John Oliver: Medicare for All

Recent Forum Topics Forums The Public House John Oliver: Medicare for All

  • This topic has 10 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by Avatar photozn.
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    Pramila goes yard.

    Though I wish somebody would point out that the public option means that the private insurance industries will lower their rates and improve their coverage short term while they finance politicians to gut financing for the Public Option and wear it down to the point that Americans come to believe – permanently – that the government is no good at running health insurance. I mean…that is Plan B for them if they can’t stop M4A in its tracks. Removing private insurance gets rid of that pressure, and becomes much harder for industry sympathizers to erode M4A.

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    Though I wish somebody would point out that the public option means that the private insurance industries will lower their rates and improve their coverage short term while they finance politicians to gut financing for the Public Option and wear it down to the point that Americans come to believe – permanently – that the government is no good at running health insurance.

    More on this.

    Public option is more expensive than M4A:

    Multiple studies show Medicare for All would be cheaper than public option pushed by moderates
    Yale and Harvard researchers: Medicare for All reduces costs, while public option makes health care more expensive

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    Here’s What 22 Separate Studies Found: Medicare for All Would Cost Less Than the For-Profit Status Quo

    No matter how you design a single-payer public health insurance system, it would have lower overall health care costs, so long as for-profit private health insurers no longer exist to drive up health care costs.

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