me. goff is young and raw. he needs seasoning.

    hopefully we’re just scratching the surface right now cuz it’s looking good so far.

    from laram

    I’m not really interested in talking to posters that are incapable or unwilling to examine players through a wide angle lense.

    Its boring and soporific to me to look at players one way just because they play for your favorite team.

    And to be labelled as being negative or not liking a player is lazy and superficial.

    Janoris Jenkins was my top corner coming out and nobody was harder on him than I was his first couple of years with the Rams.

    I consistently pointed out things I wanted him to cleanup, getter better eye discipline, clean-up his foot work be more physical off the line etc., etc.

    I do that with all players.

    If I don’t like a player I will flat out say it like I did with Nick Foles, Austin Davis, Barrett Jones, Adam Carriker or Damione Lewis the list goes on and on.

    And this underappreciation of still shots is mind boggling to me. They are invaluable at looking at a play, so much so that head coaches quarterbacks, defensive coaches and players study them on the sidelines during games.

    They show formations, coverages, route combinations pressure points in certain coverages just everything regarding what took place on any given play.

    They assist coaches in making in-game adjustments on both sides of the ball.

    Not acknowledging their value is tantamount to nullifying the term “freeze frame”… that is what a still shot is.

    The stills being posted on the board are invaluable and can help education everyone on the complexities of the game.

    They also reflect what I see sitting at almost every home game at the 42 yard line 15 rows up.

    Most home games me and Ronnie sit there and go through every play.

    Especially during the Seattle game Ronnie sits there all game saying “look he’s playing inside technique its man coverage he’s using the boundary as an extra defender”.

    “Pre-snap Goff should go to Watkins here”. Watkins has his man beat, Goff gives a cursory look then goes to the other side out of bounds.

    Or he’ll say “Goff is script reading half’s he’s not reading backside tags”.

    “McVay is giving Goff pass/run options depending on the look”

    That’s invaluable real-time stuff that reveals itself in the stills posted. I appreciate B&G and Govane posting them.

    If you want to learn the game you should study B&G’s still, he knows football!!

    Mama you just listen to ME! wink2 smiley

    Its no secret I preferred Wentz over Goff but Goff is our qb and I want him to succeed.

    Goff is not there yet he’s on a script and when things don’t go per script like against Minny you gotta go off script and in a game where one or two plays can determine the outcome, you have a smaller margin of error.

    You gotta hit the plays when they’re there!!

    So I want Goff to clean this up, I wanna see progression in this area.

    When he has a clean pocket and everything goes per script he throws one of the best deep balls in the game!!

    But he has a long way to go in being able to take over a game, or be clutch in pressure situations.

    What he did in the final minutes of the Seattle game against a soft zone in prevent…doesn’t move ME.

    The game should never have come down to the final minute.

    There were too many other plays left on the field. He misses far too many plays, especially in the redzone.

    I like Goff I just wanna see steady progression in the nuisances of the position.

    I don’t see it….YET!

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by Avatar photoInvaderRam.
    Avatar photozn

    Part of that is well known. On play action he reads only half the field. The emphasis is more on avoiding turnovers than attacking.

    Avatar photoEternal Ramnation

    I’ve not seen steadier improvement in any other QB but as far as Goff goes I gotta disagree with laram here watching the Seattle game and the vikes game comparatively there has been substantial growth. Waldman’s analysis is from a wide enough angle to include what Goff is dealing with ( avoiding a safety/strip sack or int) imo looking at a still and saying this guy is open is a very narrow lens, too narrow to see any improvement.

    Avatar photowv

    Well LA knows a lot more about football than i do, and i dont disagree wiht him on Goff, but my own wording is just that, Goff is still very very raw/green/young and this is his first year with real weapons and first year in this system, and yes he has miles and miles to go.

    But we see some elite skills from him most weeks, in flashes.

    Right now though, McV is protecting him and making things easy for him, i assume. Limiting him. I dont see a QB that really knows what hes’ doing — I see a young, green, raw QB with elite skills, in a great system, struggling, learning, flashing.

    We dont know his ceiling. But the signs are hinting thats its a real high ceiling.

    I think LA is prettymuch saying the same thing, in his LA-way.



    I agree with LA also, but ….. he’s already a very good qb. He will get better and he’s going to be out of this world.

    I am really excited about him.

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    Avatar photoInvaderRam

    The emphasis is more on avoiding turnovers than attacking.

    yeah. and i expect that to change. not this season but next. but also. when things break down. which they will. goff will get better at improvising. he’s already shown signs of doing it. mcvay has alluded to it. but the next step would be to do it against elite competition.

    I think LA is prettymuch saying the same thing, in his LA-way.

    honestly, that’s how i took it. goff is doing a very good job playing within the system. but against elite defenses. when things are going to go off script. that’s where he struggles. but what can you expect given his experience. we’ll just have to see if he can adapt. i think he will as he learns the system. and he knows where everyone is supposed to be at any given time. when he and the receivers develop that chemistry. when a play breaks down, where are his receivers going to go. i don’t think all that can be learned in one offseason. my guess is this will develop as they play more. and this next offseason. when they can spend more time just learning the offense rather than preparing for a given opponent.

    i also expect mcvay to put more responsibility on goff’s shoulders as he continues to learn this offense. i don’t think this is just a one offseason process. maybe this next offseason, they take the next step.

