Laker World

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  • #98042

    Why is it, every single solitary time i turn on a sports radio station they are discussing the Los Angeles Lakers. I mean, this has been going on for six months now.

    Every single random time. Lakers.

    Its like the Lakers are the only team in the universe.

    Why is this?



    Maybe you should try listening to Boston Sports Radio…


    Why is it, every single solitary time i turn on a sports radio station they are discussing the Los Angeles Lakers. I mean, this has been going on for six months now.

    Every single random time. Lakers.

    Its like the Lakers are the only team in the universe.

    Why is this?


    LeBron James plays for them. Even though everyone knows the Golden State Warriors are going to the NBA Finals for the 5th straight year. Plus the Knicks stink. Even though they just ended their 18 game losing streak at the time I’m writing this.

    By the way, I’m a Sixer fan. I was worried Joel Embiid almost hurting actress Regina King though.


    Because the Lakers are the only team in the NBA that actually matters.


    Because the Lakers are the only team in the NBA that actually matters.

    Dude, Paula Abdul is no longer a cheerleader, Jack Nicholson and Diane Cannon no longer have their butts in the Forum….

    Dr Buss is dead and so are the Lakers.. they won’t even make the 8th seed this year……

    without searching DUCK DUCK GO, Does anyone even know the name of the current Laker Head Coach? I’ll give you a clue, he was a Warrior assistant and his dad won a ring as a back up center vs Paula Abdul;’s showtime team……

    BTW I do hope the Lakers make the 8th seed so the Warriors can sweep them…….. these are not Chris Mullens nor Sleepy Floyd’s Warrior teams….


    I can see how it would be annoying to fans of other teams. All of this attention. But most of it is negative attention these days. The media turned fairly quickly on LeBron, for instance, it seems. Lots of talk about how no one wants to join the Lakers because he’s there. Same thing was said about Kobe. And they haven’t even made the playoffs in years.

    I’ve followed them as a diehard fan since the days of West and Baylor, even before they got Wilt. It wasn’t always like this — the negative attention, etc. Ironically, I think they received less attention back in the day when they were actually a far better franchise. I really don’t like the way they’ve been run the last coupla of decades.

    For instance, I’d rather see them build a team for the long haul. I don’t like the strategy of finding aging superstars for a last hurrah. Prefer the idea of “home grown” development . . . of course, with key additions here and there. But without trades that mortgage the future. And the Lakers, especially during the Kobe era, did way too much of that. Traded away umpteen draft picks for a Steve Nash or some other “past his prime” vet.

    Not a fan of that.

    The Lakers may be unique in this regard, though: They likely have the least patient fan base in the NBA. They feel entitled to win now, and next year, and the year after. Me? As long as they’re working toward contending, I’m good.


    Because the Lakers are the only team in the NBA that actually matters.

    Dude, Paula Abdul is no longer a cheerleader, Jack Nicholson and Diane Cannon no longer have their butts in the Forum….

    Dr Buss is dead and so are the Lakers.. they won’t even make the 8th seed this year……

    without searching DUCK DUCK GO, Does anyone even know the name of the current Laker Head Coach? I’ll give you a clue, he was a Warrior assistant and his dad won a ring as a back up center vs Paula Abdul;’s showtime team……

    BTW I do hope the Lakers make the 8th seed so the Warriors can sweep them…….. these are not Chris Mullens nor Sleepy Floyd’s Warrior teams….

    Listen. Your bitterness and envy have left your soul a mere cinder. I see it all the time.

    You know, deep in that ashpit of a heart, that you will not live to see the Warriors hang their 16th Championship banner in the rafters – as I have done with the Lakers.


    Listen. Your bitterness and envy have left your soul a mere cinder. I see it all the time.

    years ago, right before Kobe’s and Shaq’s divorce, I went on an anti Laker tirade oh the herd board .. Unglate (RIP) replied, “let me guess,……. you ‘re either a bitter Warriors or Kings fan….which one? ”

    truth be told when the NBA only marketed two teams in the 80’s, I rooted against Boston and cheered for Kurt Rambis…..

    BTW The Lakers will be stuck at 16 for a very long time and experience a longer drought than the Dodgers…….


    Because the Lakers are the only team in the NBA that actually matters.

    Dude, Paula Abdul is no longer a cheerleader, Jack Nicholson and Diane Cannon no longer have their butts in the Forum….

    Dr Buss is dead and so are the Lakers.. they won’t even make the 8th seed this year……

    without searching DUCK DUCK GO, Does anyone even know the name of the current Laker Head Coach? I’ll give you a clue, he was a Warrior assistant and his dad won a ring as a back up center vs Paula Abdul;’s showtime team……

    BTW I do hope the Lakers make the 8th seed so the Warriors can sweep them…….. these are not Chris Mullens nor Sleepy Floyd’s Warrior teams….

    Listen. Your bitterness and envy have left your soul a mere cinder. I see it all the time.

    You know, deep in that ashpit of a heart, that you will not live to see the Warriors hang their 16th Championship banner in the rafters – as I have done with the Lakers.

    I say this as a diehard Lakers’ fan, as already mentioned:

    Yes, they’ll likely be stuck in mediocrity, because of their “win now at all cost” mentality. For far too long, they’ve been drafting poorly when they do have an early pick, and trade too much away for aging veterans. Yes, they choose well late in the 1st and early 2nd, but they keep blowing lottery picks (Lonzo), or let them walk for nothing (Randle).

    It’s likely the fan-base is driving them to do this. That fan-base refuses to accept rebuilding phases, even when their necessity is beyond obvious.

    I want them to build the team with a young core, and find key vets to balance this out. How much longer does LeBron even want to play, much less with his current level of excellence? While he is supposedly crazy good about keeping in shape, Father Time never loses, especially in a sport like basketball.

    I would, however, sell the farm for one player: Giannis Antetokounmpo. He’s just 24, and he’s getting better all the time.

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