Kushner offers immigration visas to rich Chinese if they invest in his business

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  • #68463
    Avatar photonittany ram

    Meanwhile, Syrian refugees continue to die while being denied permission to enter the US

    Link: http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/332196-kushner-family-pitches-wealthy-chinese-on-investor-visas

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by Avatar photonittany ram.
    PA Ram

    We heard that there are rumors that he is the most likely to be impeached president in American history. That’s why I doubt this project.”

    Not so sure about that. The Republicans have gone all-in on Trump. If he goes down–they go down. And they’re in charge.

    The most corrupt administration in history will only get stronger and more brazen

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick

    Avatar photoZooey

    We heard that there are rumors that he is the most likely to be impeached president in American history. That’s why I doubt this project.”

    Not so sure about that. The Republicans have gone all-in on Trump. If he goes down–they go down. And they’re in charge.

    The most corrupt administration in history will only get stronger and more brazen

    I think they are going to go down anyway. Historically, when a party has controlled the whole government, they have lost an average of 35 house seats in the midterms. That would flip if to the democrats, and I think we will see the strongest “get out the vote” push by the left ever.

    So what I see happening is what you say…Republicans all in on Trump…until they see the head-on collision is unavoidable, and then they are going to want to bail. So in the districts where supporting Trump is going to be political death, there will be some willingness to sacrifice him for self-interest. Given Trump’s completely erratic behavior, it is inevitable, I think, that there will eventually be a confluence of self-interest aligned with a clear, safe shot at some buffoonery of his.

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