    Avatar photoInvaderRam

    this is from the same thread. i also bolded the part where he talks about how minnesota used goff’s tendencies against him. he sounds like he knows what he’s talking about anyway!

    los angeles lenny

    When I share this tidbit of info let me validate it by my playing experience and who taught the class: West Hills College: Coach Clausen (his sons were Jimmy Clausen, who played for the Bears, KC Clausen who I believed played for KC)
    Northern Arizona University: Andy Reid, Brad Childress) Mesa State College: Donnie Holmes: receiver for Cardinals

    This is the cumulative beliefs from this group.

    Keys for the receivers:

    Presnap read: work smart! know where the play is going and what where you are supposed to be. give yourself space to work in.

    1) when you line up you need to distinguish what defense and coverage they are in.

    If it is man to man coverage- these are the rules: you need to run precise patterns in a timely fashion, your pattern will include more straight line or precision cuts, you have to get into the db so you can get away from him, as you break you lean into the db and use his body to push off or go the other way to create separation. you explode off your first step at the line of scrimmage.

    2) if they are in zone: the precision of the pattern is not important, the spacing is important. your job is to find a seam, gap, window in the zone. your pass patterns are rounded, sometimes delayed (because you are allowing the defense to clear out and then you go where they vacated.

    Does everybody remember the Super Bowl when Peyton Manning was yelling, Omaha. He is doing a presnap read, Omaha: cold mean, audible, blitz, man to man or zone coverage.

    The receivers have the same thing: when they come to the line of scrimmage they could place their hands on their waste (meaning) I am in man coverage I am going deep, or they can let their arms hand which means 10 yard cushion, throw me the ball. The point I am trying to stress is there is a ton of communication going on at the line of scrimmage by everybody.

    When I say Sammy is not a natural receiver, he excels at catching, running, getting of the ball. But rule number one: you have to be your QB’s best friend. There are many times when he is running routes he is open early and not feeling the coverage. He is running the route and not taking what the D is giving him. There is a difference between breaking off your pattern and running yourself open. I am not a tech savy guy so I can not show you what I am talking about, but he does not feel the coverage or exploit its weakness. and yet he is still open a lot.

    With Goff, I feel he looks early and then if it is not open, he fixates on the crossing route or the back in the flat. I wish he would look the free safety off, and then go backside to Sammy.

    McVay runs a lot of misdirection, motion to assist the QB with the coverage (or pre snap) reads. Minnesota took the tape on Goff, took away his running game, and used his tendencies against him. What ever side he runs to: look for the man underneath or the back in the flat. That is why he was throwing into such tight spots. If Goff ever throws to his backside receiver to make the FS play honest it will get back to looking like everybody is wide open. Sammy needs to feel the coverage and make himself big. You can tell where the ball is just by where the defense is, you do not have to look back at the QB.

    I said this at the 49 er game, put Sammy in the slot and get him the ball. He is one of the most explosive athletes on the field, good things will happen.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by Avatar photoInvaderRam.
    Avatar photozn

    The emphasis is more on avoiding turnovers than attacking.

    yeah. and i expect that to change. not this season but next.

    Speak of the devil (see below). I agree that expanding beyond this safety uber alles thing is more for the off-season.

    Okay, the promised devils (McVay & Goff):

    (On how important it has been for QB Jared Goff that he has limited turnovers this season)

    MCVAY: “It’s huge. Other than points, it’s the most important stat there is. I think when you look at it, he’s conscientious about it. Our coaches do a great job with (Rams Offensive Coordinator) Matt (LaFleur) and (Rams Quarterbacks Coach) Greg (Olson) in terms of just emphasizing that with him on a daily basis

    (On how proud he is for limiting turnovers)

    GOFF: “It’s a big part of the game. We talk about every day, it’s all about the ball – just try to take care of it. Sometimes there maybe times where you may think about it too much. I try on my part to take care of it and I think if we do that as an offense we’re 7-0 when we’ve been even or better in the turnover margin.

    Avatar photozn

    The emphasis is more on avoiding turnovers than attacking.


    So what has Goff done differently this year to limit the giveaways?

    “A multitude of things,” he said. “Just Learning and getting better. Maybe one thing is just learning how to use the check down and learning how huge that can be when you get Todd [Gurley] in space.”

    Avatar photozn

    The emphasis is more on avoiding turnovers than attacking.


    They keep saying it:

    (On what he wants to see out of QB Jared Goff this week)
    LAFLEUR: “I think just another clean game. …Specifically, for Jared, just another clean game. We’ve got to take care of the ball. We know that when we do take care of the ball, I think we’re 7-0 and when we don’t – when we lose that number on the turnover battle, we’re 0-3. There’s definitely no secrets there.”

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