Krugman on Trump voters

Recent Forum Topics Forums The Public House Krugman on Trump voters

  • This topic has 31 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by bnw.
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  • #53280


    The central pillars of socialism are the following:

    1. The people own the means of production. Not private interests, political parties or dictators. The people. Directly. The means of production are commonly held by right. By civil right.

    2. Society is fully democratized, including the economy.

    3. Workers and their rights are paramount.

    In Germany, there was no democracy, the economy was privately held, and Hitler slaughtered Labor activists and abolished all labor unions. He employed slave labor. It was the opposite of actual socialism. Anyone who believes that the creators of the Big Lie were actually “socialist” are . . . . to be all too generous, gullible beyond belief.


    I’m pumped that the Rams won. So, there is that.

    That said, if you can admit you’re wrong about the Nazis, I’ll admit that it would have been better if the editing function hadn’t run out before I could change “of” to “if”. I can admit that it would have been better to separate “Trump has done” from “has said” to make it easier for the supremely defensive to see the obvious.

    As in, Trump’s illegal business dealings would have resulted in jail sentences long ago, if he weren’t a rich shhht. No one has said or implied that he should go to jail for what he’s said.

    So, again, will you admit that Nazis and fascists were right wing? We can move on from there.

    That doesn’t seem like much of an admission of a mistake to me. Its actually a passive aggressive snipe at me. If that is how you have to be so be it.

    I admit my mistake in lumping Hitler in with leftists.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

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