JT on 920 AM

Recent Forum Topics Forums The Rams Huddle JT on 920 AM

  • This topic has 4 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by Avatar photowv.
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  • #18449
    Avatar photozn

    Jim Thomas
    Friday, February 13, 2015

    JT starts at about 1:43 in

    Avatar photonittany ram

    JT was asked if he thought Fisher would be fired if the Rams didn’t turn it around this year. He said something about Kroenke “going Walmart” in regards to Fisher with the implication being that Kroenke was too cheap to buy out the 7 million dollars remaining on his contract. But Kroenke isn’t really cheap – not when it comes to football at least. Don’t the Rams have the highest paid coaching staff in the league? Sounds like JT is letting some of his personal feelings about Kroenke mingle with his professional life.

    Avatar photozn

    Sounds like JT is letting some of his personal feelings about Kroenke mingle with his professional life

    Not sure what you mean here?

    Avatar photoZooey

    nittany ram wrote:
    Sounds like JT is letting some of his personal feelings about Kroenke mingle with his professional life

    Not sure what you mean here?

    I believe Nittany is suggesting that JT’s increasing disenchantment with Kroenke is coloring his analysis/opinions of Kroenke’s motives.

    In my reading between the lines of JT’s comments over the past year, I am seeing a guy whose Happiness Level is sliding downhill, and Kroenke is at the heart of it. There has been a note of resentment and even personal injury in JT’s tone about Kroenke’s refusal to interview over the past year, and the Happy Face he has put on about the possibility of transferring to a High School football beat should the Rams move is not a very convincing one. It looks here like JT has taken a cheap shot at Kroenke to paint him as being cheap when, as Nittany points out, all evidence is to the contrary.

    Avatar photowv

    J… Sounds like JT is letting some of his personal feelings about Kroenke mingle with his professional life.

    Oh yeah. Thats been going on with a lot of the local St.Louis reporters
    ever since the LA thing exploded.


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