John Oliver: Fashion

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  • #23373

    nittany ram

    Good thing we have John Oliver to fill the void that will be created when Jon Stewart retires.


    Good thing we have John Oliver to fill the void that will be created when Jon Stewart retires.

    Yeah, Oliver is the best
    these days. I cant believe
    the networks let him stay on the air.



    Oliver’s long segment is the best 12-15 minute segment NOT on Vice.

    Both are on HBO.

    Funny – John Oliver
    Straight – Vice

    I think they are equal in both content and value. I think John Oliver gets the edge because the wife can’t watch Vice. It’s too intense. John Oliver can approach the same topic and hit it JUST AS HARD (like privacy, for example, he actually interviewed Edward Snowden) and because he used the Dick Pic example, we all got a huge laugh out of it and it created a huge family discussion (my 4 kids are all at least 15).

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

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