John Oliver: public defenders

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  • #30881
    Avatar photowv

    Avatar photozn

    WV, tell us your response to that.

    Avatar photowv

    Well, every State has a little different system
    for handling and managing their poor people.
    In WV the public-defender’s case-loads are not as bad as
    as in other States. Essentially though, his points
    are accurate.

    He could have talked about Corporate-Capitalism though. The big
    elephant in the room. I mean, one of things i notice all the time is
    just who ISNT arrested. Cause of what ISNT illegal. Ya know.
    Its illegal steal bread or sleep under the bridge — but it aint
    illegal to frack the earth or blow up mountains for coal, etc, etc,
    blah blah blah, yadda, yadda, yadda, this land is your land,
    this land is my land…


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by Avatar photowv.
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