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  • #11807
    Avatar photozn

    This is a good post by you, and helps clarify who Hill is.,531273,531273#msg-531273

    But, you should credit Aeneas1 for providing those gifs. Fair enough?


    I guess I could have but I post gifs on the board all of the time. There out there for anybody to gather.


    Avatar photozn

    I guess I could have but I post gifs on the board all of the time. There out there for anybody to gather.

    Okay, but…it would be wrong of people copying and re-posting your gifs to not credit you.

    When it comes to posters, always credit a guy’s work.

    That’s just net etiquette.

    You not caring personally if you are credited when re-posted is not the same as it being okay if everyone just copies without crediting.

    Just a courtesy thing.

    Otherwise, you could be taken as claiming YOU did that work.

    Fair enough?


    I don’t care about being credited, there is no work being done. They’re not stills being extracted from game rewind. That’s work. When a person does stills, they of course should be credited.

    Gifs are nothing, its just copy and paste. But to avoid this type of stuff in the future, I will just go out and get them on my own as I usually do.


    Avatar photozn

    How are gifs widely available? Explain. Maybe I am just uninformed about this. I thought that whenever we saw gifs of a plays in a post, the poster made them, just like with screen caps.

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